Office of Pro-Israel Jewish Congressman vandalized by antisemites

The DOJ doesn't care unless they have a R after their names or wore MAGA hats somewhere. The vandals and violent protesters are just exercising their right to free speech if they are on the left side of the political spectrum. I'll be surprised if there are any arrests and, even if there are, the consequences will likely be quite light.
It is another example of the double standards at work when the minority being victimized by a hate crime is a Jew, and his tormentors are on the left.
There's likely some video to review, but these punks and cowards usually hide behind masks.
In light of all the antisemitism that has sprung up, I think wearing masks should be banned. I also think the burka should be banned, as it would allow a terrorist to hide a bomb as he walks by a synagogue, or simply attack Jews, and remain incognito.

The Arabs marching around near where I live, chanting “death to Jews!” were all masked with Muslim garb. Perhaps they weren’t even Muslims, but leftists disguising their faces.

I will be following the story to see if the vandals are jailed.
What bill was that?

You can boycott whatever you want
Not in those 30 states can you boycott Israel. You can boycott and defame the British or German governments, but you cannot speak badly of the Israeli government. You can boycott, divest or sanction any country in the world including the US government, but you cannot speak badly of the Israeli government. Right here in the land of the free and home of the brave. You can thank AIPAC for that illegitimate situation.
Yet, here you are criticizing Israel.

And no one is stopping by any means beyond calling you a horse's ass.

So that's bullshit.

So, tell us oh so antisemitic one, what Israeli products were you forced to buy?
As an individual I can speak poorly of Israel and Mossad, but if I join a group that practices BDS against Israel, I will be treated like a J6 defendant.

In those states, like Texas, a person who contracts with the state of Texas must sign a contract showing fealty to Israel. There is a lady in a lawsuit about that right now.

That you are not aware of it simply shows how much you don't know. Or more accurately, won't admit.
Not in those 30 states can you boycott Israel. You can boycott and defame the British or German governments, but you cannot speak badly of the Israeli government. You can boycott, divest or sanction any country in the world including the US government, but you cannot speak badly of the Israeli government. Right here in the land of the free and home of the brave. You can thank AIPAC for that illegitimate situation.
what 30 states say you can't boycott or speak badly of Israel? Do you have an example of one of these state's and the law that says it?
Do your own research. Here is somewhere to start: State Anti-BDS Legislation
I see some examples of State's not willing to enter into contracts that boycott, but that dosesn't mean you personally can't. I see some examples of states condemning the bigoted BDS movement that wants to whip out Israel,.....I mean, why shouldn't a state condemn bigots?
I see some examples of State's not willing to enter into contracts that boycott, but that dosesn't mean you personally can't. I see some examples of states condemning the bigoted BDS movement that wants to whip out Israel,.....I mean, why shouldn't a state condemn bigots?
Keep dodging the facts and truth Struth, it fits you well displaying dishonest denial.
I see some examples of State's not willing to enter into contracts that boycott, but that dosesn't mean you personally can't. I see some examples of states condemning the bigoted BDS movement that wants to whip out Israel,.....I mean, why shouldn't a state condemn bigots?
USMB Mission Statement.jpg
Do your own research. Here is somewhere to start: State Anti-BDS Legislation

What do you think about the House passing legislation that was penned by a foreign established, non-governmental, special interest body in the form of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance?

Not only did this foreign established, non-governmental, special interest bodypen the legislation, but it also penned the terms regarding the enforcement thereof.

That's not how we're supposed to legislate in America.

This new, modern brood of unqualified, elected legislators simply do not seem to value American soverignty. In fact, they appear to be slowly, methodically destroying it. And can't say the modern electorate is any better.

What's even worse about this one is that the foreign body, which has no business dictating any law or the enforcement thereof in America, didn't even attempt to define ''antisemitism'' in that unconstitutional screed. They said they're just gonna run with however the so-called International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance arbitrarily chooses to define it either now, or in the future.

But sadly, nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.

What do you think about the House passing legislation that was penned by a foreign established, non-governmental, special interest body in the form of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance?

Not only did they pen the legislation, but they also penned the terms regarding the enforcement thereof.

That's not how we're supposed to legislate in America.

This new, modern brood of unqualified, elected legislators simply do not seem to value American soverignty. In fact, they appear to be slowly, methodically destroying it.

What's even worse about this one is that the foreign body, which has no business dictating any law or the enforcement thereof in America, didn't even attempt to define ''antisemitism'' in that unconstitutional screed. They said they're just gonna run with however the so-called International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance arbitrarily chooses to define it either now, or in the future.

But sadly, nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care.

I have no problem with it, why aren't we suppose to legislate like that in America? Are we not allowed to have organizations and groups lobby our Govt?
I have no problem with it, why aren't we suppose to legislate like that in America? Are we not allowed to have organizations and groups lobby our Govt?

That you openly profess to have no problem with the House passing legislation that was penned by a foreign established, non-governmental, special interest body, with the same foreign, non-governmental body penning the very terms regarding the enforcement thereof speaks volumes in terms of your crediblity.
That you openly profess to have no problem with the House passing legislation that was penned by a foreign established, non-governmental, special interest body, with the same foreign, non-governmental body penning the very terms regarding the enforcement thereof speaks volumes in terms of your crediblity.
yeah, i have no problem with it. Why should I? What's wrong with their defination of anti-semitism?
yeah, i have no problem with it. Why should I? What's wrong with their defination of anti-semitism?

I think that you, like many other self-professed'' patriots'' in places like this all over the www, are in dire need of re-education with regard to who is supposed to pen the laws and the enforcement thereof.

It's not supposed to be foreign, non-governmental special interest groups.

Traditional Americans know this. They should anyway...
I think that you, like many other self-profesed'' patriots'' in dire need of re-education with regard to who is supposed to pen the laws and the enforcement thereof.

It's not supposed to be foreign, non-governmental special interest groups.
Congress writes the laws, and the executive enforces them

Lobbiest are just lobbiest....and there is nothing that says they can't be some group that was first formed in Sweden to educate people about the Holocaust.
Congress writes the laws, and the executive enforces them

Lobbiest are just lobbiest....and there is nothing that says they can't be some group that was first formed in Sweden to educate people about the Holocaust.

Apparently you don't read good...

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