Is it ok not to vote...

We vote for personalities, not policies. Policies are the province of special interests and political agendas. The best we can hope for is that the trains run on time.
Maybe you do.

Many of us vote on policy. I certainly do
We vote for personalities, not policies. Policies are the province of special interests and political agendas. The best we can hope for is that the trains run on time. It is the character of the people that keep the nation on an even keel. If the citizenry were like our elected leaders America would collapse overnight.

Anybody who votes for personalities over policies is a fucking idiot. Does personality mean more than the mess on the southern border? Or forgiving student debt? How about the Supreme Court, the next president might be nominating one or two justices, right? Does that matter more than his/her personality?
If a person does not vote then they are abdicating their responsibility for self-government. We've all heard the bromide: all it takes for evil men to succeed is for good men to do nothing, something like that. Well, there you go, are you going to do nothing?
Good citizenship trumps voting record. Remember that a large segment of the population routinely votes for the wrong people. If your candidate loses you've wasted your vote.
Anybody who votes for personalities over policies is a fucking idiot. Does personality mean more than the mess on the southern border? Or forgiving student debt? How about the Supreme Court, the next president might be nominating one or two justices, right? Does that matter more than his/her personality?
I vote based on policy, but also on leadership skills. Electing a candidate who agrees with some of my pet policies, but has no leadership ability or, worse, is a divisive troll who actually gives those policies a nasty stench, is counterproductive, and worse than not voting at all.
Anybody who votes for personalities over policies is a fucking idiot. Does personality mean more than the mess on the southern border? Or forgiving student debt? How about the Supreme Court, the next president might be nominating one or two justices, right? Does that matter more than his/her personality?
I go back to square one; citizenship is more important than voting. If people were better citizens voting would just involve mundane matters.
I vote based on policy, but also on leadership skills. Electing a candidate who agrees with some of my pet policies, but has no leadership ability or, worse, is a divisive troll who actually gives those policies a nasty stench, is counterproductive, and worse than not voting at all.
You get to vote for whoever the puppet master's behind the curtain select. He or she will represent their agenda, not your wishes.
You get to vote for whoever the puppet master's behind the curtain select. He or she will represent their agenda, not your wishes.
You can also vote for a good leader who actually does represent your interests, without worrying about what everyone else will do. If we can convince enough voters to finally grow some backbone and do the same, we can kick these fuckers to the curb and save our country.
Good citizenship trumps voting record. Remember that a large segment of the population routinely votes for the wrong people. If your candidate loses you've wasted your vote.

There's a lot of ways to be a good citizen, and voting is one of them. IMHO, voting makes a person a better citizen, regardless of who their choice was. Whether that person won or lost is irrelevant, at least you participated and that is the whole point of democratic gov't.
You can also vote for a good leader who actually does represent your interests, without worrying about what everyone else will do. If we can convince enough voters to finally grow some backbone and do the same, we can kick these fuckers to the curb and save our country.
It's sad when we have to save our country from those who we have elected.
I vote based on policy, but also on leadership skills. Electing a candidate who agrees with some of my pet policies, but has no leadership ability or, worse, is a divisive troll who actually gives those policies a nasty stench, is counterproductive, and worse than not voting at all.
Leadership matters. But more importantly, it matters how a leader delegates. It matters who you surround yourself with.

Trump was surrounded by the likes of Steven Miller, Kash fucking Patel, Roody, the Kraken Lady, Steve Banon

Not good
There's a lot of ways to be a good citizen, and voting is one of them. IMHO, voting makes a person a better citizen, regardless of who their choice was.
Disagree. If you don't pay attention to politics, and don't have time to research the matter, you shouldn't pollute the process with an ignorant vote.
Whether that person won or lost is irrelevant, at least you participated and that is the whole point of democratic gov't.
Totally agree.
You don't agree with me all. My highest priority right now is electing someone who can unite the country. You're a partisan hack who wants the opposite.
Trump is not going to unite anything but the Deplorables
There's a lot of ways to be a good citizen, and voting is one of them. IMHO, voting makes a person a better citizen, regardless of who their choice was. Whether that person won or lost is irrelevant, at least you participated and that is the whole point of democratic gov't.
Why do I feel like a need to take a shower after I cast my vote? :(
Why do I feel like a need to take a shower after I cast my vote? :(

Sometimes the only real choice is between 2 scumbags, either the repub or the dem. For me, their personalities don't matter one bit cuz they do have different agendas. I vote for the better agenda (policies), or the least destructive in some cases.

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