What dramatic sea level rise could do

Geologists examining shale deposits have determined the likely kill mechanism in several mass extinction events: a loss of oxygen and simultaneous build up of hydrogen sulfide. A rapid rise in sea level from Greenland and/or Antarctic ice sheet destabilization could produce similar conditions.
And then there's what it will never do, brah. :rolleyes-41:
Geological time happens over millions of years. Why do alarmists believe these events are gonna happen next week if we don't shoot farting cows by then? Why the drama?
The Sixth Mass Extinction is already underway. This will only be a new part to it. But don't worry your pretty little head about it. I'm sure humanity will get along fine living in the mountains eating lichen and feasting on slugs and maggots when they can find them.
The Sixth Mass Extinction is already underway.

Human overpopulation is causing fresh water shortages globally. Correctly diagnosing that could lead to

Desalination plants
Efforts to moderate population growth - specifically threatening to off any religious leader pushing the flock to have more than 2 kids per family, since religious idiocy is behind it

But there you and the Co2 fraud are, misdiagnosing the problem, and hence preventing any solution.

Funny thing is, a warmer Earth is a wetter Earth, and you unreal morons CANNOT EVEN GET THAT RIGHT
The Sixth Mass Extinction is already underway. This will only be a new part to it. But don't worry your pretty little head about it. I'm sure humanity will get along fine living in the mountains eating lichen and feasting on slugs and maggots when they can find them.
Of course I ain't bothered because it'll take eons. Co2 levels are very low compared to history/science. The dinosaurs flourished in co2 over 2,400ppm, so did the floral and fauna. The temps were some 5c higher, the sea levels were hundreds of metres higher.

So if the tampon is falling out of your marmite motorway, that's your problem. You will panic and live in fear till the day you die.

And what killed the dinosaurs, a meteorite.

And if humans die out in thousands or millions of years, then tough. We don't own the earth, we just rent it. And when humans die out, ice ages etc..will happen and a different animal will become dominant.

But if you think I'm gonna buy an EV and shoot a cow to save your tampon, then you're gonna be disappointed. And I bet you're doing fuck all with your carbon output, just like all the other self righteous alarmists on this board.


are you okay? holy fk, I think you lost it friend. I feel sorry you think water contours the ocean floor. hahaahhaahhahahaaha
Of course I ain't bothered because it'll take eons. Co2 levels are very low compared to history/science.
They are very high compared to all of human history and another 2,800,000 years beforehand. When CO2 reaches 500 ppm, it will be as high as it has been for 30 million years

The dinosaurs flourished in co2 over 2,400ppm, so did the floral and fauna. The temps were some 5c higher, the sea levels were hundreds of metres higher.
That is not true. The Dinosaur era began 245 million years ago and survived that 'brief' high spike at about 190 Ma and finally ended with the KT impact 66 million years ago. So they started with that brief, high spike and then spent the bulk of their existence going from 1000 ppm down to 400 ppm CO2. The beginning of that spike marked the End Permian Extinction Event. The End of it marked the End Triassic Extinction Event. So I wouldn't say anyone really "fluorished" during that 2,400 ppm period.
So if the tampon is falling out of your marmite motorway, that's your problem. You will panic and live in fear till the day you die.
I don't think a concern about the wellbeing of my grandchildren and theirs is fear. I think the absence of such concern on your part is far more damning.
And what killed the dinosaurs, a meteorite.
There have been 5 mass extinctions. "All of the 'Big Five' were caused by some combination of rapid and dramatic changes in climate, combined with significant changes in the composition of environments on land or in the ocean (such as ocean acidification or acid rain from intense volcanic activity)". There have been five mass extinctions in Earthâs history).
And if humans die out in thousands or millions of years, then tough.
I'm not talking about humans dying out, in a hundred years or a million. I'm talking about the next 1 - 3 centuries; about millions of humans dying that don't have to die; about billions of humans suffering that don't have to suffer.
We don't own the earth, we just rent it
And this is how you take care of rentals.
And when humans die out, ice ages etc..will happen and a different animal will become dominant.
And you don't care how soon that happens.
But if you think I'm gonna buy an EV and shoot a cow to save your tampon, then you're gonna be disappointed.
You don't have to buy an EV. You can buy a fuel cell car or a hydrogen ICE car or you can fucking walk for all I care. And I don't even want you to eat a cow.
And I bet you're doing fuck all with your carbon output, just like all the other self righteous alarmists on this board.
None of us have any idea what anyone else on this board is doing in real life. So you'll never know how your bet worked out.
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I don't think a concern about the wellbeing of my grandchildren and theirs is fear. I think the absence of such concern on your part is far more damning
What’s your specific concern? Why should your concern be mine? You have the same job as me? Why not?
They are very high compared to all of human history and another 2,800,000 years beforehand. When CO2 reaches 500 ppm, it will be as high as it has been for 30 million years
That's as far as I read your post, then I noticed it's all mulit-quoted up. As I've said to many others on this board, I don't do re-reading my posts in snippet form.

I am not interested in, "In human history", the length of time we've been here is insignificant compared to the age of the planet and in geological terms.

Co2 ppm has never fallen below 190ppm, get down to and below150ppm and life starts to die out. Co2 in the earth's history has even hit something like 8,000ppm. Being around 440ppm to 480ppm is still low, we're still in a co2 drought. As you know, there are three types of photosynthesis of plants, C3, C4 and CAM. C3 and CAM do better with heat, low co2, and drought. Approx 85% of all planet species are C3, which is perfect for planet growth. And as co2 increases, so does flora and fauna, so much so, the dinosaurs had an abundance of food going on. Dinosaurs flourished in co2 levels 5 times greater than today, so over 2,000ppm, this creates a warmer and humid atmosphere. They reckon some 5c warmer. And guess what, there's less ice at those temps, and guess again, sea levels rise.

So if you want me to cry and panic about co2 levels like you're freaking out over, it ain't gonna happen. Co2 is part of the climate, co2 is rising, and co2 is allowed to rise. There's no law in nature to say how fast or slowly co2 can rise or fall.
That's as far as I read your post, then I noticed it's all mulit-quoted up. As I've said to many others on this board, I don't do re-reading my posts in snippet form. I am not interested in, "In human history", the length of time we've been here is insignificant compared to the age of the planet and in geological terms. Co2 ppm has never fallen below 190ppm, get down to and below150ppm and life starts to die out. Co2 in the earth's history has even hit something like 8,000ppm. Being around 440ppm to 480ppm is still low, we're still in a co2 drought. .....

So if you want me to cry and panic about co2 levels like you're freaking out over, it ain't gonna happen. Co2 is part of the climate, co2 is rising, and co2 is allowed to rise. There's no law in nature to say how fast or slowly co2 can rise or fall.
Well then, I think it would be fair, indeed Most informative, to look at earth the last time CO2 was >400 PPM since you imply it would still be low/innocuous.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2​

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the sun's force was about the same, the sea levels were 15 metres higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day..

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Well then, I think it would be fair, indeed Most informative, to look at earth the last time CO2 was ≥400 PPM since you imply it would still be low/innocuous.

The Pliocene: The Last Time Earth had >400 ppm of Atmospheric CO2​

The last time carbon dioxide was so plentiful in our planet's atmosphere was in the Pliocene era, around 3 million years ago. Life on Earth was dominated by giant mammals; humans and chimps had shared their last common ancestor. Although the sun's force was about the same, the sea levels were 15 metres higher and Arctic summer temperatures were 14 degrees higher than the present day..

And sea levels and co2 will repeat this over the millions of years to come. Whether it's man, volcanoes, sun spots, some other organism etc.. it will continue.

Antarctica and the Sahara have both been temperate forests in their history, and they will be again in the future.

Basically, it all started out as global warming. Then as the debate went on and humans got into the debate of cold snaps, it morphed into climate change. So as the debate moved onto the earth's history, higher co2 is actually good for planets and so on, it's morphed into Speed of Co2 change.

And as ice melts, as sea rises, then some continents will rebound. I do believe Canada is still rising so I suggest Canada would be a good place for future generations to move to.

And check out the thread on solar panels. If you covered the Sahara in panels, it would kill the Amazon rain forest. So the question is, as more panels appear, what adverse effect is this having somewhere else on the planet.
And sea levels and co2 will repeat this over the millions of years to come. Whether it's man, volcanoes, sun spots, some other organism etc.. it will continue.

Antarctica and the Sahara have both been temperate forests in their history, and they will be again in the future.

Basically, it all started out as global warming. Then as the debate went on and humans got into the debate of cold snaps, it morphed into climate change. So as the debate moved onto the earth's history, higher co2 is actually good for planets and so on, it's morphed into Speed of Co2 change.

And as ice melts, as sea rises, then some continents will rebound. I do believe Canada is still rising so I suggest Canada would be a good place for future generations to move to.

And check out the thread on solar panels. If you covered the Sahara in panels, it would kill the Amazon rain forest. So the question is, as more panels appear, what adverse effect is this having somewhere else on the planet.
So no real reply.
We have reached 400PPM 100x faster than nature ever has.
It's just a matter of Lag time now. 50, 100, yrs, etc.
And that assumes we can even stay at 420. We may see 500PPM in 10-20 years.

As far as the Dinosaurs , WE have been through this before/You tried it before.
As the Dinosaurs roamed the planet, their flourished in co2 levels of 2,400ppm+, and the climate was 4 to 5 Deg Celsius higher than today. Then unfortunately, an asteroid wiped them out.

For some reason, 420ppm and the climate freaks we're going extinct in a matter of years.

And there were no Ice Poles, and ergo Sea Level would be 230 feet Higher.
Wiping out a Large part of our Cities/Coasts/Living Area.


So why do you feel the sky is falling?
So you have been refuted 100%...(as you can see we have been thru this before).
You just didn't learn or are trying old tricks.
so you Try the old 'Chicken Little' smear, '400 is low', dinosaurs, etc.

But I am merely citing actual CO2/Sea level history.
The most analogous numbers/time scale possible: the last time.
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So you have been refuted 100%...(as you can see we have been thru this before).
You just didn't learn or are trying old tricks.
so you Try the old 'Chicken Little' smear, '400 is low', dinosaurs, etc.

But I am merely citing actual CO2/Sea level history.
The most analogous numbers/time scale possible: the last time.
I am refuted on what?
I am refuted on what?
Pretty much every post starting with the first an I answered.
CC """...I am not interested in, "In human history", the length of time we've been here is insignificant compared to the age of the planet and in geological terms.
Co2 ppm has never fallen below 190ppm, get down to and below 150ppm and life starts to die out. Co2 in the earth's history has even hit something like 8,000ppm. Being around 440ppm to 480ppm is still low, we're still in a co2 drought."

I showed that CO2 that level was Not low.. for us.
And your whole premise about "Not interested in human history" is Ridiculous.
How livable the planet is for US IS THEE issue in this debate. (not, ie, the 200 Mil yr average!)

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Pretty much every post starting with the first an I answered.
CC """...I am not interested in, "In human history", the length of time we've been here is insignificant compared to the age of the planet and in geological terms.
Co2 ppm has never fallen below 190ppm, get down to and below 150ppm and life starts to die out. Co2 in the earth's history has even hit something like 8,000ppm. Being around 440ppm to 480ppm is still low, we're still in a co2 drought."

I showed that CO2 that level was Not low.. for us.
And your whole premise about "Not interested in human history" is Ridiculous.
How livable the planet is for US IS THEE issue in this debate. (not, ie, the 200 Mil yr average!)

For us, I meant the planet.

As for humans and the co2, I ain't interested. As co2 increases, humans and animals evolve and adapt, also when co2 falls. Too much emphasis on co2, the earth and the climate is a tad more complicated than only relying on co2.

What dramatic sea level rise could do​

Well, it certainly will bring fish and seafood closer to my plate

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