Police Endorse Convicted Felon

You said that about Obama and Rev Wright. I didn't think he was going to win. I absolutely think she's going to win.

Fear, lies and what??
Hate. Your ousted cult leader led with that in his speech last night.,
Ehh, she sings a different tune now. I didnt even mention orange man. Why must you obsess continually about him bobo? You should check into your mental disorder.
Trump is a real threat to the country I love. The judges he appoints. The laws he's allowed to break because Republicans won't hold him accountable. Or the Supreme Court who has his lawless back. The tax breaks he gives to companies and rich people. Not to mention he caters to social conservatives and I'm a liberal.

You must not realize the last 40 years it's REPUBLICANS who have ruined the middle class. Well, actually, deep down you know it. That's why you voted for Trump over real Republicans.

Trump fooled the moderates and independents once. But not again. I think Biden was going to beat him so I sure as hell think a black woman is going to.

And I like her/Biden's policies better than Trump's.

I warned people why Hillary should be President. It was the Supreme Court picks. And look Trump appointed 3 right wing nut jobs. Boy was I right.
You made this up. Don’t lie. There was no force.
LOL You make my day with every post you shred more and more of why little dignity you had left. Please continue
You are a hack, a tired, mindless hack.

And on comes the ad hominem. I'll stop. I see how much reality is hurting for you.
I bet you didn’t even know what you were talking about when you suggested a “mini primary”. You’re just not very smart.

Have a blessed day. Log off. Have a meal with a friend. Take a walk.

The president of the National Association of Police Organizations, announced NAPO’s backing of the twice-impeached, quadruply indicted candidate during a Trump campaign rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

No one ever accused cops of being the sharpest tools in the shed.
Geeeeeeeeeeeee, do you think that maybe, just maybe, they realize the convicted felon was found guilty in a kangaroo court?
LOL You make my day with every post you shred more and more of why little dignity you had left. Please continue

And on comes the ad hominem. I'll stop. I see how much reality is hurting for you.

Have a blessed day. Log off. Have a meal with a friend. Take a walk.
Your posts are boring generic right wing talking points.

Your only attempt at an original comment was your suggestion of a “mini primary”, which you clearly didn’t understand and blew up in your face (which is why you won’t talk about it).

Your posts won’t be missed.
Democrats have removed the sting of impeachment, and now "felon'. And now they don't understand why people don't care about his fake conviction
MAGA has removed the sting of reality. In MAGA, if you don’t want to believe a fact, you don’t have to!
Trump is a real threat to the country I love. The judges he appoints. The laws he's allowed to break because Republicans won't hold him accountable. Or the Supreme Court who has his lawless back. The tax breaks he gives to companies and rich people. Not to mention he caters to social conservatives and I'm a liberal.

You must not realize the last 40 years it's REPUBLICANS who have ruined the middle class. Well, actually, deep down you know it. That's why you voted for Trump over real Republicans.

Trump fooled the moderates and independents once. But not again. I think Biden was going to beat him so I sure as hell think a black woman is going to.

And I like her/Biden's policies better than Trump's.

I warned people why Hillary should be President. It was the Supreme Court picks. And look Trump appointed 3 right wing nut jobs. Boy was I right.
Trump is a real threat to the country I love. The judges he appoints. The laws he's allowed to break because Republicans won't hold him accountable. Or the Supreme Court who has his lawless back. The tax breaks he gives to companies and rich people. Not to mention he caters to social conservatives and I'm a liberal.

You must not realize the last 40 years it's REPUBLICANS who have ruined the middle class. Well, actually, deep down you know it. That's why you voted for Trump over real Republicans.

Trump fooled the moderates and independents once. But not again. I think Biden was going to beat him so I sure as hell think a black woman is going to.

And I like her/Biden's policies better than Trump's.

I warned people why Hillary should be President. It was the Supreme Court picks. And look Trump appointed 3

No he's not. Liberals have burned this country to the ground with their social and domestic policies.
No he's not. Liberals have burned this country to the ground with their social and domestic policies.

How so?

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The “median” American household – picture the middle number in a long list of numbers – achieves a net worth of about $300,000 in the 50-to-59 age range, a far cry from $1 million.

The economy is doing great. Our only complaint is workers aren't getting their fair share. All you have to say about that is "what's a fair share?" Well dummy, it's more than they make now.

So the country isn't burning to the ground. Is it? How so?
How so?

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

If you’re a 50-something and you’re not worth a cool $1 million, do not despair. Those numbers are averages, and the super-rich drive them waaaay up.

The “median” American household – picture the middle number in a long list of numbers – achieves a net worth of about $300,000 in the 50-to-59 age range, a far cry from $1 million.

The economy is doing great. Our only complaint is workers aren't getting their fair share. All you have to say about that is "what's a fair share?" Well dummy, it's more than they make now.

So the country isn't burning to the ground. Is it? How so?

No, it didn't bobo. Inflation ate that money up. Its like getting a job that pays 500k a year and a house cost 100 million and a loaf of bread cost 50,000 dollars. Come on man, you're smarter than this and libs and repubs both did this through their horrid domestic policies. Yeah, everybody has a job and can't afford anything.
No, it didn't bobo. Inflation ate that money up. Its like getting a job that pays 500k a year and a house cost 100 million and a loaf of bread cost 50,000 dollars. Come on man, you're smarter than this and libs and repubs both did this through their horrid domestic policies. Yeah, everybody has a job and can't afford anything.

You are so wrong

If I made $30K before the Great Resignation but then I looked and found a better job after, I beat inflation.

If you stayed at your job, chances are the company you work for didn't give you a big raise to make up for inflation. Don't blame Biden. Blame your company and yourself for being a loser who doesn't have the balls to go find a better job.
No, it didn't bobo. Inflation ate that money up. Its like getting a job that pays 500k a year and a house cost 100 million and a loaf of bread cost 50,000 dollars. Come on man, you're smarter than this and libs and repubs both did this through their horrid domestic policies. Yeah, everybody has a job and can't afford anything.
The Great Resignation has fizzled out.

But in some industries – like personal care services and trucking – workers are still quitting jobs in large numbers compared to before the pandemic, typically to take higher-paying positions.

The widespread job-switching in some fields is noteworthy because those struggling with high turnover generally are doling out bigger pay increases, both to hire the job-hoppers and to hold on to existing employees.

A rapid rise in wages in sectors like personal care services and trucking is good news for those workers, helping them keep up with high inflation. But it's a dilemma for the Federal Reserve, which hopes its aggressive interest rate hikes since early 2022 have curtailed sharp pay increases and thus tamed inflation.

Do you understand what you just read? The Federal Reserve raised interest rates because wages were going up too fast/much and that just causes inflation.
You are so wrong

If I made $30K before the Great Resignation but then I looked and found a better job after, I beat inflation.

If you stayed at your job, chances are the company you work for didn't give you a big raise to make up for inflation. Don't blame Biden. Blame your company and yourself for being a loser who doesn't have the balls to go find a better job.

No, I see it everyday. People losing their houses, struggling with two jobs, etc. You're on fantasy island. But hey, this ain't all the cryptkeepers fault. Rip the scales off your eyes dude.

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