No TRUE Catholic would vote for biden

this article is from the BBC and as a practicing Catholic, I don't like the wording in it here and there, but nevertheless, they get it that biden is not really Catholic, something most Catholics have known ever since they heard of biden the first time.

If you vote for a child-murder-promoting candidate, you are NOT Catholic

End of sentence.
This is NOT news.

Right... divorce is worse than murder

you libtards...

Didn't God give you a brain?

I see no evidence..

Ask yourself if a brain would help you

I talking about certain religions.

Generally if your Catholic you must obtain an annulment by a catholic diocesan tribunal
If they do not go thru this annulment then they are excommunicated.

Mormons do not like divorce but it can be done

Latter day Saints don't make it easy but it can be done

In the past it was a problem but now most are realizing that it happens and you cannot stop it.
Right... divorce is worse than murder

you libtards...

Didn't God give you a brain?

I see no evidence..
Yeah and you are not a catholic nor understand anything about their history.

We know that God “hates divorce” (Mal. 2:16); Our Lord and St. Paul explicitly forbid it (Matt. 19:6, 1 Cor. 7-10-11); and the Catechism condemns it as “immoral,” “a grave offense against the natural law” that “does injury to the covenant of salvation” and is “truly a plague on society” bringing “grave harm” to the “traumatized” deserted spouse and children (2384-5).

Yeah in todays world Catholic church has had to tone it down a bit cause it happens and they will lose that battle So they have toned it down a bit

Obviously history is a foreign concept to you..
Tell us oh wonderful and true "catholic" all about how you practice your soulful felt deep religious teachings.
Do you know what this image means?


It means that someone said I'm a pussy for putting people on Ignore

But I put them on Ignore anyway

and usually before doing that, I give them a few

cat pics (as a heads up)
You have to put them on ignore because you are such an idiot!
Make a statement and you cannot back it up.
That is why you are a little pussy(c*nt), so use your ignore button.

Do you know what this image means?

View attachment 958971

It means that someone said I'm a pussy for putting people on Ignore

But I put them on Ignore anyway

and usually before doing that, I give them a few

cat pics (as a heads up)
Forked"UP" is a total fake.

Ask yourself if a brain would help you

I talking about certain religions.

Generally if your Catholic you must obtain an annulment by a catholic diocesan tribunal
If they do not go thru this annulment then they are excommunicated.

Mormons do not like divorce but it can be done

Latter day Saints don't make it easy but it can be done

In the past it was a problem but now most are realizing that it happens and you cannot stop it.
How utterly hypocritical though that the convicted felon and twice impeached person known as P01135809, has no religious
conviction, yet the "believers" only believe him.
Does that not sound quite contradictory to the beliefs of the those who try to convince themselves they are "christian!"
It is quite hilarious to see the eunuchs humiliate themselves.

Biden is what they call a cafeteria Catholic. He picks and chooses what part of his faith to believe.

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