Marchimedes tries a thing...

hypmo 1.1.png


iguana 1.2.png

jaws 1.1.jpg

That counts as two(2.)
every single left wing fu(k.

I dominate political satire.

Go ahead, invite Bill Maher and Jon Stewart here and see what that gets them. I write my own jokes...

Maybe I was in "H" I don't care.
every single left wing fu(k.

I dominate political satire.

Go ahead, invite Bill Maher and Jon Stewart here and see what that gets them. I write my own jokes...

Maybe I was in "H" I don't care.
Nah, you spam political satire and your jokes suck.. ok, you're drunk, that probably doesn't help but it doesn't count as an excuse, Bill Maher and Jon Stewart suck too but they are still better than you.. even when you're sober..


Moe 1.3.png

monica 1.4.jpg

I know I'm dropping these without splaining them but then if you have a problem putting them into context figure out how to find when I drew them and remember the times of the day. This next one, however was when black NASCAR driver Bubba Watson complained that his door pull down was a noose. What the drive-by media failed to splain was that every NASCAR driver's door pull down was a noose therefor a meme...

And the Monica one is whenever a liberal gets close to the truth. The first one will get me dead in 20+ nations or so. But then you are so brave when you announce a new pronoun.

neese 1.1.png

netenyahu 1.4.png

I believe I've showed an amended image like that only it's SlowJoeBiden instead of Slowbama, the half-breed stuttering muslim. At a site long ago when I first showed that image some chick goes "I knew you were a racist." I dug in and apparently if you show or mention a Monkey anywhere close to a black man that is automatically racist. Kinda works for black and white Tarzan movies, maybe it goes back to Sambo, I can see that, 50 years ago. But if I were to show an image of Trump thinking about cymbal banging Monkey you liberals would howl. My personal take is that cymbal banging Monkey is always funny. But then to me the confederate flag means Lynyrd Skynyrd. I was born 1963, we are a product of the times of our youth. 30 years from now society is gonna look at today's cancel culture like today's medical establishment looks at lobotomies. Eh, I'm going on and I know for sure this website has a VERY short attention span. Sorry, I'll try to get back to posting stupid memes of my own creation, remember, I understand I fail often, but then now and again I get hold of one. Nuttin ventured, nuttin gained. I say by the time I get to "Z" I'll have had posted fifty(50) good ones with hundreds of fails. More than you fu(ks have tried.

I'm in the "M"s. Er, "N"s I guess. Exactly halfway (?) except for the dreaded "T"s. One more...

new mexico 1.1.png

Who remembers who Kermit is?
Nah, you spam political satire

Well, that depends on the definition of spam.

In my cold, dark heart I think my political satire images are jokes. I can't define "satire" or "spam." You asked me the other day in my thread to insult you, for seconds I fretted, for some reason my mind went to "when God handed out..." jokes and a second later I came up with..

"When God was handing out giant penises you bent over."

It just came to me and that $h!t is funny. I can't explain how it happens except that is me. You asked me for an insult and I came up with one. I can't sit down and write a joke to save my life. But I can sit down and write about sumpin, anything and a joke will happen.

"Chris Cristie was playing hide and seek and hid behind a blimp. "It" said, "I can still see you."

That $h!t is funny.

I think I have to be writing about sumpin I care about, my creative juices are flowing, not thinking about a joke and suddenly I have a joke. I'm funny all day long. I make jokes about my work, my co-workers and customers laugh out loud all day long. But I can't sit down and write a joke.

What thread am I in?

Oh, this thread and it's Jamie.

and your jokes suck..

That seems harsh.

ok, you're drunk,

I've said a hundred times that if I'm at this site I been drinking.

that probably doesn't help but it doesn't count as an excuse,

When do I say my drinkin is an excuse for anything?

I'm drinking right now.

Bill Maher and Jon Stewart suck too

They su(k at tying actual politics to a joke. The do non-sequitur.
Otherwise their jokes are balls, even when they don't make political sense.

but they are still better than you..

Well fu(k me then. My dumb azz now has to go toe to toe again national, professional joke tellers.

I just had a fat joke, went sumpin like "That's more of a stretch than Chris Cristie trying to put on a sock,"

I pound 2x4's together for a living.

Here's a joke I wrote...

Chris Christie was playing hide and seek and hid behind a blimp. "It" said "I can still see you."

Another fat joke...

"The two(2) most bored people in the world are Chris Cristi and the person on the other end of the teeter taughter.

even when you're sober..

Okay. I just told you three(3) of my own jokes. I wrote them. Know who thinks my jokes are funny? Me. Also I get a l lot of drunk fu(ks that think I'm funny.

Maybe tomorrow I'll get a bunch of notifications with the icon "funny."

I don't care but I keep gettin the "funny" icon. I like math. I tell jokes. It's so odd, I don't consider myself a comedian. Oh wait, I have a satire thread.
View attachment 967515

View attachment 967516

I know I'm dropping these without splaining them but then if you have a problem putting them into context figure out how to find when I drew them and remember the times of the day. This next one, however was when black NASCAR driver Bubba Watson complained that his door pull down was a noose. What the drive-by media failed to splain was that every NASCAR driver's door pull down was a noose therefor a meme...

And the Monica one is whenever a liberal gets close to the truth. The first one will get me dead in 20+ nations or so. But then you are so brave when you announce a new pronoun.

View attachment 967518

View attachment 967525

I believe I've showed an amended image like that only it's SlowJoeBiden instead of Slowbama, the half-breed stuttering muslim. At a site long ago when I first showed that image some chick goes "I knew you were a racist." I dug in and apparently if you show or mention a Monkey anywhere close to a black man that is automatically racist. Kinda works for black and white Tarzan movies, maybe it goes back to Sambo, I can see that, 50 years ago. But if I were to show an image of Trump thinking about cymbal banging Monkey you liberals would howl. My personal take is that cymbal banging Monkey is always funny. But then to me the confederate flag means Lynyrd Skynyrd. I was born 1963, we are a product of the times of our youth. 30 years from now society is gonna look at today's cancel culture like today's medical establishment looks at lobotomies. Eh, I'm going on and I know for sure this website has a VERY short attention span. Sorry, I'll try to get back to posting stupid memes of my own creation, remember, I understand I fail often, but then now and again I get hold of one. Nuttin ventured, nuttin gained. I say by the time I get to "Z" I'll have had posted fifty(50) good ones with hundreds of fails. More than you fu(ks have tried.

I'm in the "M"s. Er, "N"s I guess. Exactly halfway (?) except for the dreaded "T"s. One more...

View attachment 967544
Who remembers who Kermit is?
I'm in the "N's" but I just drew this one up...

bumper sticker...

Trump 1.5.png

I understand I'm drunk and insufferable but then imagine if I showed up here sober with my wits about me?

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