Zone1 "White privilege" does not exist, it is a lie.

Rather than emphasize the bad things whites did to blacks in the past, we should emphasize the bad things blacks do to whites and Orientals in the present: the crime, the welfare expense, the way blacks ruin working class white neighborhoods by moving into them, and the way affirmative action programs give unqualified Negroes jobs that whites and Orientals deserve because they have the intelligence to perform they well.

Who ruins "white working class neighborhoods", exactly? Would it be the blacks moving in or the real estate industry taking advantage of the situation.

Affirmative Action only compensates for White privilege. They'll hire the token minority or woman to make sure they don't get sued when they hire the idiot nephew.

Most people on welfare are white, and that's only counting poverty relief and not entitlements. "Welfare for me but not for thee!"

Seems like you are another sad white person who blames blacks for what rich people are doing to you.
If blacks were inferior like you keep claiming they are, then why would you need to subdue them?

I don't need to subdue my intellectual inferiors, I know I can outperform them.
Most of them are physically superior, but morally and intellectually inferior.
Who ruins "white working class neighborhoods", exactly? Would it be the blacks moving in or the real estate industry taking advantage of the situation.
When Negroes move into a white working class neighborhood the crime rate does up so the property values go down.
Affirmative Action only compensates for White privilege. They'll hire the token minority or woman to make sure they don't get sued when they hire the idiot nephew.
Affirmative action elevates Negroes to positions where most lack the intelligence to perform adequately.

The following bell curve explains why. To perform adequately as a professional or manager one needs an IQ of 115, Very few Negroes are that intelligent.

BellCurve 4.jpg

Many negroes have IQ's of 75 or less. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are unemployable. Unfortunately, they are very prolific because of welfare checks for their illegitimate children.

Seems like you are another sad white person who blames blacks for what rich people are doing to you.
You think that becoming an Anti Racist Virtue Signaler elevates you above the lower income whites you grew up with. Your hostility to Jews exposes your common origins.
Holy Shit, Hector's Twisted History...

TruthNotBs, I do not completely disagree with you, but I have a different angle on this.

The United States responded well to the twin challenges of the Great Depression and the Second World War because 90% of the U.S. population was white, and most Negroes were restricted to de facto second class citizenship: they were denied the right to vote; they could not serve on juries.

90% of the population wasn't white... The 89% who counted as "White" included Hispanics...

Not sure why you consider that a good thing.

Because Negroes could not vote they could not vote for welfare benefits for their illegitimate children. Because Negroes could not serve on juries they could not practice jury nullification when a black man was on trial for murdering one or more whites.

It also meant that white people could convict and execute innocent black people, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't bother you.

Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal were popular among Southern whites and working class whites. They knew that they could vote for high taxes on rich people and corporations to pay for benefits for themselves without also voting for equality with Negroes.

You miss a number of key components, one of those being that FDR coalition included northern urban whites and blacks, who had migrated there after WWI to get all those new factory jobs. If FDR only had to rely on Bubba and Billy-Bob,

The problem was, the South wasn't a whole lot of help getting the New Deal Passed. Conservative Southerners were the defacto opposition party during the first two terms. By 1936, the GOP was reduced to 18 seats in the Senate, and 86 in the house. This is the problem with southern whites. You're fucking stupid. You were stupid 150 years ago when you went out and caught bullets for rich slave owners, you were stupid 90 years ago when FDR was creating a middle class and you said "We don't need us no yankee unions!"

Southern whites and working class whites would have begrudgingly accepted the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty if these had improved the behavior of Negroes. Instead they led to five years of black ghetto rioting from 1964 to 1968, and more enduring increases in black social pathology. Black academic performance improved very little. School integration turned safe learning environments for whites into black board jungles where little learning occurred because whites were not safe from black juvenile delinquents who could not be educated and who violently interfered with the education of whites who could be educated.

You miss the point, as usual. The biggest worry the powers that be had was black people might start saying, in the middle of the Cold War, "Hey, that Communism stuff sounds pretty good!"

Here's what caused black "social pathology"... it was watching white people get off the boat and get in line ahead of them. Then Asians get of the planes and they are in line ahead of them.

Ever try to cut in line somewhere? People don't like it. It's probably how you got stuffed in that locker.

Southern whites and working class whites felt betrayed, so they left the Democrat Party and began voting Republican. The Republican Party promoted tax cuts for the rich and deregulation, leading to the growing income gap.

Any white person who felt betrayed because Blacks could have the same things they take for granted is kind of awful.

President Roosevelt's New Deal of the 1930's turned millions of unemployed whites into a law abiding, tax paying working class. President Johnson's Great Society of the 1960's turned millions of low income blacks into an unemployable underclass, the members of which often supplement their welfare checks with the gains from crime.

Um, except the Black unemployment has pretty much mirrored white unemployment.

Affirmative action elevates Negroes to positions where most lack the intelligence to perform adequately.

And white privilege elevates White People to positions where they lack the intelligence to perform adequately.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, we've been over this time and again.

I've encountered ONE black person who probably shouldn't have been elevated to her position, maybe due to AA.

I've encountered dozens of idiot relatives, boss's fuck buddies, and drinking pals who had no business being there, but were because they knew someone.

I had to deal with one idiot white woman who was hired because the last idiot white woman they fired was suing them for gender discrimination. (She won, but the settlement EEOC gave her was a joke.)

And shit, I don't entirely exempt myself from that. I got two of the last three jobs because of connections. When applying for the current job, I had two other strong leads based on connections.

That's what white privilege looks like, man.
And white privilege elevates White People to positions where they lack the intelligence to perform adequately.

Sweet Evil Jesus, man, we've been over this time and again.

I've encountered ONE black person who probably shouldn't have been elevated to her position, maybe due to AA.

I've encountered dozens of idiot relatives, boss's fuck buddies, and drinking pals who had no business being there, but were because they knew someone.

I had to deal with one idiot white woman who was hired because the last idiot white woman they fired was suing them for gender discrimination. (She won, but the settlement EEOC gave her was a joke.)

And shit, I don't entirely exempt myself from that. I got two of the last three jobs because of connections. When applying for the current job, I had two other strong leads based on connections.

That's what white privilege looks like, man.
Bosses like to work with people they like. Many bosses dislike Jews and Orientals, but they hire them anyway because they knew that most Jews and Orientals are intelligent. Bosses who dislike Negroes know that this is rarely true of Negroes.
Many negroes have IQ's of 75 or less. At that level they cannot be educated, and they are unemployable. Unfortunately, they are very prolific because of welfare checks for their illegitimate children.

Again, you need to stop repeating lies you hear on AmRen.

You think that becoming an Anti Racist Virtue Signaler elevates you above the lower income whites you grew up with. Your hostility to Jews exposes your common origins.

Religion is a choice. Jews picked the one that gives them a sense of entitlement that grates on everyone else. If they had any sense of self-awareness, they'd realize there's a reason they've been chased out of every other country in the world. then again, if they had self-awareness, they wouldn't be emulated what the Nazis did to them.

I'm proud of my common origin.

My dad had a HS education. He served his country in WWII and worked hard his entire life. Joined a union, raised five kids to be solid citizens, died at an early age due to a work-related carcinogen. (He was also a little racist, but product of his time!)

And you weren't fit to carry his lunch box.
Bosses like to work with people they like. Many bosses dislike Jews and Orientals, but they hire them anyway because they knew that most Jews and Orientals are intelligent. Bosses who dislike Negroes know that this is rarely true of Negroes.

That's not really true, either.

Other than companies owned by Jews, I don't see anyone going out of the way to hire them.
Holy Shit, Hector's Twisted History...

90% of the population wasn't white... The 89% who counted as "White" included Hispanics...
There were not many Hispanics in the United States back then. Hispanics tend to be more intelligent and obedient to the law than Negroes.

That's not really true, either.

Other than companies owned by Jews, I don't see anyone going out of the way to hire them.
Then why is this true?

Pew Research Center

As a whole, U.S. Jews are a relatively high-income group, with roughly half saying their annual household income is at least $100,000 – much higher than the percentage of all U.S. households at that level.

There were not many Hispanics in the United States back then. Hispanics tend to be more intelligent and obedient to the law than Negroes.

Actually, there were a lot of Hispanics back then, we just didn't count them as their own category. Why do you think so much of the west has Spanish Names?

Then why is this true?

It isn't.

Everything you say is a lie. The only question is, are you so stupid you really believe the shit you spew, or have you been taken in by the race hustlers.
Everything you say is a lie. The only question is, are you so stupid you really believe the shit you spew, or have you been taken in by the race hustlers.
I document my assertions with credible sources of data. You donh't. I expect a college graduate to know how to do that.

The race hustlers agree with you about Jews. I disagree with them.
Debunked racists who have been renounced by their academies are not "credible".

Get back to me when you have peer-reviewed research.
Like someone who never went to college you do not know the difference between "debunked" and "disproved."

Scientific truth is not determined by decree, but by repeatable experiments and the accumulation of data.

List any books for the general public that have been peer reviewed.

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