Kamala Harris already faces racism and sexism from Trump and Republicans

It ain't a question of her taking the heat. After all, she's a former big city prosecutor. She's seen it from multitudes of competent aggressive mean-spirited defense attorneys.

Rather, it is sad MAGA Misogynist posting anonymously with a fake name on the internet who can't take the heat. Those Slow Leaks are pretty lightweight Skippys to the former prosecutor..



Ummm, nope.
Post after post on this venue has referenced imagined fellatio, her vagina, coitus, yadda, yadda, yadda. ALL of it intended to discount her as substantive woman of significant accomplishment.

It is MAGA Misogyny, often, always, repeatedly.

MAGAstan is no place for old women. Young women. All women. MAGA's hate wimmin. Especially women who are more competent, accomplished, and educated than MAGA men.

So, MAGA men blowing that fellatio tune is a deadsolidperfect way to convince women voters that Don Trump and the MAGAs are exactly what America needs more of.

Are you a speech writer for Word Salad?
Are you a closet MAGA Misogynist?

If you think you are, well, mein freund.....you ain't.
You are long out of the closet on that one.

Typical democrat, making false assumptions from statements not related to the assumption. You're dismissed moron. BTW, Putin and Xi know by now that all they have to do is make reference to her race or gender and she will collapse into a pile of so much jello being the perpetual victim that she is.
"You're dismissed....."

I'm OK with that.
But, if I go off from this thread there still remains your MAGA Misogynistic mantra of "Heels Up". That's a tell. We all know that.

Don't you get it by now, poster Concerned American?
MAGA's references to fellatio, Harris's accomplishments are due to her vagina, that she slept her way to everywhere.......well, mi amigo, your misogyny and MAGA's misogyny is a sure fire way to win over America's women.

I'm OK with that.
But, if I go off from this thread there still remains your MAGA Misogynistic mantra of "Heels Up". That's a tell. We all know that.

Don't you get it by now, poster Concerned American?
MAGA's references to fellatio, Harris's accomplishments are due to her vagina, she slept her way to everywhere.......well, mi amigo, your misogyny and MAGA's misogyny is a sure fire way to win over America's women.

Try again. I lived through the fiasco that was Heels Up in CA. Unlike you, I know that of which I speak.
I'm OK with that.
But, if I go off from this thread there still remains your MAGA Misogynistic mantra of "Heels Up". That's a tell. We all know that.

Don't you get it by now, poster Concerned American?
MAGA's references to fellatio, Harris's accomplishments are due to her vagina, that she slept her way to everywhere.......well, mi amigo, your misogyny and MAGA's misogyny is a sure fire way to win over America's women.

^this^ is where you end up when your entire education is social...like a parrot in a cage singing the school fight song decade after decade.
We’ve seen the racism, bigotry, and hate from Republicans on this very forum
Yep, and she will continue to. If her skin is as thin as the skin of her supporters apparently is, she will be utterly worthless in international relations. If words can hurt her, she’s in deep trouble.

I understand. I grew up with a very obvious birth defect that affects me even to this day. Kids can be the absolute worst creatures on Earth. They may notice differences. They call them out; and they’re not always nice about it. Then they turn into teenagers who see. The differences and make a point to be insulting about them. Kamala strikes me as the child who got sheltered from those kids I didn’t. I learned to deal with them.
‘It's not the first time a person of color or a woman has run for president, but Vice President Kamala Harris is already facing a new wave of sexist and racist personal attacks.

Her opponent, former president Donald Trump, has a long history of personally insulting people of color, women and immigrants. Here are just some of the attacks he's leveled at opponents:
Trump has called undocumented immigrants "animals." He has emphasized the non-European names of GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley and former president Barack Obama. He denigrates women of color as "angry" or "nasty."

The list could go on, but it's not just Trump attacking Harris.

Multiple Republican Congressmen have already called Harris a "DEI hire" or "DEI vice president," implying the former U.S. Senator and California Attorney General was not sufficiently qualified and only picked to fulfill a diversity, equity and inclusion quotient.’

This is what happens when women fight back against abusers and misogynists, such as Trump.

Oh bullshit.... She faces plenty of misogyny from the Democrats too. It's there they're just afraid to admit it.
"Unlike you..."

Ummm, I long lived in California. Petaluma, SF, Fresno, Sacramento. And did long assignments in SD.

Now, C.American, I am not saying the man behind your avatar is a misogynist......what I am saying is the Concerned American avatar certainly and unmistakably walks, talks, and quacks......like a MAGA Misogynist.

Surely, you too recognize that role your avatar now plays on this forum venue.
And, mi amigo, misogyny simply ain't gonna make America great. Now. Again. Or ever.

I'm mildly sure you know that.
Ummm, I long lived in California. Petaluma, SF, Fresno, Sacramento. And did long assignments in SD.

Now, C.American, I am not saying the man behind your avatar is a misogynist......what I am saying is the Concerned American avatar certainly and unmistakably walks, talks, and quacks......like a MAGA Misogynist.

Surely, you too recognize that role your avatar now plays on this forum venue.
And, mi amigo, misogyny simply ain't gonna make America great. Now. Again. Or ever.

I'm mildly sure you know that.
Nor will installing an unqualified person into a presidential race without a primary vote based on gender and race instead of qualifications. I'm positively convinced that you know that.

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