Roe v. Wade getting overturned!!

" Invoking Validation By Goad Hoping To Reject Empirical Evidence From Nature "

* What Do Extinct Dinosaurs Have To State About Alienable Rites *

Rights are given to People by God not by governments. Who are you to decide what is good for people and what is not? I think you give yourself way too much credit
The pretentious hubris of contemporary " natural law theory " is not based in natural law as evident from nature , rather contemporary " natural law " is based on pretentious absurdity that rites can not be alienated , when any fool with a modicum of competence for logic understands that anything which can be alienated is alienable and not inalienable .

A subjective altruism of hue mammon is that its introspection should exist in perpetuity throughout eternity , however the nature of gawd does not expect that every instance of hue mammon introspection must exist in perpetuity to satisfy a subjective altruism .

* Existentialism Of Psychopomp Delusions *

Stop confusing the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic continuance , with the metaphorical means by which to achieve one .

* Natural Law In Gawd *

Prior to entering into a social civil agreement to improve safety and security , all are subject to a moral relativism within nature - an indifference for event outcomes , and to improve ones probability for survival and for quality of life , then natural freedoms are exchanged for membership in a collective as a greater individual .

A law exists because there is an entity capable of and issuing a retort for violations of a legal precept , and by definition murder is unlawful killing , however there is not a law in nature of gawd that issues an immediate death for a killing , and a macabre court of final judgement is devised to account for the disparity that murder is based in legal positivism .

" Traitorous Harumph Populism Headed For The Skids "

* Domestic Terrorists Playing The Dumb Card *

Wrong. The right to determine what the state’s abortion laws are were indeed returned to the states.
The dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments and malfeasance against title 1 section 8 of us code , and dobbs is supported by traitors to principles of us republic ; scotus should be charged with the crime .

The roe v wade decision decided with wisdom that legitimate state interests may begin in 3rd trimester , by substituting natural viability in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a us citizen , based on an an ability for a fetus to survive an live birth ; us citizens have a federal citizenship and a state citizenship and both require live birth for instantiation by us 14th .

The antifederalism for statism was a ruse against individualism , and returning abortion to the states was funded traitors to us republic through a fee press to justify authoritarian dictates against independence of the individualism at the state level .
" Traitorous Harumph Populism Headed For The Skids "

* Domestic Terrorists Playing The Dumb Card *

The dobbs decision is dumbfounded and sedition against us 14th , 9th , 1st and 10th amendments and malfeasance against title 1 section 8 of us code , and dobbs is supported by traitors to principles of us republic ; scotus should be charged with the crime .

The roe v wade decision decided with wisdom that legitimate state interests may begin in 3rd trimester , by substituting natural viability in lieu of a live birth requirement for equal protection with a us citizen , based on an an ability for a fetus to survive an live birth ; us citizens have a federal citizenship and a state citizenship and both require live birth for instantiation by us 14th .

The antifederalism for statism was a ruse against individualism , and returning abortion to the states was funded traitors to us republic through a fee press to justify authoritarian dictates against independence of the individualism at the state level .
Good gawd. You are a trite bloviating gasbag.
" Invoking Validation By Goad Hoping To Reject Empirical Evidence From Nature "

* What Do Extinct Dinosaurs Have To State About Alienable Rites *

The pretentious hubris of contemporary " natural law theory " is not based in natural law as evident from nature , rather contemporary " natural law " is based on pretentious absurdity that rites can not be alienated , when any fool with a modicum of competence for logic understands that anything which can be alienated is alienable and not inalienable .

A subjective altruism of hue mammon is that its introspection should exist in perpetuity throughout eternity , however the nature of gawd does not expect that every instance of hue mammon introspection must exist in perpetuity to satisfy a subjective altruism .

* Existentialism Of Psychopomp Delusions *

Stop confusing the literal meaning of an after life , which is genetic continuance , with the metaphorical means by which to achieve one .

* Natural Law In Gawd *

Prior to entering into a social civil agreement to improve safety and security , all are subject to a moral relativism within nature - an indifference for event outcomes , and to improve ones probability for survival and for quality of life , then natural freedoms are exchanged for membership in a collective as a greater individual .

A law exists because there is an entity capable of and issuing a retort for violations of a legal precept , and by definition murder is unlawful killing , however there is not a law in nature of gawd that issues an immediate death for a killing , and a macabre court of final judgement is devised to account for the disparity that murder is based in legal positivism .

You misspelled God, pompous ass

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