What dramatic sea level rise could do

Ice controls climate

Amount of ice is dictated by land near poles

Land moves

Show me a map of Earth with any land formation and I can tell you its climate.

Two polar oceans = no ice, extremely warm, huge storms, raining all the time, no direct sunlight at all
Two polar continents, two Antarcticas = 80%+++ more ice, much colder, very little moisture in atmosphere

Earth climate change is 99%+ about where land is.

That is the truth of the DATA...

Ice controls climate....

Okay, here's the first point you're going to explain and back up with relevant sources.

Second point about a map of Earth, I'm lost, what's the point of that sentence.

You say it's the "truth of the DATA", what data are we talking about?
here's the first point you're going to explain and back up with relevant sources.

What is THE DATA

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS ANTARCTICA
0.3% on ELLESMERE ISLAND (northern Canada)

The rest crusts the exterior of the Arctic Ocean, is on mountain ranges, and sea ice... all 2.7% of it...


EVERY PIECE OF LAND WITHIN 600 miles of an Earth pole is covered with ice.

Everything else is NOT...
Difference between arctic and antarctic | Arctic Vs Antarctic ...

Antarctic vs Arctic Infographic | Antarctica activities, Geography ...

What is THE DATA

90% of Earth ice on LAND MASS ANTARCTICA
0.3% on ELLESMERE ISLAND (northern Canada)

The rest crusts the exterior of the Arctic Ocean, is on mountain ranges, and sea ice... all 2.7% of it...


EVERY PIECE OF LAND WITHIN 600 miles of an Earth pole is covered with ice.

Everything else is NOT...

That's your "data"?

Fuck me.

I'm out, this is nonsense.
That's your "data"?

Fuck me.

I'm out, this is nonsense.

Apparently to you "data" is colored fudge charts...

The DATA on WHERE ICE IS ON EARTH isn't a colored fudge chart, so spazz out you do....
Apparently to you "data" is colored fudge charts...

The DATA on WHERE ICE IS ON EARTH isn't a colored fudge chart, so spazz out you do....
Do you actually think YOUR colored charts couldn't be bullshit? That's the problem with trying to use a sawed-off shotgun for precision work. You end up blowing your own fingers off

The point that the two poles are geographically distinct would be news to a 3rd grader but you seem to think you've discovered the Rosetta Stone of climate science. I have to repeat you are the stupidest poster this forum has seen in the several years I've been here.
Do you actually think YOUR colored charts couldn't be bullshit? That's the problem with trying to use a sawed-off shotgun for precision work. You end up blowing your own fingers off

The point that the two poles are geographically distinct would be news to a 3rd grader but you seem to think you've discovered the Rosetta Stone of climate science. I have to repeat you are the stupidest poster this forum has seen in the several years I've been here.

As soon as you can explain how Co2 melted North America and froze Greenland at the same time, you will have some credibility instead of NONE...
And that is NOT DATA because CNN says it isn't....
Do you ever wonder why you have no allies here? Why no one supports you? Why no one agrees with you? Why no one seems interested in attempting to engage you in conversation? Do you ever wonder why you are so starkly alone?

Three guesses and the first two don't count.

If I'm being cruel here, it is out of frustration from constant hostility and your lack of responsiveness. If you actually think your Greenland vs North American idea has some merit, explain the fucking thing. You've repeated the same angry claim here a hundred times and have convinced absolutely no one. Try talking about it. Try making a case instead of a gotcha about which no one gives a shit.
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Do you ever wonder why you have no allies here? Why no one supports you? Why no one agrees with you? Why no one seems interested in attempting to engage you in conversation? Do you ever wonder why you are so starkly alone?

Three guesses and the first two don't count.

If I'm being cruel here, it is out of frustration from constant hostility and your lack of responsiveness. If you actually think your Greenland vs North American idea has some merit, explain the fucking thing. You've repeated the same angry claim here a hundred times and have convinced absolutely no one. Try talking about it. Try making a case instead of a gotcha about which no one gives a shit.

And this is what they do when the TRUTH is shoved in their face...

Co2 does NOTHING.
Gravity isn’t like magnetism.
You should talk to Billy Boy about that
And if you’re talking about a minor fluctuation, that’s one thing. But the way you depicted it is silly. Further, the mere presence of a large object on the bottom of a pool or lake or sea or ocean isn’t gong to raise the water level in just that spot anyway. That’s neither magnetism nor gravity.

Look at this picture

This illustrates the math behind an experiment conducted by a Scottish physicist who calculated the density of the Earth. The gravity of the mountain exerts a small lateral force on all other matter. The summed force: the Earth's and the mountains result in a gravity vector that no longer points to the center of mass of the planet. What would an open contain of water do at that location? It would maintain a surface perpendicular to the summed gravity vector. The result is that the ocean rises in humps above seamounts and descends into troughs above trenches. Of course these effects are small. The biggest mountains and the deepest trenches are small compared to the mass of the entire planet but the effect is quite real and measurable. This is one of the factors that allows different regions to have different sea levels.
You should talk to Billy Boy about that

Look at this picture

This illustrates the math behind an experiment conducted by a Scottish physicist who calculated the density of the Earth. The gravity of the mountain exerts a small lateral force on all other matter. The summed force: the Earth's and the mountains result in a gravity vector that no longer points to the center of mass of the planet. What would an open contain of water do at that location? It would maintain a surface perpendicular to the summed gravity vector. The result is that the ocean rises in humps above seamounts and descends into troughs above trenches. Of course these effects are small. The biggest mountains and the deepest trenches are small compared to the mass of the entire planet but the effect is quite real and measurable. This is one of the factors that allows different regions to have different sea levels.
A rising tide lifts all boats.

If what your Scottish physicist pal suggests holds water (ok ok. Shitty pun), then if we add lots of more water to the oceans, those “bumps” and troughs would all still be there, just moved up a bit.

And at Plymouth Rock, the Rock by now would be under water.
A rising tide lifts all boats.

If what your Scottish physicist pal suggests holds water (ok ok. Shitty pun), then if we add lots of more water to the oceans, those “bumps” and troughs would all still be there, just moved up a bit.

And at Plymouth Rock, the Rock by now would be under water.
The oceans are not a perfect sphere. The deviate from that for several reasons: gravity, centrifugal force from the rotating Earth, lunar tides, solar tides, winds and currents. That is why some places have a bigger problem than other wrt sea level rise.
The oceans are not a perfect sphere. The deviate from that for several reasons: gravity, centrifugal force from the rotating Earth, lunar tides, solar tides, winds and currents. That is why some places have a bigger problem than other wrt sea level rise.
I don’t recall anybody suggesting the world’s waters formed a perfect sphere.

On the other hand, perfect sphere or not, any amount of noticeable additional volume will raise the level of the entire ocean.

So your deflection doesn’t change any part of the analysis. Plymouth Rock isn’t underwater.
I don’t recall anybody suggesting the world’s waters formed a perfect sphere.

On the other hand, perfect sphere or not, any amount of noticeable additional volume will raise the level of the entire ocean.

So your deflection doesn’t change any part of the analysis. Plymouth Rock isn’t underwater.
You have been suggesting it was a perfect sphere all along by rejecting what I've been telling you about gravimetric deviations of the surface normal on top of deviations from lunar tides, solar tides, wind and currents. The world's oceans are rising, but they are not doing so evenly because of those deviations. For the eleventh time, the rock that sits there currently was placed in 1921, not 1620 when it says. Do you understand. That keeps getting repeated to you but you all keep talking about the rock still being there. AND, a simply look up finds the freaking tides in Plymouth Harbor to be just under TEN FUCKING FEET. I've never visited that rock in person, but I guarangoddamntee you that twice a day that rock is either COMPLETELY underwater or COMPLETELY dry or BOTH.
What is funny is that the actual "evidence" of the "warmers" is islands in the South Pacific approaching the PROF, which will not only be underwater, but in a few million years will be


Oh, of course, "ocean rise" just around one island chain, never mind it is going UNDER THE CRUST tectonically....
You have been suggesting it was a perfect sphere all along by rejecting what I've been telling you

No. I never said, suggested, Implied, or imagined any such thing and I explicitly said otherwise in fact. Your mistake.

I now remind you that it doesn’t matter for the reasons I already laid out
Hmm... If this study is correct and conditions from the Late Devonian were replicated now, remaining close to the water's edge could be fatal.
Geological time happens over millions of years. Why do alarmists believe these events are gonna happen next week if we don't shoot farting cows by then? Why the drama?

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