Zone1 Question for Christianity based Trump supporters.

Often repeated my ass. Since in God's eyes, we are all flawed, no Christian is going to call out another's flaws.
This is just another Trump hit job.
What is often repeated by everyone is that Biden is not all there upstairs.
Vote Trump ~ because he's not a turnip.
No Christian is going to call out another's flaws? That's funny, but still off subject.
No idiot, I'm saying God can use anyone for his purpose even if they are not serving him.

It's called a no win situation for those who hate God.

And no, this election will not stop God. No matter who wins the election God's plan will still win out in the end.
God can use anyone, so why do you think Christianity specifically requires you to support trump?
God can use anyone, so why do you think Christianity specifically requires you to support trump?
If the truth be known, God never intended sinful man to reign over other men

Read 1 Samuel 8. In it you will see the people demanding a sinful man to be their king. It grieved God, so he warned them but they would not listen, so they gave them their Trump or Biden. It was democracy in action


As a democrat, all you seek to do is give the state more and more control and power over people in order to expand their potential to abuse them. It's called being a collectivist. You have no appreciation for the sinful nature of mankind and the damage that man can inflict on people when in power despite the centuries of examples that showed God's warnings coming to fruition. You really think people like Joe Biden are good inside, and thus should be given more and more power. Marxism murdered hundreds of millions last century, so why is it still cool to be a Marxist like those who started BLM?

All I can do is try and vote for those who do not appear to be as controlling.

In reality, I don't want either one of them. The ironic thing is, neither does anyone else.
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I'm sorry. I'm often at a loss trying to figure out what you are trying to say.
/----/ There are no Christian driven reasons to support Trump means that it is not a consideration. Understand now?

If you're still confused, here are some analogies.
There are no favorite sports team driven reasons to support Trump.
There are no neck tie color driven reasons to support Trump.
There are no golf average driven reasons to support Trump.
There are no cooking skill driven reasons to support Trump.
I could go on.
If the truth be known, God never intended sinful man to reign over other men

Read 1 Samuel 8. In it you will see the people demanding a sinful man to be their king. It grieved God, so he warned them but they would not listen, so they gave them their Trump or Biden. It was democracy in action


As a democrat, all you seek to do is give the state more and more control and power over people in order to expand their potential to abuse them. It's called being a collectivist. You have no appreciation for the sinful nature of mankind and the damage that man can inflict on people when in power despite the centuries of examples that showed God's warnings coming to fruition. You really think people like Joe Biden are good inside, and thus should be given more and more power. Marxism murdered hundreds of millions last century, so why is it still cool to be a Marxist like those who started BLM?

All I can do is try and vote for those who do not appear to be as controlling.

In reality, I don't want either one of them. The ironic thing is, neither does anyone else.
Not sure what any of that has to do with the OP.
/----/ There are no Christian driven reasons to support Trump means that it is not a consideration. Understand now?

If you're still confused, here are some analogies.
There are no favorite sports team driven reasons to support Trump.
There are no neck tie color driven reasons to support Trump.
There are no golf average driven reasons to support Trump.
There are no cooking skill driven reasons to support Trump.
I could go on.
Sorry, but this is the last response you will receive from me in this thread. I will just report you and scroll to the next response.
This is a straightforward question without any GOTCHA purpose or goal.
It's a fact that a large part of trump's support is from the Christian community. Even though this group admits he is flawed, the fact that he furthers Christian goals is enough to garner votes. A common remark is "God is using this flawed man to further Christian ideals." Many mention his stance on abortion, gay marriage, and Christian curriculum in schools, as well as other religion-based ideals as reason for their support. You may have other reasons to support Trump, but this thread is not about those other reasons, and it is not about the validity of your Christian ideals, pro or con, and I will report anyone who tries to hijack this thread for that purpose.
I have two questions.

1.Which Christianity based ideals do you consider to be your reason to vote for this admittedly flawed candidate. (more than one is acceptable)
2. Would your Christianity require you to vote for him, if he didn't support those ideals?
Which of your religious ideals is your reason to vote for the admittedly flawed Biden?

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