How is Israeli Prime minister allowed to address U.S. Congress.?!?During slaughter of Palestinians civilians?!?!!

Not everyone is as anti-Israel as you.
Hard to believe, but true.

What is even simpler is America's desperate need to track down and deport its infestation of traitorous Zionist shills who are a far greater threat to loyal Americans than anyone else.

If you're so loyal to America's most insatiable parasite and treacherous nest of Zionist Quislings what are you doing in our country?

Your fearless leader says:
“Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” - Benjamin Netanyahu

"How Israel Has Betrayed America"

EXCERPT "A recent report by Newsweek magazine that Israel has spied on the United States at “an alarming level” and has done so “more than any other ally does” raises a very serious issue concerning how much Israel has betrayed America, which is something that the American mainstream media have time and again refused to debate in public." CONTINUED
What is even simpler is America's desperate need to track down and deport its infestation of traitorous Zionist shills who are a far greater threat to loyal Americans than anyone else.
Thank you for proving my point - I could not have done better.

I ask everyone, how is the Israeli Prime minister allowed to address the U.S. congress, while innocent Palestinian men women and children are being slaughtered in the middle east.??!!? The entire world is watching, and this man comes to the United States of America, with blood on his hands to address the U.S. Congress.!!?? Is this happening in America today.??!!Who invited him to address the U.S. congress.!!??This is a global disgrace. America rep is ruinied.!!??
The answer to your question is quite simple, and the historical record is very clear even though unpleasant facts are suppressed by mainstream media which is controlled by Zionist players.

Through a long and slow process beginning in 1948 or before, the Israeli State completely owns the US government. For perspective, consider that Everett Dirksen, senator from Illinois back in the 60s commented that Washington DC was "Israeli controlled territory". It has only become worse. Today 96 out of 100 senators are paid by AIPAC to advance the Zionist Agenda. The number is similar in the House.
Another “G” poster, paid by HAMAS.

That's the best that you traitorous Zionist shills can come up with?

Show where I have written anything supportive of Hamas or be exposed as just another dishonest Hasbara hireling.

Thank goodness that America's infestation of traitorous Zionist shills are as stupid as they are disloyal:

“Stupid pro-Israel Americans - have you heard these quotes from your hero Netanyahu? See below?”

- “It is very good! It will be good for Israel!” Benjamin Nutandyahoo on the 9/11 attacks

- “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

- “My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”— Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

- “America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something, so then they say something – so what? Look, I wasn’t afraid to maneuver the Americans, I wasn’t afraid to go against the UN.” Benjamin Netanyahu
That's the best that you traitorous Zionist shills can come up with?

Show where I have written anything supportive of Hamas or be exposed as just another dishonest Hasbara hireling.

Thank goodness that America's infestation of traitorous Zionist shills are as stupid as they are disloyal:

“Stupid pro-Israel Americans - have you heard these quotes from your hero Netanyahu? See below?”

- “It is very good! It will be good for Israel!” Benjamin Nutandyahoo on the 9/11 attacks

- “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, 2002

- “My opinion of Christian Zionists? They’re scum. But don’t tell them that. We need all the useful idiots we can get right now.”— Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu

- “America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something, so then they say something – so what? Look, I wasn’t afraid to maneuver the Americans, I wasn’t afraid to go against the UN.” Benjamin Netanyahu
“Zionist shills”?! These G-posters are disgusting.
I ask everyone, how is the Israeli Prime minister allowed to address the U.S. congress, while innocent Palestinian men women and children are being slaughtered in the middle east.??!!? The entire world is watching, and this man comes to the United States of America, with blood on his hands to address the U.S. Congress.!!?? Is this happening in America today.??!!Who invited him to address the U.S. congress.!!??This is a global disgrace. America rep is ruinied.!!??
There is no such thing as a Palestinian civilian. They all support Hamas, so much so that many of these "civilians" helped in holding the hostages and they certainly help Hamas with their tunnels, etc.

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