Evangelical devotion to Trump

AND THE Dems let them do it!
The DEMS didn’t let them do it if you were talking about Iraq.

George W. Bush decided to do it when it was not necessary at all because the UN inspections were working.

The Democrat position was to let the inspectors continue as long as Saddam was cooperating. Colin Powell said Saddam Hussein was cooperating in January 2003. Then George W. Bush lied to all of us and the entire world that Saddam Hussein was not cooperating. George Bush was pushed into that war because he’s a white Christian nationalist by white Christian nationalists more so than anything else. They wanted to convert Iraq to Christianity by the barrel of US military guns.
White Christian nationalists think they are the saviors of Western Civilization and that America is the New Jerusalem created by the concept of God they worship and they must essentially control the American population and return to some distant past when Americans held the Bible and Jesus Christ in the highest devotions and esteem.

It’s difficult to label authoritarian white Christians (Not a majority of all Christians by any means) as a hate group when they are hiding their authoritarian Biblical agenda robes of sinless gentle Jesus the Son of the only true God while at same time claiming Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin as one of them.

They are not a hater group in any direct sense.

They are Irrational superstition believers at culture war with unbelievers and believers who are Christians but think the Trump Christian’s are nuts.

The hate groups are the Republican leeches like Saint CarsomyrPlusSix who claims to be an atheist but has no political power because the Republican Oarty MAGA movement dues not exist without white Christian Nationists voters and donors. And Clean cut but stupid men like Speaker Mike Johnson running for political office based on his Christian suoerior morality.
Yup they gave the Nazi's the same type of support, many different religions in Europe backed the Nazis/ They get caught up in the same hate message that everyone else does. , secret organizations and plots and ski is falling insanity. Christians are even more likely to support a hate group Like MAGA then the general public if you play them the right way. They are way more easily manipulated then the average person.
Yup they gave the Nazi's the same type of support, many different religions in Europe backed the Nazis/ They get caught up in the same hate message that everyone else does. , secret organizations and plots and ski is falling insanity. Christians are even more likely to support a hate group Like MAGA then the general public if you play them the right way. They are way more easily manipulated then the average person.
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There is no difference from this then Trumps support by evangelicals.
WHO the hell gets to decide what state any one gets to live in.?
Now in this MAGA DEVIDED COUNTRY we even trash where each of us has chosen to live
This is simple by all standard red states are the worst states in this country, You pick what a state is judged by and 90 out of 100 times the states that are gauged the worse is red states in by just about every standard. You can come up with.
I live in a red state, mind your own business.
You definitely don't want to move your children to Right wing states, especially daughters. They are listed as the worst places to raise your children and the highest incident of rape.

You don't want to live in right wing states, they have the highest crime rate, murder rates and murder rates by gun. This is a hoot because they are always saying how dangerous democratically run cities are, when in fact many of their states are way more dangerous than these democratically run cities.

The biggest welfare and food support states by far are right wing states, and federally what they contribute is way less than the government funnels into these states just for minimal civilized resources. Where do they get the money from, well of course they get it from successful democratic states?

The worst states for pay for your work are right wing states , their household family income is way less than democratic states.

Education in right wing states is a disaster. They have the worst educated people in the country, My opinion is the right wants to keep them stupid because they know they have to keep them stupid to vote for them.

Guess which states have the highest number of hate groups, well of course, hate party states. That one is easy to figure out. It is in right wing states that are run and based on hatred as their

party is across the board.

IF you are concerned at all as far as the economy is concerned, the worst thing you can do is elect a republican for president. They are a disaster for every aspect of the economy including Jobs, pay, unemployment
Do you think Republicans or Democrats in red states have higher average salaries? I’ll give you a hint, it is Republicans. Large blue urban areas in blue states skew the average salary numbers for Democrats because most are Democrats and many have salaries that are well above average, including non-professionals making more than they should due to union memberships. Regardless, on average, everyone in blue states has a higher cost of living relative to their wages than Republicans. Democrats keep 3.76% less than Republicans.

  • 42% of the households making $200,000+ are Democrat
  • 58% of the households making $200,000+ are Republican
  • Republicans represented 28 of the 40 congressional districts making $200,000+
  • Democrats represented 12 of the 40 congressional districts making $200,000+
  • 19% of Republicans had annual household incomes of $100,000+
  • 17% of Democrats had annual household incomes of $100,000+
  • 42% of Republicans had family incomes of $75,000 or more
  • 38% of Democrats had family incomes of $75,000 or more
  • 27% of Republicans had family incomes of less than $30,000
  • 29% of Democrats had family incomes of less than $30,000
  • Democrat states have 26.7% more millionaires than Republican states.
  • 7.63% of the population in Democrat states are millionaires.
  • 6.02% of the population in Republican states are millionaires.
  • Democrats hold 44.6% more wealth than Republicans.
  • The average household income in Democrat states is $237,639
  • The average household income in Republican states is $164,254
  • Republican districts had a median household income of $55,000
  • Democratic districts had a median household income of $61,000
  • Republican congressional districts accounted for 36% of the U.S. GDP
  • Democratic congressional districts accounted for 64% of the U.S. GDP
  • Republican states have a 4.53% higher unemployment rate than Democrat states.
  • Democrat states have 6.29% more people on welfare than Republican states.
  • Republican states have 23.9% higher poverty rates than Democrat states.

The average household income for Democrats is $73,952.

The average household income for Democrats is $58,626.

Democrats, on average, earn 26.1% more than Republicans.

The average cost of living index for Democrat states is 122.

The average cost of living index for Republican states is 93.95.

The cost of living in Democrat states is 29.85% higher than in Republican states.

That means that:

  • Democrats earn 26.1% more than Republicans
  • Democrats pay 29.85% for their cost of living
Democrats KEEP 3.76% less than Republicans.

Even with the very high earners in large cities and the abundance of very wealthy Hamptons and Hollywood types that skew the numbers, Democrats still fair worse overall.

As the numbers suggest, in my red state, if you are a high earner, you are far, far more likely to be a Republican. Across the country, a person making 200k/yr and not living in a large urban area where wages are inflated is far, far more likely to be a Republican. These are successful professionals, not garbage collectors making exorbitant union salaries in large urban areas.

Frankly, I am fine with Democrats in blue states believing that they are living well and that us poor folks in Republican states live in trailers and have outhouses. Unfortunately, COVID turned on the light bulb in this regard for many of them and they are moving down in droves. If they bring their politics with them, my state will look like the state they fled in short order. Those people are kinda stupid.

Average Income Republican vs Democrat (29 Stats On The Average Income By Political Party) - The Hive Law
People are moving for many reasons. huge corporations have now gotten into buying homes and jacking up the prices.
working contractors are moving up the money ladder and buying the dumps & making a good profit.
home owners grasping for the bigger handful of cash.
the real GOD IS MONEY,
The only reason Putin went into Ukraine was because of Biden's weakness. Trump had nothing to do with it. Your screams in the night of Russia Russia Russia are pathetic and signs of your gullibility. Biden has been the worst president for the United States ever.
Can you hear your self? YOU said THE ONLY REASON was BIDEN,
MAYBE this time, BECAUSE YOUR GROUP has done such a great job of pitting AMERICAN against AMERICAN.
Christians are even more likely to support a hate group Like MAGA then the general public if you play them the right way. They are way more easily manipulated then the average person.

This begins to explain why it’s death to America as the leader of Western Liberal Democracy if any American votes for a Republican politician into any office in
the entire country.


In many respects abortion was an unlikely choice, because when the Roe v Wade decision was issued, most Protestant Republicans supported it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed resolutions in 1971 and 1974 expressing support for the liberalization of abortion law, and an editorial in their wire service hailed the passage of Roe v Wade, declaring that “religious liberty, human equality and justice are advanced by the Supreme Court abortion decision.” As governor of California, Ronald Reagan passed the most liberal abortion law in the country in 1967. Conservative icon Barry Goldwater supported abortion law liberalization too, at least early in his career, and his wife Peggy was a cofounder of Planned Parenthood in Arizona.

How the Christian right took over the judiciary and changed America

Yet abortion turned out to be the critical unifying issue for two fundamentally political reasons.


How the Christian right took over the judiciary and changed America

Leaders of the movement understood very well that if you can capture the courts, you can change society

Katherine Stewart

Sat 25 Jun 2022

First, it brought together conservative Catholics who supplied much of the intellectual leadership of the movement with conservative Protestants and evangelicals. Second, by tying abortion to the perceived social ills of the age – the sexual revolution, the civil rights movement, and women’s liberation – the issue became a focal point for the anxieties about social change welling up from the base.

Over time, pro-choice voices were purged from the Republican party. In her 2016 book, How the Republican Party Became Pro-Life, Phyllis Schlafly details the considerable effort it took, over several decades, to force the Republican party to change its views on the issue. What her book and the history shows is that the “pro-life religion” that we see today, which cuts across denominational boundaries on the political right, is a modern creation.


Jerry Falwell speaks at Higher Ground Baptist church in Kingsport, Tennessee, in 1984. Photograph: Getty Images

In recent decades, the religious right has invested many hundreds of millions of dollars developing a complex and coordinated infrastructure, whose features include rightwing policy groups, networking organizations, data initiatives and media. A critical component of this infrastructure is its sophisticated legal sphere.

Movement leaders understood very well that if you can capture the courts, you can change society. Leading organizations include the Alliance Defending Freedom, which is involved in many of the recent cases intended to degrade the principle of church-state separation; First Liberty; Becket, formerly known as the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty; and the Federalist Society, a networking and support organization for rightwing jurists and their allies whose leader, Leonard Leo, has directed hundreds of millions of dollars to a network of affiliated organizations. This infrastructure has created a pipeline to funnel ideologues to important judicial positions at the national and federal level. Nearly 90% of Trump’s appellate court nominees were or are Federalist Society members, according to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, and all six conservative justices on the supreme court are current or former members.
So real Christians are supposed to vote for pro-abortion and pro-war idiots like Joe Biden and other Democrats?
FEW ARE pro abortion, MOST want the things that help people prevent UNWANTED pregnancy's,
they deserve EDUCATED MEDICAL care from DOCTORS
IF they do get pregnant.
Can you hear your self? YOU said THE ONLY REASON was BIDEN,
MAYBE this time, BECAUSE YOUR GROUP has done such a great job of pitting AMERICAN against AMERICAN.
Okay I'll admit I was incorrect in saying it was the only reason. Putin saw weakness in the Biden Administration because of the Afghanistan withdrawal and the dementia, so he saw that it was a good time to go. He didn't do it while Trump was president because he knew the consequences would be severe and dire. Peace through strength. Also Biden has had something going on with Ukraine ever since his son worked there and got paid exorbitant dollars for doing nothing but influencing. Could be a little extortion going on I don't know. If Trump were president Russia would have stood Pat and not invaded Ukraine.
FEW ARE pro abortion, MOST want the things that help people prevent UNWANTED pregnancy's,
they deserve EDUCATED MEDICAL care from DOCTORS
IF they do get pregnant.
What's up with the weird caps you got going on? It's like reading with a strobe light.
He didn't do it while Trump was president because he knew the consequences would be severe and dire.
Putin didn’t do it before he knew if Trump could win in 2020. It would make absolutely no sense to invade on his poodle’s watch.

Better to prepare to invade while hoping the weaker candidate on defending Europe through NATO wins in 2020. One possible assessment is having that the government was more likely to fall during a blitzkrieg attack if they lacked confidence that the president of the United States was going to fully back them. There was no doubt in the campaign that Biden with strongly back NATO and Ukraine along with the Democratic Party if he got elected. Trump was heading any more isolationist none of our business direction.
Putin didn’t do it before he knew if Trump could win in 2020. It would make absolutely no sense to invade on his poodle’s watch.

Better to prepare to invade while hoping the weaker candidate on defending Europe through NATO wins in 2020. One possible assessment is having that the government was more likely to fall during a blitzkrieg attack if they lacked confidence that the president of the United States was going to fully back them. There was no doubt in the campaign that Biden with strongly back NATO and Ukraine along with the Democratic Party if he got elected. Trump was heading any more isolationist none of our business direction.
Putin didn’t do it before he knew if Trump could win in 2020. It would make absolutely no sense to invade on his poodle’s watch.
What a nonsensical statement.
The fact remains that Putin didn't invade until the weak Biden took office. All I can look at are the facts. Biden projects weakness so Putin waited until Biden got elected. That's a fact
What's up with the weird caps you got going on? It's like reading with a strobe light.
Sorry if you cant figure it out, This board should be fun, with an honest attempt at honest information.
But its a hate filled slaughter house. and I GET CAUGHT UP IN IT to.

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