Marchimedes tries a thing...

Reagan 1.1.png

reagan map 1.1.png
So, this is my thread. I guess I'm in the "P.s" This thread is about shuttin liberals the fu(k up. With an image, then an image, then an image...

I'm well pleased with myself.

I can do it with paragraphs, and I do, but like they say "a picture is worth a thousand words." I started in on the interweb 2002, I invented this $h!t and the referencing of youfaces, and self made images also. No doubt someone else would go there but I was first. Before me there was just text. Hellofa claim, correct? Somebody had to be first. Turns out it was me.

You're welcome.
I been lookin around. So far I hate every body besides me that has posted in this sub-forum.

Ya'll post other people's $h!t like you done sumpin.
My turn...

How about the color palate of my last one?

refresh 1.1.png

That's how I get my many views.

powers 1.1.png

Where did she go? I was smitten with her.

queers 1.1.png

Funniest thing ever.

rice 1.1.jpg


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