Will there be a Harris/trump debate?

They want to be reimbursed with all the money and effort they spent spreading lies and disparaging Biden..
Fuckssake lads, they had his son arrested and charged for bullshit crime, do you know how hard that is to do...

And the Dems just swap to Harris... How can they do this... It is so unfair....
It is so unfair, they haven't even got time to get their lies about Harris straight before the election...
Oh, Ted...aren't you cute! Here's how it works in the real world! If you're the person behind in the polls...which Harris is...then if you want the leader to debate you then you probably are forced to agree to a debate set up you don't like! Trump agreed to debate Biden on CNN because he wanted to be on stage against Biden even if it was at a venue controlled totally by the Democrats. Harris may be forced to debate Trump on HIS terms because she's behind in the polls! Otherwise she's running on her record as a prosecutor, Senator and Vice President...which sucks!
They were probably "fair" because Biden was beyond help.
CNN gave Biden the questions they'd be asking him in advance but he was so far gone he couldn't remember the talking points he'd been prepped with for a WEEK before the debate! There was nothing that Tapper or Bash could do to save that debate for Biden or trust me...they would have done it!
the CNN moderators were surprisingly fair, even they could see that joe was only semi cognizant

Surprisingly fair.

Fueled in part by their own network bringing a light on how harsh they normally are, by kicking President Trump's spokesperson off the air earlier.
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Trump's morals, or lack thereof were settled in 2016. Not a concern to voters.
Not a concern to the cultist minority who voted for him. How much was due to his illegal suppression of the Stormy Daniels story?
That was absolute destruction.
Tulsi destroyed Harris because Harris has a record that Kamala really can't defend! She DID succeed because she slept with the boss! She DID put thousands of people in prison for possession of grass and then laugh and admit that she herself smoked pot! She DID keep an innocent man in prison for murder! Her record in the Senate WAS the most liberal of any other Senator even more liberal than a Bernie Sanders! She WAS the Border Czar for the Biden Administration and did nothing about the border for 3 plus years! And more than anything else? She DID know that Joe Biden hasn't been up to the task of being President and lied to all of us repeatedly about that!

Trumpworld Howls Over The Switch From Biden To Harris

Within hours of President Joe Biden withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing Kamala Harris to run in his stead, Donald Trump had a response: It was all very unfair.

It’s his classic MO, leaning wantonly into personal grievance when nothing else will do. Biden, Trump suggested, was lying about having COVID. The Republican Party, he said, should “be reimbursed for fraud” because it had been so grossly misled.

And, Trump added, he would no longer agree to the terms of the next debate. He’d rather it be held on friendly turf – Fox News – effectively signaling that he’s dropping out of the next debate as currently scheduled.

My debate with Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the history of the United States, was slated to be broadcast on Fake News ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, sometime in September. Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, has quit the race, I think the Debate, with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be held on FoxNews, rather than very biased ABC. Thank you! DJT

Faux is not biased? Or is this a way to back out of debating Harris? Maybe he doesn't want to be on stage with a woman after he was found liable for sexual assault (rape in many states) for finger fucking Carroll against her will. Or because his party wants to force women to carry a fetus to term against their will.


Trumpworld Howls Over The Switch From Biden To Harris

Within hours of President Joe Biden withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing Kamala Harris to run in his stead, Donald Trump had a response: It was all very unfair.

It’s his classic MO, leaning wantonly into personal grievance when nothing else will do. Biden, Trump suggested, was lying about having COVID. The Republican Party, he said, should “be reimbursed for fraud” because it had been so grossly misled.

And, Trump added, he would no longer agree to the terms of the next debate. He’d rather it be held on friendly turf – Fox News – effectively signaling that he’s dropping out of the next debate as currently scheduled.

My debate with Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the history of the United States, was slated to be broadcast on Fake News ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, sometime in September. Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, has quit the race, I think the Debate, with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be held on FoxNews, rather than very biased ABC. Thank you! DJT

Faux is not biased? Or is this a way to back out of debating Harris? Maybe he doesn't want to be on stage with a woman after he was found liable for sexual assault (rape in many states) for finger fucking Carroll against her will. Or because his party wants to force women to carry a fetus to term against their will.

What makes you think Harris wants a debate with Trump?

She knows that she will be schlonged royally by The Donald, there really would be nothing that she could do when Trumpamania runs wild on her.
Not a concern to the cultist minority who voted for him. How much was due to his illegal suppression of the Stormy Daniels story?
I'll call the Stormy Daniels legal NDA, and raise you the "Access Hollywood" fiasco. Didn't matter.

How does that compare to the FBI and 51 security "experts" lying to voters that Hunter's laptop was "Russian disinformation"?

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