Heads up: I can't stand "Catholics" (so called) who vote Democrat

Now you are trying to change the subject because you can't defend Trump actions.

You know, there is a sin from which there is no forgiveness, that is the sin of hypocrisy. You talk about the misgivings of Dems and Catholics, but look the other way when it comes to Trump.

the sin of hypocrisy is NOT the unforgiveable sin

Rejecting Jesus is

which means that if you refuse to do as He Commands (which includes NOT murdering children in the womb) you end up in Hell

many people claim to obey him ... few do

He said it himself, that FEW find the way to Heaven (Mt 7:20-ish.. Lk 13:24)
Do t have kids. Get a dog. Nobody loses and no abortions. Describe the downside that doesn't exist.
Liberal is not politics
It means caring for the needs of others

Jesus was a Liberal
Jesus was Woke
Then stop calling politicians liberal, because they're not caring for the needs of others, they're caring for themselves, and you have to call me liberal as well.

Jesus was not woke, because He did not allow anyone around Him to lie to themselves, and He called them what they were, not what they wanted to be called.

the sin of hypocrisy is NOT the unforgiveable sin

Rejecting Jesus is

which means that if you refuse to do as He Commands (which includes NOT murdering children in the womb) you end up in Hell

many people claim to obey him ... few do

He said it himself, that FEW find the way to Heaven (Mt 7:20-ish.. Lk 13:24)
Don't talk about Jesus when you clearly do not embrace HIS teachings.
Jesus was all about helping the poor and least among us. He wasn't about the fake prosperity garbage that some have twisted into Christianity.
You are entitled to your Faith, I am entitled to mine

My Faith tells me that those who voted for Trump are headed to Hell

Do you really want to take a chance?
I'm not taking any chances at all. I know where I'm going. And you don't have faith in anything.
Jesus was all about helping the poor and least among us. He wasn't about the fake prosperity garbage that some have twisted into Christianity.
And He didn't demand that the government steal from some to give to others.
You Reps are something else. You shot down the border bill, so shut your f-ing mouths on undocumented workers! You sleep in the bed YOU made!
Then stop calling politicians liberal, because they're not caring for the needs of others, they're caring for themselves, and you have to call me liberal as well.

Jesus was not woke, because He did not allow anyone around Him to lie to themselves, and He called them what they were, not what they wanted to be called.
Woke means caring for the oppressed

Jesus was woke
He also described how it's easier for a camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
And also praised a man who was wealthy enough to carry oil and wine with him on a donkey he owned and to pay for a man to stay in a hotel for an indeterminate length of time and cover his medical expenses. IOW, it's not about the wealth, it's about the greed that so often goes with it.
Woke means caring for the oppressed

Jesus was woke
That's not what it means. You're just making up definitions to fit your agenda. Stop it.

The only piece of information you need to demolish your idea is that Jesus refused to allow those around Him to lie to themselves. He called them what they were, not what they wanted to be called. That's the opposite of woke.

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