How Much More Proof Does Biden Need That Netanyahu Is Not A US Ally?

But until they reach 88mph, the magic doesn't happen.
Until then, all they have is a shoddy bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts
Well that gets you fast enough to time travel

I was just talking about enriching uranium…some silly dembot was claiming they weren’t doing that until 2017
WASHINGTON – Former U.S. Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk called on Congressional leadership to revoke its invitation for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress after he falsely alleged the Biden administration is halting arms sales.

"Israel is at war on four fronts: with Hamas in Gaza; with Houthis in Yemen; with Hezbollah in Lebanon; and with Iran overseeing the operations. What does Netanyahu do? Attack the United States based on a lie that he made up! The Speaker and Leader should withdraw his invitation to address Congress until he recants and apologizes," said Indyk, who also served as the former U.S. Middle East peace envoy.

You already lost this argument son.

And your hero Bibi is going to lose to.
Argument? You are the only one arguing, and as usual, its with yourself.
We just watch and laugh at your incessant Reichbabble.
And what branch of the service was that in which you served, I missed it.....and we get it, you hate Jewish folk. Message received.
The mullahs put the student protests down violently with obamas tacit approval
That’s silly. Iran doesn’t look to anyone for permission to put down threats to their authority. They were going to do so no matter what anyone said.
The money came later during the nuclear desl
Which means it couldn’t have possibly had any effect on the green movement. Your post is nonsense.
That’s silly. Iran doesn’t look to anyone for permission to put down threats to their authority. They were going to do so no matter what anyone said.

Which means it couldn’t have possibly had any effect on the green movement. Your post is nonsense.
There were protest since the Green Movement. Silly dembot
Benjamin Netanyahu's eye-rolling video, in which he accused the Americans of holding up an arms shipment and yet again evoked Winston Churchill, is him playing politics - it's the only thing he knows how to do. His invite to address Congress in July should be delayed until after the U.S. elections.

His behavior warrants whole new definitions of the words "ingratitude," "cynicism," "mendacity" and "manipulation." Here he was, in all his ingrate splendor, rolling his eyes in a video clip, putting on an agonized face. Here was the prime minister of Israel whining and callously distorting and fabricating a narrative that the United States was halting arms shipments to Israel, implying that Biden is preventing Israel from "total victory" - a guarantee he smugly and weirdly utters every day.

This is the man who in 1991 arrogantly accused the Americans of getting it all wrong in the Middle East and was designated persona non grata by then-Secretary of State James Baker III. The man who, in a House of Representatives hearing in 2002, advised the Americans to invade Iraq because it would stabilize and democratize the Middle East. The man who influenced then-President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 because "there's a better deal." Now he is again blaming the United States and dares compare it to Britain in 1941, before the German invasion of the Soviet Union and Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Seemingly detached and untethered from reality, Netanyahu knew exactly what he was doing on Tuesday. In fact, Biden was warned that this was coming as early as November - and again in December, January and every month since. The prime minister was deliberately planning a confrontation with the Americans so he could blame Biden for his failures.

It’s not working for you anymore you ungrateful scumbag. You’re now just another right wing asshole, in the right wing asshole club. Even most Israelis, and American Jews aren’t buying your bullshit.

Tic tic
Biden backed Netanyahu every step of the way, providing him with bombs and $$$$ and diplomatic support. A vote for Biden is a vote for the mass murder of children.
Benjamin Netanyahu's eye-rolling video, in which he accused the Americans of holding up an arms shipment and yet again evoked Winston Churchill, is him playing politics - it's the only thing he knows how to do. His invite to address Congress in July should be delayed until after the U.S. elections.

His behavior warrants whole new definitions of the words "ingratitude," "cynicism," "mendacity" and "manipulation." Here he was, in all his ingrate splendor, rolling his eyes in a video clip, putting on an agonized face. Here was the prime minister of Israel whining and callously distorting and fabricating a narrative that the United States was halting arms shipments to Israel, implying that Biden is preventing Israel from "total victory" - a guarantee he smugly and weirdly utters every day.

This is the man who in 1991 arrogantly accused the Americans of getting it all wrong in the Middle East and was designated persona non grata by then-Secretary of State James Baker III. The man who, in a House of Representatives hearing in 2002, advised the Americans to invade Iraq because it would stabilize and democratize the Middle East. The man who influenced then-President Donald Trump to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal in 2018 because "there's a better deal." Now he is again blaming the United States and dares compare it to Britain in 1941, before the German invasion of the Soviet Union and Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.

Seemingly detached and untethered from reality, Netanyahu knew exactly what he was doing on Tuesday. In fact, Biden was warned that this was coming as early as November - and again in December, January and every month since. The prime minister was deliberately planning a confrontation with the Americans so he could blame Biden for his failures.

It’s not working for you anymore you ungrateful scumbag. You’re now just another right wing asshole, in the right wing asshole club. Even most Israelis, and American Jews aren’t buying your bullshit.

Tic tic
What happens if hundreds of thousands of protestors descend on the Capitol next month?

For a demonstration on July 24 in Washington D.C. to protest congressional invitation for Netanyahu

"In inviting Netanyahu, the American political establishment is making clear that there are no “red lines” to the number of Palestinians the Israeli regime is allowed to murder.

"The death toll is now approaching 50,000. Hundreds of thousands could be killed, including through mass starvation, and it will not impact the support of the United States.

"The WSWS calls on workers in all factories and other workplaces to organize delegations to participate in the demonstration. We also call on students and youth to travel to D.C. to protest on July 24."
Why did we do that?... we froze their money to stop them from funding terror... we gave it back and guess what happened...
Your first premise, we froze the money to stop them from funding terror, is completely wrong.
The money we froze, was for money they had in escrow, to purchase stuff, like fighter jets, and missiles.
We broke the deal, because we didn't want to send them weapons. But we kept the money frozen. which was illegal.
Had we not frozen the money, it never would have been available to support terrorism, because they bought goods with it.

Picture a drug addict, giving his pusher $500 to buy heroin. Now he can't use that $500 to buy a gun, or anything else.
But if the pusher doesn't deliver the heroin, and instead returns the $500. Only then would he have $500 to buy a gun.
We broke the deal, because we didn't want to send them weapons. But we kept the money frozen. which was illegal.
Had we not frozen the money, it never would have been available to support terrorism, because they bought goods with it.
You are saying what I'm saying but you don't know it.... we kept weapons and money from them because they are a terror state... What do you think we did that for?... just because?... When Obama and Biden gave it back they started funding proxies.... and buying weapons....
Because they did have a program to enrich uranium to weapons grade which they stopped in exchange for the deal that Obama made.

Trump ruined the deal so they restarted the program and made us all less safe.
hahaha so they were enriching uranium prior to Trump taking office....thank you.

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