The new talking point.

Melodramatic nonsense. Again, Haley did the exact same thing just last week. Every convention candidates drop out and release their delegates. None of those primary voters are 'disenfranchised'.

It happens every primary. What DOESN'T happen every time is say......forging fraudulent certificates of ascertainment. Trying to overthrow a lawful election. Threatening of secretaries of State by the candidates. Attacking the capitol to prevent the peaceful transition of power.

All of which MAGA did. Conservatives don't give the tiniest shit about democracy.
Again you moron she didn't win the nomination so who cares Harris wasn't even in the primary to be voted for in fact she is so bad she could only garner two percent in the last primary she is an absolute embarrassment of a candidate but you have to vote for her because the Rich people of the democrat party said so
Again you moron she didn't win the nomination so who cares Harris wasn't even in the primary to be voted for in fact she is so bad she could only garner two percent in the last primary she is an absolute embarrassment of a candidate but you have to vote for her because the Rich people of the democrat party said so

Again NO ONE has won the nomination yet. As not a single delegate has voted.

You're so desperate to be the victim, that you ignore the very premise of delegates and how nominees are determined. Until the delegates vote, there is no nominee. There is only a presumptive nominee. That was Biden until he quit. Now it looks like its Harris, with Biden's delegates expressing support for her in the upcoming convention.

And the process for dropping out and releasing delgates is the same for 50, 500 or 2500. Haley demonstrated the very process you're whining about last week. Just as Joe demonstrates it now by dropping out and endorsing another candidate.

Which happens EVERY primary. In both parties.
Again NO ONE has won the nomination yet. As not a single delegate has voted.

You're so desperate to be the victim, that you ignore the very premise of delegates and how nominees are determined. Until the delegates vote, there is no nominee.

And the process for dropping out and releasing delgates is the same for 50, 500 or 2500. Haley demonstrated the very process you're whining about last week. Just as Joe will demonstrate it now by dropping out and endorsing another candidate.

Which happens EVERY primary. In both parties.
Sorry you spelled being forced out, and being forced to endorse another candidate, or be offed by the party wrong. My guess they threatened him with the 25th and he resigned to maintain some sort of dignity where there is none!
Really? Are there pictures?????

But unlike Trump, Biden listened, and put country over self-interest.
PUAL-LEEASE stop with the bullshit.

Sorry you spelled being forced out, and being forced to endorse another candidate, or be offed by the party wrong. My guess they threatened him with the 25th and he resigned to maintain some sort of dignity where there is none!

Forced out, says who? Is it you, citing yourself? Its you citing yourself as Joe Biden, isn't it?

Yeah, I'm gonna go with actual Joe Biden over that voice in your head that you play-pretend is the President.

And Joe says that he left for the good of the party, for the good of the country, and so he could focus his time and energy on the Presidency.

Why would I ignore him and instead believe some internet rando who doesn't even know how the nomination process works?
Forced out, says who? Is it you, citing yourself? Its you citing yourself as Joe Biden, isn't it?

Yeah, I'm gonna go with actual Joe Biden over that voice in your head that you play-pretend is the President.

And Joe says that he left for the good of the party, for the good of the country, and so he could focus his time and energy on the Presidency.

Why would I ignore him and instead believe some internet rando who doesn't even know how the nomination process works?

To convince. An appeal. By your own article.

And what 'source' are you citing? My source is Joe BIden himself. The world's leading expert on the motivations and thought process of the President of the United Staes. Who's yours?

So we have 'a source told The Post' on one side. And Joe Biden explaining his own motivations on the other.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with Joe on this one. As would any rational person.
To convince. An appeal. By your own article.

And what 'source' are you citing? My source is Joe BIden himself. The world's leading expert on the motivations and thought process of the President of the United Staes. Who's yours?

So we have 'a source told The Post' on one side. And Joe Biden explaining his own motivations on the other.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with Joe on this one. As would any rational person.
Joe Biden doesn't know what day it is, shut up sheep
Joe Biden doesn't know what day it is, shut up sheep

Says you, citing your imagination. Imagination may be the gold standard in the MAGA echo chamber. But outside it, its just meaningless babble.

Joe Biden is a way better source on his own motivations than some rando on the internet who insists he knows better.
Her “incompetence “ is in your mind and fueled by the fact that she is a black woman
Boy you guys are really getting those talking points out, Progressive liberal messaging racism misogyny abortion, rinse repeat. That is it, with some sexual deviancy sprinkled in to keep them voting
Says you, citing your imagination. Imagination may be the gold standard in the MAGA echo chamber. But outside it, its just meaningless babble.

Joe Biden is a way better source on his own motivations than some rando on the internet who insists he knows better.
Say me watching him speak, His own party has admitted he is basically braindead
Say me watching him speak, His own party has admitted he is basically braindead

Says you, play-pretending that you're a doctor. And then making up whatever nonsense you'd like.

Yeah, I'll stick with Joe Biden on Joe Biden's motivations for leaving the race. And leave the pseudo-medical batshit to you.
Says you, play-pretending that you're a doctor. And then making up whatever nonsense you'd like.

Yeah, I'll stick with Joe Biden on Joe Biden's motivations for leaving the race. And leave the pseudo-medical batshit to you.
You have got to be a put on, you don't believe Joe is actually competent

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