Netanyahu: "Some of these protesters hold up signs proclaiming 'Gays for Gaza'. They might as well hold up signs saying 'Chickens for KFC'."

Today's protestors in America are useless tits that have absolutely no value to society at all, they are unhappy with themselves, they are uneducated, immature, lazy, and have no goals in life

They are so desperate for attention yet have nothing of value to get attention with that the only thing they know how to do is join up with others exactly like them and protest for a cause none of them understand. All they know is they are desperate to be fake mad so people will thumb up their social media profile. It's the easiest way for them to validate themselves because it takes absolutely no intelligence or consideration, just find some mad people and join in.

Protesting in the name of other countries on American soil should be an arrestable offense to be honest. If you want to protest over Gaza then go there and protest, they aren't doing a damn thing to change anything by protesting in america, all they are doing is causing problems for Americans.

But they are cowards, they will protest here because nothing can happen to them. They don't protest for any reason beyond just selfish reasons.
Protesting in the name of other countries on American soil should be an arrestable offense to be honest.
If laying a strip on a LGBTQ+ colored crosswalk can be prosecuted as a hate crime, why can't burning the US flag?

If laying a strip on a LGBTQ+ colored crosswalk can be prosecuted as a hate crime, why can't burning the US flag?

Because the people in charge of prosecuting crimes are godless, anti American asswipes with no sense of American morals, values or standards and pride.

And our political officials are obsessed with fags.
Because the people in charge of prosecuting crimes are godless, anti American asswipes with no sense of American morals, values or standards and pride.
And our political officials are obsessed with fags.
Best answer today :)

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