Zone1 What does this mean to you?

Who cares? It was whatever you want to call it while being as pedantic as possible.
The ark went where the flood caried it. If it was a ship, I'm sure Noah wouldn't have steered away from the mountains.
Which is why they, you, and me need Jesus to free us from being slaves to sin.

Sin is disobedience to the law. If a person learns the right way to comply with the law, its easy.

The only way Jesus can save anyone from their sins is if they eat his flesh, his teaching on how to correctly understand the hidden subjects of the Divine commands, and drink his blood, do it.

Life is the promise for fulfilling the Laws demands. Life is in the blood, in the doing.

the burden of the law, death, is the consequence for not complying with the hidden will of God.

You will remain slave to sin for as long as you fail to grasp the salvation in the revelation of Jesus.

Reciting a few words, admitting to be a worthless piece of sinning shit, accepting Jesus as your God and personal savior, saying Amen! Hallelujah!, Praise God! and crying out to Jesus in agony won't help you at all if you do not understand a single word of what he was teaching and do it.

You have to save yourself. Remember? Jesus said to everyone healed, 'your faith has healed you.'
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The ark went where the flood caried it. If it was a ship, I'm sure Noah wouldn't have steered away from the mountains.
The ark was built to simply FLOAT and ride out the flood. That's why it's not called a ship. It wasn't built to travel
Could it be that they are misled because they believe that the "coming of the Son of Man" will lead to destruction instead of what God promised in Genesis and later spoke through the prophet Isaiah?
Well it will come as destruction as stated in Revelation for non believers
Well it will come as destruction as stated in Revelation for non believers
I disagree.

"Every eye will see him" implies that there will be no more unbelievers when "the last trumpet sounds" and Jesus emerges from the clouds that have obscured him from sight for millennia.

"Apocalypse" has come to be used popularly as a synonym for catastrophe, but the Greek word apokálypsis, from which it is derived, means a revelation."

"and then there will be no more curse" The consequence for defying Divine law (death). Rev 22:3
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I disagree.

"Every eye will see him" implies that there will be no more unbelievers when "the last trumpet sounds" and Jesus emerges from the clouds that have obscured him from sight for millennia.

"Apocalypse" has come to be used popularly as a synonym for catastrophe, but the Greek word apokálypsis, from which it is derived, means a revelation."

"and then there will be no more curse" The consequence for defying Divine law (death). Rev 22:3
Sure after the rapture occurs
And what will the rapture look like to you? People vanishing into thin air or what?
Whatever this means
The Rapture is a Christian belief about an event when Jesus Christ will return to Earth to catch up all believers, living and dead, to meet him in the air. The Rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17.
Then there is Matthew 24:40 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
Whatever this means
The Rapture is a Christian belief about an event when Jesus Christ will return to Earth to catch up all believers, living and dead, to meet him in the air. The Rapture is described in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17.
Where do you think "in the air" means? Up in the sky somewhere or above the heads of others??

Then there is Matthew 24:40 40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.
Sounds pretty sci-fi if one has a vivid imagination unrestrained by actual reality. Could it be as simple as the first appearance of Christ? Two people. One understood him, the other did not?

Two religious kooks ranting and raving on the internet. One will be taken, the other left behind.

Seriously, if you are looking into the sky you might miss whats going on right in front of your nose
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Where do you think "in the air" means? Up in the sky somewhere or above the heads of others??

Sounds pretty sci-fi if one has a vivid imagination unrestrained by actual reality. Could it be as simple as the first appearance of Christ? Two people. One understood him, the other did not?

Two religious kooks ranting and raving on the internet. One will be taken, the other left behind.

Seriously, if you are looking into the sky you might miss whats going on right in front of your nose
Maybe, not sure what else caught up together could mean!
Does the Bible claim it will be like the first time, it does describe what I posted.
You think only in the natural, God is supernatural!
Maybe, not sure what else caught up together could mean!
Caught up together. United. One way one truth one life. All in agreement, all of one accord. as Jesus said, "may they all be perfectly one."

which is incomprehensible to those left behind in the darkness. Not worthy of the resurrection.

Does the Bible claim it will be like the first time, it does describe what I posted.
First I will send for may fishermen, and they shall fish for them. After that I will send for many hunters and they shall hunt them out from every hill, etc..." So no. It will not be like the first time.

You think only in the natural, God is supernatural!
Okey dokie.

When you start floating up into the sky because you have so much faith, I will believe. Until then, for me, being rational is the only way to experience life to the fullest in all its glorious abundance.

You believers deny yourselves the fullness of life. You believe that God became a man. A brazen lie which is idolatrous, a deadly sin that causes you to injure yourself and the people you love.

This is earth. Human beings are not supernatural. You were conned....Is that too hard to believe?
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Caught up together. United. One way one truth one life. All in agreement, all of one accord. as Jesus said, "may they all be perfectly one."

which is incomprehensible to those left behind in the darkness. Not worthy of the resurrection.

First I will send for may fishermen, and they shall fish for them. After that I will send for many hunters and they shall hunt them out from every hill, etc..." So no. It will not be like the first time.

Okey dokie.

When you start floating up into the sky because you have so much faith, I will believe. Until then, for me, being rational is the only way to experience life to the fullest in all its glorious abundance.

You believers deny yourselves the fullness of life. You believe that God became a man. A brazen lie which is idolatrous, a deadly sin that causes you to injure yourself and the people you love.

This is earth. Human beings are not supernatural. You were conned....Is that too hard to believe?
Just say you don't believe and move along with your secular life then, why do you feel the need to come here and berate people who do believe. Hint,,,, you do believe all people have the innate knowledge of God you have just suppressed the truth.
In the Bible,
Romans 1:18 says, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness". This verse describes people who:

Don't acknowledge God or thank Him
Know the truth about God but actively suppress it
Worship creation instead of the Creator Have depraved minds
Engage in evil behavior

  • Engage in evil behavior

  • Love sin more than loving God and His truth

The ark went where the flood caried it. If it was a ship, I'm sure Noah wouldn't have steered away from the mountains.
Edit: would have steered it away from the mountains.
Just say you don't believe and move along with your secular life then, why do you feel the need to come here and berate people who do believe.
lol...Hey dude this a place where people discuss religion and ethics which apparently have nothing to do with each other. If you feel the need to cry about me pointing out how absurd and reprehensible what you profess to believe is, then hide your head in the sand and go to church.

Why do I do it? Because its the right thing to do. You are an idolator. Praying to God and thanking Jesus for dying for your sins hasn't nullified the Law or saved you from the consequences of your own words and deeds. You died in the very day you first celebrated the death of Jesus decades ago, descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you remain without life in hell.

You have your reward already!

If you loved God, loved Jesus, and hoped for eternal life you would be grateful for the heads up.

Damn, Some people just have no class!
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Romans 1:18 says, "For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness". This verse describes people who:

Don't acknowledge God or thank Him
Know the truth about God but actively suppress it
Worship creation instead of the Creator Have depraved minds
Engage in evil behavior
You just described yourself. Your depraved mind "believes" that Jesus was a "human sacrifice" who paid the penalty for your sins, death, a curse, so you won't be held accountable for your own. Now thats depraved! You might as well kill a baby and let your own brother fry in the electric chair

You are a God fearing, Jesus loving, pft, traditional family values, patriotic religious bullshit artist.

You love Jesus, an innocent Jewish man, so much you threw him under the bus to save your own delusional ass and by doing so you have only succeeded in condemning yourself. Believe that.

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lol...Hey dude this a place where people discuss religion and ethics which apparently have nothing to do with each other. If you feel the need to cry about me pointing out how absurd and reprehensible what you profess to believe is, then hide your head in the sand and go to church.

Why do I do it? Because its the right thing to do. You are an idolator. Praying to God and thanking Jesus for dying for your sins hasn't nullified the Law or saved you from the consequences of your own words and deeds. You died in the very day you first celebrated the death of Jesus decades ago, descended into the netherworld, the realm of the dead, where you remain without life in hell.

You have your reward already!

If you loved God, loved Jesus, and hoped for eternal life you would be grateful for the heads up.

Damn, Some people just have no class!
Oh don't get me wrong, pointing out your absurdity is my pleasure and I didn't say you couldn't discuss anything? My question would be, why waste time arguing about something you don't believe in? I already gave you the answer for why you do what you do you do believe, you have suppressed the truth to live in sin, worshiping God is my prerogative, worshiping Jesus is my prerogative. I do not celebrate Jesus death, I celebrate my Savior who gave his life for mine. You are correct you have no class, you do what you do to try and feel superior.
You just described yourself. Your depraved mind "believes" that Jesus was a "human sacrifice" who paid the penalty for your sins, death, a curse, so you won't be held accountable for your own. Now thats depraved! You might as well kill a baby and let your own brother fry in the electric chair

You are a God fearing, Jesus loving, pft, traditional family values, patriotic religious bullshit artist.

You love Jesus, an innocent Jewish man, so much you threw him under the bus to save your own delusional ass and by doing so you have only succeeded in condemning yourself. Believe that.

Jesus came to Earth and died for my sins, the perfect lamb of God, so I could be reconciled to God the father. He is still alive, resurrected and sits at the right hand of the Father. Any other questions I can help you with, turn from your sin and be saved!

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