Zone1 Something for you "christian nationalists" to think about

Indeed.......its called FASCISM, and it swings both ways, fascism is a by-sexual evil. It swings through every political ideology on earth.
I was referring to communism but fascism - despite what some may believe - is a far left ideology too.
I was referring to communism but fascism - despite what some may believe - is a far left ideology too.
As swings both ways, from the far left through the supposed moderate to the far right. Hitler was a Socialist that did not hate the idea of the state running an economy as he openly hated Capitalism.........Hitler hated Russia and Communism because of "Bolshevism". Hitler called the powers that had overthrown Russia........criminals, in his own words.


Not exactly. He knew people like you would put him on trial daily so he beat you to the punch.
I haven't put anyone of trial.

You must be confused.

That's not uncommon for religious fanatics.
Simple...........YES, as the holy scriptures prove. Another FALSE PREMISE.......Jesus was successfully MURDERED :no_text11:They attempted to "murder" the Christ........but His body never saw corruption, He came back from the grave. What? Having trouble defining and comprehending the subject of SACRIFICE?:dunno: Do you have as much trouble comprehending the millions of unborn children that supposed PROGRESSIVES sacrifice at the alter of human secularism every year?

Some attempt to label Jesus' sacrificial act as "suicide".........its not suicide when you are the Son of the Living God that will rise from the grave, just as the prophecies declare. Jesus body or soul never saw corruption (rot) -- Ps. 16:10

If you are a true Christian you believe the words of the Holy Scriptures inspired by God. "All scripture is inspired of God......" -- 2 Tim. 3:16-17. If you are not a Christian and demand that people believe BS propaganda such as you presented.........Does it really matter? Why? You are of this world and obviously you hate and reject the truth recorded in the Holy Scriptures.

Jesus knew and accepted that His mission was one of sacrificial death. Jesus knew His mission was necessary to save those that would follow the truth in spite of those (such as you) in the world that hates the TRUTH. (John 17:9-14)

Jesus fulfilled all that was asked of Him by the Father. (John 17:4)
Seems to me that history shows the greatest force for evil was the collusion between atheism and government. It's really not even close.
Religious fanatics and the government.

Atheists had nothing to do with it.
Sure you have and do. You judge God to be lacking, right?
My personal judgement is not a trial.
And yes, if this mythical sky daddy is real he has a lot to answer for.

But I'm pretty confident he ain't.
Have you ever read anything from Lenin? Cause you are wrong about that. Communist leaders were militant atheists.
Wait, now communists murdered jesus?

Dude, put down the crack pipe.
Wait, now communists murdered jesus?

Dude, put down the crack pipe.
We were discussing religious fanatics and government. What did you think militant atheist communist leaders were? In fact, anyone like you is a religious fanatic.
Sure it is.

You must not think he ain't if you are here talking about it.
No, it ain't.

And I;ll do you one better.

If he is real (he's not) he needs to be taken out behind the shed and taught to behave properly.
No, we were discussing who murdered jesus.
Maybe go back and re-read the chain starting with post #119. But I can see how you arguing against one religious fanatic while dismissing the religious fanaticism of militant atheists would be uncomfortable.
Maybe go back and re-read the chain starting with post #119. But I can see how you arguing against one religious fanatic while dismissing the religious fanaticism of militant atheists would be uncomfortable.
Not my fault if you can't keep track of the conversation.

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