MSM is Now Spinning That Kamala Was Never the Border Czar

As usual, their only shot is to deny reality and try to gaslight the voters. Here she is accepting the role -
Before Google completely scrubs and border czar references to Kamala, I asked MS Copilot. They already got their instructions. See below. Now the spin is that she was responsible for diplomacy with those countries.


Sent by Copilot:​

The term “border czar” has been associated with different individuals in different contexts. Let me clarify:
  1. Vice President Kamala Harris: In early 2021, President Biden enlisted Vice President Kamala Harris to address migration issues, particularly focusing on improving conditions in Central America’s Northern Triangle and addressing root causes of migration1. However, she was not officially designated as the “border czar.” Her role was more about diplomacy with countries like Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, which are key sources of migration to the U.S. She was not directly in charge of securing the U.S. border2.
Alejandro Mayorkas

Alejandro Mayorkas

  1. Alejandro Mayorkas: Alejandro Mayorkas serves as the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. He was sworn in by President Biden in February 2021 and is responsible for overseeing border security and immigration matters3.


  1. Texas Border Czar: In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott appointed Mike Banks as the State of Texas’ first-ever Border Czar. His role is to address border-related issues within the state4.
So, depending on the context, the “border czar” title can refer to different individuals with varying responsibilities. If you have a specific context in mind, feel free to ask for more details! 😊

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