Is it ok not to vote...

If voting worked, they wouldn't let us do it.

Just think of the past 2 elections, over 300 million votes were cast. Go back to Reagan, and there's probably been over a billion votes cast.

And we're still fucked.

Voting for the lesser of two evils isn't working. Voting for the Republicans and democrats isn't working. We've have both of those party's in the majority several times each.

So obviously voting isn't doing anything more than they're doing. Just kicking the can down the road.
I guess it's up to us to fix things.
They're still pissed that President Trump (Get It Right), beat the Democrats at their own game. I've long advocated the GOP dump this "high road" bullshit and fight dirty just like Democrats have always done.
Yep. Now they're down in the dirt with the Democrats. You got your wish!
Not voting Democrat would now be a service to the country

You mean the guy who has his shit made in China?

You mean the guy who was paid millions by the CCP's bank while he was president?

You mean the guy who lifted sanctions on ZTE because "too many jobs in China lost!"?

You mean the guy who was repaid by China for his gifts by building a spy base in Cuba?

You mean the guy who expanded our trade deficits with Mexico and China to record levels?

You mean the guy who DOUBLED the federal deficit BEFORE Covid?

You mean the guy who would surrender to Putin and give all of Ukraine to him?

That guy?
"That guy" is certainly not Donald Trump. He does not fit any of those descriptions.
"That guy" is certainly not Donald Trump. He does not fit any of those descriptions.




You mean it doesn't fit the Trump narrative. You might try paying closer attention to what Trump actually does, instead of what he says.

He's not going to brag about all that spending or the 12cr's he signed into law. He's not even going to mention how he reauthorized FISA 702 (warrantless spying on Americans).

But he still did those things. And the things g5000 listed.
Voting is giving consent to the system we would have. It is not effective for making things better. Why are things not better already? If they thought you would make real meaningful change with voting, they would not let you vote then. The system is full of corruption, but still attracts more corruption. Nothing is stopping corrupt people from seeking office, and many succeed at that. And why do we need them to govern us? If people are so bad they need people governing them, they get people who are so bad they need people governing them...

Are you so bad you need that? I am not, I do not presume many others I see are such. We could do better than voting that is consenting to the system, we could do without it, taking care of our own selves. I will answer to God, as I see is right.
Voting is giving consent to the system we would have. It is not effective for making things better. Why are things not better already? If they thought you would make real meaningful change with voting, they would not let you vote then. The system is full of corruption, but still attracts more corruption. Nothing is stopping corrupt people from seeking office, and many succeed at that. And why do we need them to govern us? If people are so bad they need people governing them, they get people who are so bad they need people governing them...

Are you so bad you need that? I am not, I do not presume many others I see are such. We could do better than voting that is consenting to the system, we could do without it, taking care of our own selves. I will answer to God, as I see is right.
Money is the corrupting influence. If we had a public financing system, politicians would be beholden to the voters, not the donors. Ideas should have more currency in politics than cash.

Money is the corrupting influence. If we had a public financing system, politicians would be beholden to the voters, not the donors. Ideas should have more currency in politics than cash.

public financing?
...if no candidate represents your point of view on most of the important issues?

It is said that if you don't vote you have no right to complain. I think not voting is your complaint.
Not voting allows things to happen which you may not want
Not voting allows things to happen which you may not want
We vote for personalities, not policies. Policies are the province of special interests and political agendas. The best we can hope for is that the trains run on time. It is the character of the people that keep the nation on an even keel. If the citizenry were like our elected leaders America would collapse overnight.

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