What dramatic sea level rise could do

The Sixth Mass Extinction is already underway.

Fool, we already had a sixth mass extinction when the dinosaurs died at the KPg boundary. If there is one now, it would be the seventh. And that is not counting other extinction events, then we are at our fifteenth.

All this proves is that extinctions are a regular event of the Earth going back 2 billion years and each time was necessary for life to regroup and improve itself and come back as a new variation, rather than something to be feared as some kind of forever terminal event.
Fool, we already had a sixth mass extinction when the dinosaurs died at the KPg boundary. If there is one now, it would be the seventh. And that is not counting other extinction events, then we are at our fifteenth.

All this proves is that extinctions are a regular event of the Earth going back 2 billion years and each time was necessary for life to regroup and improve itself and come back as a new variation, rather than something to be feared as some kind of forever terminal event.

There have been five mass extinctions in Earth’s history​

What is mass extinction and are we facing a sixth one?​

The 5 mass extinction events that shaped the history of Earth — and the 6th that's happening now​

For us, I meant the planet.

As for humans and the co2, I ain't interested. As co2 increases, humans and animals evolve and adapt, also when co2 falls.Too much emphasis on co2, the earth and the climate is a tad more complicated than only relying on co2.
Or go extinct.
In this case, and Again, this increase in CO2 happened 100+x faster than a natural one, and evolution doesn't happen that fast.
Ooops again.
And regardless we can't lose lose all that land and ie (2 billion extant residences for openers) in ie 100-150 years without mayhem.
Again also, This debate IS about the effect on Humans or no one would care.
And no one does care about the average Temp for the last 500 Million years.

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last Ice Age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times faster.

In addition, fossil fuels are the only source of carbon consistent with the isotopic fingerprint of the carbon present in today’s atmosphere. That analysis indicates it must be coming from terrestrial plant matter, and it must be very, very old. These and other lines of evidence leave no doubt that fossil fuels are the primary source of the carbon dioxide building up in Earth’s atmosphere."...""

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans? | NOAA Climate.gov

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Or go extinct.
In this case, and Again, this increase in CO2 happened 100+x faster than a natural one, and evolution doesn't happen that fast.
Ooops again.
And regardless we can't lose lose all that land and ie (2 billion extant residences for openers) in ie 100-150 years without mayhem.
Again also, This debate IS about the effect on Humans or no one would care.
And no one does care about the average Temp for the last 500 Million years.

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last Ice Age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times faster.

In addition, fossil fuels are the only source of carbon consistent with the isotopic fingerprint of the carbon present in today’s atmosphere. That analysis indicates it must be coming from terrestrial plant matter, and it must be very, very old. These and other lines of evidence leave no doubt that fossil fuels are the primary source of the carbon dioxide building up in Earth’s atmosphere."...""

How do we know the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is caused by humans? | NOAA Climate.gov

When the human race goes extinct, it goes extinct. Will it go extinct because co2 hits 2,400+ ppm, I doubt it. Will it go extinct from a large meteorite hitting the earth or from WWIII nuclear arsenal, I'd say yes.
When the human race goes extinct, it goes extinct. Will it go extinct because co2 hits 2,400+ ppm, I doubt it. Will it go extinct from a large meteorite hitting the earth or from WWIII nuclear arsenal, I'd say yes.
I am not claiming we will go extinct but I am saying CO2 increasing this fast is unprecedented for humans (and almost all currently living things).

And Again (So many of those necessary)
In this case, and Again, this increase in CO2 happened 100+x faster than a natural one, and evolution doesn't happen that fast.

And regardless, we can't lose lose all that land and ie (2 billion extant residences for openers) in ie 100-150 years without mayhem.
Again also, this debate IS about the effect on Humans or no one would care.

And no one does care about the average Temp for the last 500 Million years. Your post that started this sub-discussion that enabled you to discount 440-480 PPM as 'Low.'
(along with the usual no-ice poles 'dinosaurs'.... Again)

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last Ice Age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times faster.".."
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Well then, I think it would be fair, indeed Most informative, to look at earth the last time CO2 was >400 PPM since you imply it would still be low/innocuous.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2​

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the sun's force was about the same, the sea levels were 15 metres higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day..

So people will become giants as CO2 increases?
In this case, and Again, this increase in CO2 happened 100+x faster than a natural one, and evolution doesn't happen that fast.
you've never provided evidence of CO2 being bad. I bet if you put an eye dropper with black ink dropped in the ocean, you'd see the same ocean you see before that effort. You got nothing dummass.
Wow, in the effort to snuff out the truth of the obvious, that land within 600 miles of a pole turns on Earth Glacier Manufacturing System aka continent specific ice age....

They are now claiming Antarctica was not part of Pangea and did not originate from South Africa...

This is to deflect away from the truth that Co2 does nothing and the position of land explains everything.

Their fraud is obvious. Just re-wind the fault in the center of the Atlantic and Pangea forms with AA attached to South America and South Africa...


Wow, in the effort to snuff out the truth of the obvious, that land within 600 miles of a pole turns on Earth Glacier Manufacturing System aka continent specific ice age....

They are now claiming Antarctica was not part of Pangea and did not originate from South Africa...

This is to deflect away from the truth that Co2 does nothing and the position of land explains everything.

Their fraud is obvious. Just re-wind the fault in the center of the Atlantic and Pangea forms with AA attached to South America and South Africa...


All the world's scientists realize that it's Poster EMH that presents the greatest threat to their scam.
All the world's scientists realize that it's Poster EMH that presents the greatest threat to their scam.

TRUTH and INTELLECT represent the greatest threat to ALL FRAUD including the Co2 FRAUD.
I am not claiming we will go extinct but I am saying CO2 increasing this fast is unprecedented for humans (and almost all currently living things).

And Again (So many of those necessary)
In this case, and Again, this increase in CO2 happened 100+x faster than a natural one, and evolution doesn't happen that fast.

And regardless, we can't lose lose all that land and ie (2 billion extant residences for openers) in ie 100-150 years without mayhem.
Again also, this debate IS about the effect on Humans or no one would care.

And no one does care about the average Temp for the last 500 Million years. Your post that started this sub-discussion that enabled you to discount 440-480 PPM as 'Low.'
(along with the usual no-ice poles 'dinosaurs'.... Again)

""...The increase between the year 1800 and today is 70% larger than the increase that occurred when Earth climbed out of the last Ice Age between 17,500 and 11,500 years ago, and it occurred 100-200 times faster.".."
Excellent, it's unprecedented for humans. So carry on, humans just move to higher ground that little bit sooner than they anticapted in their existence.

Why can't it go fast? Why can't it go slow? I want it to go 200x faster, Kevin down the road wants it 300x faster. Co2 and everything else goes as fast as what's on the planet at that given time, and what it's up to. So if we get to 2,400 ppm co2, then we live in an atmosphere with 2,400 ppm co2 with the benefits it brings to farming etc..

If someone thinks I should suffer the hardship and misery of an EV and shoot a farting cow in the belief it's gonna save mankind a fraction of a second, then they're gonna be mighty disappointed.
Excellent, it's unprecedented for humans. So carry on, humans just move to higher ground that little bit sooner than they anticapted in their existence.

Why can't it go fast? Why can't it go slow? I want it to go 200x faster, Kevin down the road wants it 300x faster. Co2 and everything else goes as fast as what's on the planet at that given time, and what it's up to. So if we get to 2,400 ppm co2, then we live in an atmosphere with 2,400 ppm co2 with the benefits it brings to farming etc..

If someone thinks I should suffer the hardship and misery of an EV and shoot a farting cow in the belief it's gonna save mankind a fraction of a second, then they're gonna be mighty disappointed.
Before too much longer you won't have the option of a gasoline powered automobile. What you do then is up to you.

There have been five mass extinctions in Earth’s history​

SIX, Dummass. You're just another internet-misinformed armchair expert!
  1. First mass extinction occurred near the end of the Huronian Ice Age about 2.1 billion years ago and the decimation of anaerobic life.
  2. Second mass extinction was triggered by the onset of the Andean-Saharan Ice Age about 430 million years ago at the boundary between the Ordovician and Silurian Periods nearly wiping out all life in the ocean.
  3. The next occurred in the late Devonian about 375 million years ago again nearly wiping out all life in the ocean.
  4. Next came the fourth mass extinction near the end of the Permian, leading to the absolute low point in Earth's biodiversity in both land and sea about 250 million years ago near the end of the Karoo Ice Age as the age of fish ended giving rise to the age of amphibians.
  5. Fifth came at the end of the Triassic around 200 million years ago as amphibians took a major hit on land next leading to the rise of the age of the reptiles and the heyday of the dinosaurs.
  6. And finally, the SIXTH mass extinction is the most well-known of all at the K/Pg boundary about 66 million years ago when the amphibia and reptiles were nearly wiped out leading to the rise of the age of mammals.
And there were many lesser extinction events as well. So if a mass extinction were happening again today which I think is extremely premature, it would be our SEVENTH.
SIX, Dummass. You're just another internet-misinformed armchair expert!
  1. First mass extinction occurred near the end of the Huronian Ice Age about 2.1 billion years ago and the decimation of anaerobic life.
  2. Second mass extinction was triggered by the onset of the Andean-Saharan Ice Age about 430 million years ago at the boundary between the Ordovician and Silurian Periods nearly wiping out all life in the ocean.
  3. The next occurred in the late Devonian about 375 million years ago again nearly wiping out all life in the ocean.
  4. Next came the fourth mass extinction near the end of the Permian, leading to the absolute low point in Earth's biodiversity in both land and sea about 250 million years ago near the end of the Karoo Ice Age as the age of fish ended giving rise to the age of amphibians.
  5. Fifth came at the end of the Triassic around 200 million years ago as amphibians took a major hit on land next leading to the rise of the age of the reptiles and the heyday of the dinosaurs.
  6. And finally, the SIXTH mass extinction is the most well-known of all at the K/Pg boundary about 66 million years ago when the amphibia and reptiles were nearly wiped out leading to the rise of the age of mammals.
And there were many lesser extinction events as well. So if a mass extinction were happening again today which I think is extremely premature, it would be our SEVENTH.
I'm terribly sorry, but every expert I looked up said five and I believe them, I don't believe you. There have been lots of smaller die-offs, but the experts say the five listed in my three sources (and several other to which I did not link but could if you like) are the Big Five. The point really has no relevance anyway.
Hmm... If this study is correct and conditions from the Late Devonian were replicated now, remaining close to the water's edge could be fatal.

Only if you are a stupid liberal Enviro-Nazi who forgot how to walk! You think this will happen in a matter of seconds? My God, you are an idiot!
I'm terribly sorry, but every expert I looked up said five and I believe them, I don't believe you.

Maybe you just keep looking in all the wrong places, maybe the internet isn't so good a source of information, or maybe these people just aren't the experts you (and they) believe. In either regard, I dare you to prove a single item on my list wrong or inaccurate. My guess is that they miss or don't count the extinction 2.1 billion years ago during the Huronian having wiped out near all anaerobic life (the then predominant life on Earth) because they are simply going by a different standard.

You should take my list and do a little research on all of them , you will find them all quite factual.

Or maybe they are discounting the Cretaceous Extinction because it was caused by a combination of the Chicxulub impactor + the Deccan Traps.

Either way, there have been SIX mass extinctions.
Global sea level rise since 1898 has been 210mm or about 8.25 inches. That is very slightly more than one-fourth the width of one of the statue's eyes which are not visible in either photograph. And then, of course, there are the tides which range 5 feet at this location. Finding that I also came across this:
Tide measurements near the Statue of Liberty from 1855 to today show a 2.9mm rise in sea level every year. Tiny compared to the 5-foot range bet low & high tide, so you'd need photos (at the same point in the tidal cycle) to see a difference.

So, that's complete bullshit in every way it could be.

How many times do you have to be told facts before they'll stick in your craw? That rock has been moved. See: Plymouth Rock Location & History | Where Is Plymouth Rock? | Study.com.

Your source said that is still at the water's edge.

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