Police Endorse Convicted Felon

Yes, she did it illegally. That's why she plead guilty. And we know she knew the proper proceedure for what she said she was doing because she followed the proper procedure before. Then she got caught doing it illegally.

How can the media be liberal if you don't even know this?

Also, who?
At least you're backing the right candidate who shares your disrespect for the police.
What? I thought she locked them up after the cops arrested them? You would think the cops would love her.

But she's not like Trump who allows them to rough up suspects who've already been cuffed. Can you believe Trump said that?

Trump to police: 'Please don't be too nice' to suspects​

He described the precautions typically taken by police where they place a hand over a suspect's head while they're being put into a police car to protect them.

"When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, ‘Please don’t be too nice,’" he said.

I wonder if cops roughed him up when he was arrested and booked?

"When you guys put somebody in the car and you’re protecting their head you know, the way you put their hand over [their head]," Trump continued, mimicking the motion. "Like, 'Don’t hit their head and they’ve just killed somebody, don’t hit their head.' I said, 'You can take the hand away, OK?'

"I have to tell you, you know, the laws are so horrendously stacked against us, because for years and years, they've been made to protect the criminal. Totally made to protect the criminal. Not the officers. You do something wrong, you're in more jeopardy than they are," he added.

Pretty sad if the cops are falling for this. But I guess authoritarian organizations like the police would love an authoritarian like Trump. Think about it. Over the past few decades the police have been militarized. Have you ever heard a cop complain about that?
Yes. Your cult leaders stabbed him in the back and threw him under the bus.

Well, your party actually cancelled 14,000,000 votes. Deal with that reality

59% of Americans who think both he and former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, are too old and 27% who think only Biden is too old.

We want to win. If you want to win, you should probably stab Trump in the back. Actually one of you tried but missed

Crooks was a registered Republican

What? I thought she locked them up after the cops arrested them? You would think the cops would love her.
Not after she compared them tot he KKK

Did you not realize the baggage they were saddling you with when they ordered you to support this woman?
Yup. And he wouldn't even be honest as to why he quit.
You don’t know why he quit.
And I asked why your party forced him to step down. Please don't degrade yourself and deny that reality.
Your question is premised on something they is not true. The party did not force him to step down.

Reality is that Trump tried to wipe out millions of votes for Biden in 2020. Don’t degrade yourself and deny that reality.

I know it’s painful but you can’t just distract yourself from this truth.
Not after she compared them tot he KKK

Did you not realize the baggage they were saddling you with when they ordered you to support this woman?

You said that about Obama and Rev Wright. I didn't think he was going to win. I absolutely think she's going to win.

Fear, lies and what??
Yes we do. His party leaders force him to.
You made this up. Don’t lie. There was no force.
Damn I gave you a chance to show the tiniest bit of integrity and you go and shit your pants. Oh well.
You are a hack, a tired, mindless hack.

I bet you didn’t even know what you were talking about when you suggested a “mini primary”. You’re just not very smart.

The president of the National Association of Police Organizations, announced NAPO’s backing of the twice-impeached, quadruply indicted candidate during a Trump campaign rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

No one ever accused cops of being the sharpest tools in the shed.
First off your attitude demonstrates that you have no understanding about American society....even if you have lived here.

Police are just that. A descriptive word that is a verb moreso than a noun. They are not the law, they do not make laws, nor do they adjudicate the laws. They are responsible for policing.

Didn't Trump (or his legal representative) show up to courts?

Sure police say they are there to protect and serve....but they can't protect a jelly donut. But they do serve our communities by policing. Enacting the laws by policing those that are in violation and need to explain why to a judge.

Let's start again with intelligence instead of dumb, stupid, vilifying of public servants who are not politicians.

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