Kamala Harris already faces racism and sexism from Trump and Republicans

If you can't double down on racism and sexism...well, what fun is it for you to come on to a public chatroom, poster Back Again?
She got her position because she is the Vice President of the United States of America... and.........and, she is not Trump.


That's OK, Back Again, do it.
Jump full on into the Misogyny Mosh Pit.

You know, we all know......MAGAs dis women.
They fear women of substance and accomplishment.
Why should your avatar be any different?
If you can’t be honest, your posting is just as laughable as it is useless.

But, that’s you.
".....your feeble attempt to frame it as racism and misogyny notwithstanding."

Ummm, it ain't my poor avatar that shrills out "Heels Up" Harris. Nor is it my avatar who blogs out that she got the President nod because she's black and has a vagina. Or that she did fellatio to advance her career.
The MAGA Misogynists are doing that.

Like they did and do to Hilary, Jill Biden, AOC, Ketanji Brown, Letitia James, Fanni Willis, and any woman of substance and accomplishment.

MAGA misogyny is real.
We all know that.
Those sad MAGA failures with adult women now have become the enemies of women.

But, from an electoral perspective their clever tactic of accusing accomplished women of only being able to advance because they are on their knee performing fellatio........sure sounds like a winning campaign strategy.

So, poster Concerned American, keep shrilling it out. You go guy.
"....your posting is just as laughable as it is useless."

From an electoral perspective the MAGAs clever tactic of accusing accomplished women of only being able to advance because they are on their knee performing fellatio........sure sounds like a winning campaign strategy.

So, poster Back Again, keep shrilling it out.
You go guy.
Criticizing or even mocking an individual who is eminently deserving of criticism or mocking is NOT evidence of racism, sexism, or any other -ism that they want to cite. The reason they use this particular slander is because there is no defense to it.
it ain't my poor avatar that shrills out "Heels Up" Harris. Nor is it my avatar who blogs out that she got the President nod because she's black and has a vagina. Or that she did fellatio to advance her career.
The MAGA Misogynists are doing that.
OK have your avatar answer me this. Do you think she was chosen for her qualifications to run the gov't? Do you think that she has been successful in any thing she has been assigned over the past 3 1/2 years? Do you think she was honest with the American people by NOT reporting Biden's cognitive spiral? Do you think she was chosen because, of all of the candidates, she was least likely to show Biden up? Now run along with your feeble attempt to reframe the narrative to something that it is not. Racism or misogyny have absolutely nothing to do with it. Your hatred of all things MAGA have everything to do with it. The difference is one campaign has a record of successes in spite of a hostile obstructionist congress and the other has a record of incompetence and failure to the extreme--even with a friendly congress and media.
‘It's not the first time a person of color or a woman has run for president, but Vice President Kamala Harris is already facing a new wave of sexist and racist personal attacks.

Her opponent, former president Donald Trump, has a long history of personally insulting people of color, women and immigrants. Here are just some of the attacks he's leveled at opponents:
Trump has called undocumented immigrants "animals." He has emphasized the non-European names of GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley and former president Barack Obama. He denigrates women of color as "angry" or "nasty."

The list could go on, but it's not just Trump attacking Harris.

Multiple Republican Congressmen have already called Harris a "DEI hire" or "DEI vice president," implying the former U.S. Senator and California Attorney General was not sufficiently qualified and only picked to fulfill a diversity, equity and inclusion quotient.’

This is what happens when women fight back against abusers and misogynists, such as Trump.


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