Marchimedes tries a thing...

Sorry, that's not satire but sorry again as I scrolled too fast and ran into an 'H...'

hillbillies 1.3.png

Check the date on that gem. 2015.That's been funny for a long time.

Imagine how many good ones I scrolled by accident.
The fu(k then. While I'm online no one else tops the Political Satire thread.

Also, is any one that posts in this thread submitting their own political satire? How does someone posting someone else's crap get to be top of this sub-forum? Or in it? There should be a rule. It'll be a long time before I run outta my own stuff as I'm always crafting new stuff. And then if I ever get close to that day I'll just put the hammer down and increase the pressure.

Where was I? 'E's? 'F's? Lemme go dig for sumpin good in that area... or, lemme go to the 'T's for teacher. My normal screen name. There's a lot there.

Nope, ran into this one on the way...

stewie 1.2.png

That's satire, correct?


This is now my sub-forum. What you fu(ks don't want me to do is start going through the other threads in this sub-forum. My first question is gonna be...

"Was it you that wrote/crafted that?"

So immediately most of this sub-forum has no meaning. All of us can all day long show sumpin someone else wroted. I don't come to this site to see sumpin that someone else wroted. I can find that at not this site. I desire to read what you fu(ks wroted. I'm a garden variety fu(k just like the rest of you. I'm a Blue Collor Joe. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I have Zero desire to read you fu(ks posting what Morning Joe said like you've made a mutha-fu(kin point. Also, on my worst day I can whup anything Morning Joe said on his best day.

Yea, that so-called clever crap the TV and internet does all day long with that crap? Not so clever when I do it, is it? I just happened to remember sumpin. I've gone on too long, time to pay the bill. Sumpin random...

That's satire.

It makes a killer political point in a single image with humor. No, really, every single thing you liberal fu(ks have been trying to say about the so-called "insurrection" I just ended with a single image. That's how stupid you are.

I can do this $h!t for years.

I have a normal job. I knew years ago I could make a youtube channel or podcast and dominate. Bank. I'm not that guy. I desire grass roots and not much more. All I really desire is to shut every single mutha fu(kin liberal at this site up. That's all. So get used to ignoring me. Thank your lucky stars I'm not a fame seeking azzhole. Oh my, that was all very arrogant.

probably showed this on before but it's one of my favorites...
Defiantly not satire.

Before SlowJoeBiden in Afghanistan it was this...

arab woman voting 1.1.png

after SlowJoeBiden it's back to this...

arab women 1.1.png

and you liberal fu(ks call yourselves feminists.

Come on you fu(kin azzhole liberals, come get me, come defend that $h!t you puke hypocrites. I think more than anything that makes me hate you liberals with such a vengeance that I shall fu(k up your web site.
So tonight I show up at this Dog and Pony show ran by lefties with zero agenda. I haven't been to The Mighty horse Thread to throw down a killer log-on post, I haven't been thinkin, the only reason I'm here is cause I been drinkin. Which would be my normal reason. I shall now attempt to prosecute my usual, recent domination of this sub-forum without my normal arrogant, troll like behavior. Vegas over/under odds until I fail at that one are in the single digits. Last I checked I was in the 'E's. That would be five

count 1.5.png

letters into the alphabet. Gen Z goes "WTF?"

I believe I was in the 'E's of my massive library. And then who the fu(k has a massive library of salient political satire images? Professional political cartoonists. And me, a guy who pounds 2x4's together for a living. So, I'm outta my league. Yet despite all my failures I venture on. So, I'm into the 'E's but I say I still have and easy, really good (well, maybe adequate) 365 political satire images I can pester this site with. By random chance I can do one a day for a friggin year and be on top of this sub-forum for a damn year, for a while once the day. That is if I think nuttin new up. What is the greatest number of images a bloke can submit in a single post? Bet none of you know that. Bet I can find that number out right friggin now. I bet the under, I win. Eh, I go on, at some point there has to be political satire. Might be good, might be medium, I won't post sub-par crap...

exxon 1.1.png

That's Exxon/Mobiles or whoever's back in the day financial statement that proves they paid plenty of taxes. Who the fu(k saves $h!t like that? I know, not satire but I get to slip one in now and again. Scrolling...

anderson 1.2.png

Hands down one of the sexiest images ever. I say. So I attached myself to it. Anybody of whatever sexual persuasion gets to do the same thing. I don't care. Whup me! Ah. We are into 'F' now. Not directly satire but an inroad as to what I think of myself...

family tree 1.1.png

Here's satire. Bet 99% of you don't get this...

fangate 1.1.png

I say that's a log-on post. There's no rule that says my log on post has to be done in The Mighty horse Thread.
What? Don't get that?


My first car when I was 17...


Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, Texas. Chick magnet. Back in the day. FIAT. Fix It Again Tony. If I could have that car again knowing what I know about mechanics now... my tool box was so tiny then. Still not satire...

My flag...

flag 1.1.png

knowing me that's kinda satire.

No way most of ya'll will get this. It was a while ago but killer satire...

fish 1.1.jpg

And suddenly SlowJoeBiden is cracking down on the border...


Gotta say, this site is a tuff nut to crack. Cause admin and ALL the mods, best I can see are ALL liberals. Then stands to reason the most of the rest of ya'll. Like Uncle Ted says...

a target rich environment.
Remember when I told ya'll the other day that I have buku satire in my image bank but I still get to make up crap day in and day out and that it might be that, "Mantis, look out." The second SlowJoeBiden announced that he was gonna crack down on the border that came to me. Immediately I had that joke. Welcome to my mind. I find myself in the satire sub-forum and I find the satire sub-forum wanting. Eh.
Okay, then, just a glitch, see, I did a post or two(2) and nuttin.


Quite sure I done this one before but I'm in the "F.s" so...



  • flow chart 1.3.png
    flow chart 1.3.png
    5 KB · Views: 1
Come and get it." - Lee Marvin in 'Hell in the Pacific.'


Crafted 10/15/23...

gaza 1.1.png

Not so much satire, just my take on that day.

The "F"s didn't pan out far as satire goes but damn 'flowchart' is a blockbuster.

If one considers what the liberal drive-by media does say in and day out...

gearbols 1.1.png

Just pointing carp out, still, not satire.

ginsburg 1.1.png

gollum 1.1.png

Just a dig on James, not satire.

Reply to anything SlowJoeBiden says...

gibberish 1.1.png

grave 1.2.jpg

Sorry, that didn't exactly kill it but I fear running outta room.
Apt, salient, of the times, witty, humorous, scathing, irrefutable, these would be some of the adjectives of what a single truly satirical image should be. I meet these self imposed requirements now and again. I fail most the time. Nuttin ventured, nuttin gained. But I try, maybe I learn, maybe I don't. Like I said, I have over 1,600 images in my library of liberal horrors. Most of them need an easy paragraph set up so we don't see those. I say by the time I get to "z" I'll have posted fifty(50) gems. Please to give me this in this 'political satire' sub-forum, this crap is mine.

And without further ado, more crap...
homeless 1.4.png

Now that is satire.

I have redeemed my idiot self. We are in the "H"s. The "T"s are gonna be awesome.


I'm gonna take a break, do a couple of shots, choke a smoke and probably come back with sumpin horrible.


This interweb political debate stuff is a drunken, weekend hobby of mine. Imagine what I accomplish the other days when I'm sober? I'm a Blue collar Joe, I have more tools that God. Today I set two(2) blank, six panel doors in a single day. That's good even for me. Lot's of measuring and chiseling and door tricks and barely push the doors when installed with a single finger and they go "click." Of course I can also trouble shoot your Mercedes and come WAY under the dealer's price. I can also build a fu(kin pyramid and make it look easy. Who wants that link?

My point?

You people are stupid.

Maybe when I come back to this thread I'll prove that further.
I can go through this sub-forum all day long.

None of you wrote Jack $h!t.

Puzzies, malcontents, usurpers, stealers, thieves and so on.

Write your own $h!t!

I get it, all fear replying to me. I'm well used to that. I understand admin and most all the mods are fu(k azz, censoring liberals. None of those fu(ks have my game. Good news is that cents they fu(ked up and put me here they been lettin me be. I should take advantage of this, and I have.
Or maybe I should camp out here...

There's a thing these last few years. Social media doesn't like anyone dominating. Socail media likes "here's a picture of what I'm having for dinner." I been at this cents 2002, I've watched it change. No one is gonna goto

Damn so much of what I do is too horrible for upstairs consumption. How about this? Tiny set up...

every single demographic shall not be made fun of, except white men...

homer 1.1.png

That counts as satire. I could bolt now and leave this at the top of the page.

Have we just met?

Oh no, he's not gonna go there...

horse racing 1.1.png

Oh no, two(2) in a row, can he make it three(3)...?

It's too easy but I crafted it and it's in my library of liberal horrors so...

hair smell 1.1.png

Somehow I missed that one going alphabetically but I rallied my troops and they came up with that.

Maybe one more?

Okay, this one needs some set up...

biden 1.5.png

border 1.2.png

hydra 1.4.png

Oh my.
Again, yes, these are all my own from over the years. Again, I might come up with another one in the next few seconds or tomorrow. All you have to do is stop me from thinking. "H"s, eh? Gettin towards the middle. Lots of "T"s though as my normal screen name is teacher. There's SO many of them. I assume by now that you fu(k liberals don't even read this thread anymore cause you gots mutha fu(kin nuttin. I'd rather your view before you run away screaming but then I understand ya'll have to pretend I don't exist. I don't get that. I watch all the left-wing comics and give them their due when they get ahold of a good one. Wait till I get to "U" cause I have another killer 'hold my beer' meme there. It's an odd site, this, so many would rather pretend it ain't happening. The most ya'll want from the other side is "racist" or "woke" and more than that ya'll can't deal with. America has dumbed itself down to the middle, to mediocrity. I started killing it 2002 and have only gotten better. I've watched ya'll grow weakerer while I grow more betterer. Fu(k the dumb $h!t watch the beginning of the movie "Idiocracy."

This thread is far from over.

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