Marchimedes tries a thing...

I say SlowJoeBiden is lettin all in to make this nation a fu(k fest so he can declare an emergency,
I know, I used to do this a long time ago and fu(ked ya'll up back then. If ya'll really know your politics start typing.
Try this, I'm right here, right now, just posted that get busy, I'll reply instantly.
ya, know. this could be a show, a last "glorious victory" that everybody can use to justify peace talks .

maybe a simple plan like that might require a little more coordination to assure minimal damage with max domestic propaganda value?

and maybe this entire thing is nettenyahu and/or bin salmen and most likely putin influencing american politics.

the certain thing is that we are not and would not "abandon israel." the way that some traitors would abandon nato and ukraine or surrender to the taliban.
What should the highest tax rate be and at what dollar amount should it start at?
The Only Taxes Will Be on Inheritance

These spoiled brats are set up halfway to the finish line. So we get low people in high places. Being misled is a Tomahawk missile.

Anyone who would rather pay taxes than abolish hereditary power hates his own Daddy for not getting rich and spoiling him. We have become a very immature and unmanly nation.
ya, know. this could be a show, a last "glorious victory" that everybody can use to justify peace talks .

maybe a simple plan like that might require a little more coordination to assure minimal damage with max domestic propaganda value?

and maybe this entire thing is nettenyahu and/or bin salmen and most likely putin influencing american politics.

the certain thing is that we are not and would not "abandon israel." the way that some traitors would abandon nato and ukraine or surrender to the taliban.

I understood nuttin of that.
Who's game?


Want to play jeopardy?

It's a bit late for dinner, did your mother get up early and made you breakfast?


Nah, I moved. I did stay with Dear ol Mom for a bit but she got tired of me not doing what she told me to do and I got tired of not doing it. She lives around the corner, as does my Dear Aunt. Don't worry, they both show up now and again to tell me how to live my life. "You shouldn't drink."

I've been drinking. Thay might be correct cause when I drink $h!t like this happens...

Here's to you, Mr. Smit, if it weren't for you I wouldn't be posting this. This site does not deserve it. I thought this up and drew most of it up 2002 when I first ventured onto the interweb and before I really got hold of MS Paint. All this has been viewed hither and you round the net at least 2 million times with nary the reasonable refutation. I'm a blue collar Joe that used to move safes and such with rollers and levers and such so one thing led to another. I've so many files all over my PC I've never taken the time to make it all "so-called" presentable. The fu(k do I care? It all works. I'm pretty sure all the best and brightest of the world's pyramid construction theorists know this cause back in the day I would pester them and they would e-mail me with insults but never a single refutation of what's to come. Jullian Richards once called me "safe moving boy." Papered men hate me. I've so many stories. So, lemme post this post and then without further ado, how to build a pyramid, or, as I call my theory, twiwdi (The Way I Would Do It.)
Who believed there would not be further ado? I kid, here's an old image...


That's supposed to be big. Hang on...
Sorry. Now I'm just gonna post $h!t...



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That's a bit of reading and thinking.

I don't think I've missed one so far but even if I have I'm gettin a little heavy on the I know what the fu(k I'm doing here. This $h!t is solid, morons. Find a flaw in the moving and stacking of blocks. I've more. A short interlude...

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