Bidens 20 yr term limit on Supreme Court Justices would have an immediate effect on several members of the court .

if Biden succeeds in getting a 20 yr term limit on the SC it will have an immediate effect on several members of the court ..
Thomas a [republican appointee] and Breyer [ considered by many as a moderate although appointed by a Democrat ] would immediately effected as both have served well over 20yrs .. and then 2 more republican appointees Roberts and Alito would be within 1 to 2 yrs of serving their 20 yr term .. that's 3 republicans gone from the SC ! if Dems win in Nov they could replace 3 conservatives on the court with liberal justices !

The court will simply call it unconstitutional.
I dont think lifetime appointments are in the Constitution
Neither were there term limits for presidents, or a 25th amendment imposed by Congress.
We have three legs of government. They are The Executive, Legislateive and Judicial.
For Congress to try and overide the two other parts of government is tatamount to sedition.
We must keep these parts of government seperate, functional worling.
We don;t need a judical similar to Venezuela, or any other banana republic.

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