Republicans are Weird

This is weird.


Republicans are weird.

This is a new campaign theme for Harris and the Democrats. Will it stick? Are Republicans weird? Let's investigate.

This is weird.

It's weird because why is a sitting U.S. Senator even talking about this? What does this have to do with his job, or policy, or how he's going to improve the lives of Americans.

It's performing for the base. It's weird.
The political party and its followers that believe men can magically be women are claiming an opposition party is weird? Try throwing those rocks harder from your glass house patio next time.
The POINT is that within 36 hours of the first attempt at this silly insult, at least fifteen difference Leftist sources, including representatives of the MSM are making the same point.

This is not coincidence. This is a campaign, based on nothing at all.

The Democrats have no candidates, no issues, no policies, and no accomplishments that they can run on. So "weird" is the best they can come up with.
i'm about 2/3 through project 2025 -- ugh -- if you're genuinely worried that "weird" is gonna backfire, pick 10 pages from 32-881, any 10 at random, doesn't matter. print em out, read em with a pen in hand. you'll underline a dozen things the most generous of good faith readings would call "weird"


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