Marchimedes tries a thing...

Go ahead, make fun of my simple 22 year old drawings. I drew my signature on copy paper with a construction pencil, the original was 2" x 6" and it took me two(2) hours. I enjoy copying the Masters, it gets me into their skull. The next thing I think I'm gonna attempt is this...

moon 1.5.png

Other side of the moon. Tad daunting to me. But then I'll know the dark side of the moon like hardly any other.

Before you attempt to ridicule my drawings, show me yours! If you do well I'll sing your praises. horse thread is a mutha fu(ka, ain't it?

Where was I? Who wants to raise an obelisk?
I'm just going, no way am I gonna take the time to read this old $h!t. I'm quite sure I have other images hither and you that add to this mess and I can't promise ya'll I'll look for them but so far I say I am successfully moving and stacking blocks into a pile. By all means, geniuses, point out a flaw! I backed up my images a few weeks ago to another flash drive. Just shy of 1,600 images. 22 years now I been gettin after this. I could start a thread upstairs of just my best, salient political images, that $h!t would be funny and scathing and Coyote would send that thread to the funny room within 12 hours. I'm fine with that. Badge of honor. Means I won. I don't save all my rants but I remember the intent of all of them. Any political issue I choose to address I dominate. Right now I can go upstairs and find a BS OP and tear it asunder. Then I can go to the OP and get a half of sentence into and go nuts. Then nuts for the rest of the OP. Then a thing I like to do is take that thread post by post and kick teeth in and as I'm a fast typer and I know my bidness I'll take the entire thread apart, post by post until I'm done with the entire thread then I'm called a thread derailer, a usurper of the peace. I get it, this site is about political debate, if I show up debate is over, the thread is over. Not good for bidness. Hence The Mighty horse thread in The Flame Zone. Of course I could tone it all down and manage to barely survive and barely dominate upstairs with my text and everyone would go "Marchimedes lost a ball" and I'd bring it back so lather, rinse repeat cause I have the biggest balls of them all. Ya'll wish you had one of Marchimedes' balls. But then none of that raises an obelsik.






Man, I was all in on this back then. Still am but I solved the mystery.


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Did I miss one? Is there anything that does not make cents? It was so much work clicking. Imagine all the original work. I'm sure I've more I didn't find tonight. I'm sure I have way more I haven't drawn. I'm sure I can answer anything with a drawing. Do I look like I'm afeared of any question on the subject on how to build a pyramid? Go ahead and tell me I don't have this nailed soup to nuts. It's very simple, I used to move safes. Rollers. Levers. Fulcrums. Physics. Archimedes is said to have said "give me a lever long enough, a fulcrum strong enough and I can move the world." My name is Mark. My screen name is Marchimedes. Get it? Blue collar Joes read all that and go "that makes sense" and move along. PhD's that have made their nut pondering all this rail again me. The History Cannel makes me nuts. Do you see me on the History channel? I solved this twenty(20) years ago and moved along. I am to be suppressed as I end the Golden Goose. My lowly, unpapered azz is not going to bust this particular bank. I know my place, the experts on this subject very well know who I am. I used to think in my naivety that I could grass roots this $h!t, that I could make a difference, after all, well, you just read it, aliens, floating rocks, Elvis from the Mothership, voodoo, magnetism, unrealized technology, eh, I'm going on.
Am I done for now, Mr. Smit? You've some reading to do.

Oh my goodness, I thought I was in the horse thread and I did all that. That sucks.
I would like to thank the Academy...

We go back a long time, bro, but I don't remember Sam being your avatar. I have Sam among my 1,600+ saved images,...

kenison 1.1.png

My files tell me I crafted that one 2014. That's what I show when a liberal doesn't answer one of my direct questions. Such as...

"What should the highest federal income rate be and at what income should it start at?"

I've been asking that question for over twenty(20) years and have had only had two(2) answers...

"It's a trap."




I know, I'm going on. But I love Sam, I use Sam. Ah, history, eh?
Pretty sure I didn't start this thread in political satire. Means one of my threads got moved, again, to wherever you fu(k mods desire.

Fu(k you azzholes.

Hide me, move me, why don't you fu(ks just grow the balls to ban me?

I'm still in the flame zone with my horse thread. I can tone it down and get by with some vanilla $h!t and make it pass muster upstairs but then it wouldn't be a Marchimedes thread. Coyote, you fear me. You fu(kin liberal, any issue, any time, in front of God and Country.

You know where.
We go back a long time, bro, but I don't remember Sam being your avatar. I have Sam among my 1,600+ saved images,...

View attachment 945603

My files tell me I crafted that one 2014. That's what I show when a liberal doesn't answer one of my direct questions. Such as...

"What should the highest federal income rate be and at what income should it start at?"

I've been asking that question for over twenty(20) years and have had only had two(2) answers...

"It's a trap."




I know, I'm going on. But I love Sam, I use Sam. Ah, history, eh?
When I first started, I went under the user name of Loinboy and my avatar was a muscular Uncle Sam rolling up his sleeves getting ready to throw down.

Then I changed it to Billo Really with Sam as my avatar. I've had that ever since.

As far as your question, I would like to see a flat tax rate of 25% with no exceptions across the board. In reality, I don't want anyone paying a less tax rate than me.

Companies like GE and Amazon make me vomit! How does a billion dollar a year company pay no tax? That is disgusting.

On a more somber note, I have a friend who just lost his adult son. He told me the pain he is suffering now is so great it is beyond words and he prefers not to talk about that with anyone. When he told me that, I thought of you.
When I first started, I went under the user name of Loinboy and my avatar was a muscular Uncle Sam rolling up his sleeves getting ready to throw down.

Then I changed it to Billo Really with Sam as my avatar. I've had that ever since.

We are so old. Never saw Lionboy but the rest?

As far as your question, I would like to see a flat tax rate of 25% with no exceptions across the board. In reality, I don't want anyone paying a less tax rate than me.

So you are two(2) points above where I want it.

Companies like GE and Amazon make me vomit! How does a billion dollar a year company pay no tax?

Lobbyist cash?

On a more somber note, I have a friend who just lost his adult son. He told me the pain he is suffering now is so great it is beyond words and he prefers not to talk about that with anyone. When he told me that, I thought of you.

You know me, I talked about it in front of God and Country, I'm sure that helped. Of course I didn't miss a beat with beating up on the likes of you and telling jokes but everybody deals with grief in their own way. Not long ago I was walking in a store and coming the other way was Dad and his son holding hands and I was wearing my Batman shirt and son goes "Batman" and I in my best Batman voice go "I'm Batman" and the smile on his face. I shut the weeping down. You can tell your bro my unsolicited advice is that it will never get better, he'll just get better at dealing with it. Took me seven years to be able to shut it down at will.

Fu(k me now I have to beat someone up or tell some jokes.

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