Do these Black democrat voters know the history of Planned Parenthood AND they are the largest users?

Who is putting folks in prison? Who runs the prison? Who writes the laws on who goes to prison?

So what crimes do you think shouldn't be prosecuted? And why do you think blacks violate the laws at higher rates per capita than any other race? No one is forcing them to make those choices.

How can I "revise" history? I am sharing FACTS!
1) FACT 42% of all women who had abortions in 2021 were non-Hispanic Black,
2) Planned Parenthood has nearly 80% of their facilities in minority neighbors,
3) “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
,“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

From The founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger
But of course YOU know that Blacks know I'm revising history?
These facts are available to the "Blacks" that you obviously have disdain for or why else would you blame me for altering the FACTS clearly stated and substantiated.

You're an idiot. Would you put a clinic for poor women on Park Avenue?
If Superstupidbrutha were honest, he'd admit that what he really wants is for certain people to be immune from prosecution for ANY crimes. I don't want ANYONE to be.
So what crimes do you think shouldn't be prosecuted? And why do you think blacks violate the laws at higher rates per capita than any other race? No one is forcing them to make those choices.

It's not about what crimes should or shouldn't be punished, but Lady Justice is supposed to be blind. Unfortunately, we know that isn't the case.
Why do you keep deflecting from my questions? Are you afraid to be honest?

Your question is stupid, I have never said any black person should get away with committing any crime. I have always stated that NO ONE should be above the law and everyone should be treated EQUALLY under the Law, but we know that is not the case in America. Is it OK Tx?
LOL, sure you do.

FAR more time than you have, just as I have exerted FAR more time, energy, and effort in working for those in neighborhoods YOU would be scared of than YOU ever have or ever will. Don't try to sell ME any shit because of the color of your skin.
Your question is stupid, I have never said any black person should get away with committing any crime. I have always stated that NO ONE should be above the law and everyone should be treated EQUALLY under the Law, but we know that is not the case in America. Is it OK Tx?

So what was your point in posting this?

Who is putting folks in prison? Who runs the prison? Who writes the laws on who goes to prison?

You're an idiot. Would you put a clinic for poor women on Park Avenue?
And you are even dumber to suggest that! You obviously are ok with women (and irresponsible MEN!)
screwing around and having 2 or more killings of human beings! Truly disgusting behavior.
You idiots keep saying "health of the mother, or some other justification" and I'm OK with that...
BUT YOU are letting women (and men who do it...) continue with 2 or more abortions because they are either stupid or irresponsible. Either way they are NOT acceptable behavior.
FACTS which you seem to ignore because they agree with ME!

Repeat Abortion, Repeat Unintended Pregnancy, Repeated and Misguided Government Policies​

About half of all U.S. women having an abortion have had one previously. This fact—not new, but dramatically underscored in a recent report from the Guttmacher Institute on the characteristics of women having repeat abortions—may surprise and concern some policymakers, even prochoice ones
Certain groups are overrepresented among women having abortions: those who are young, poor or near-poor, black, Hispanic or unmarried, and those who already have had one child.
Fifty-four percent of women having abortions used some method of contraception during the month they became pregnant.
(The 46% of them are the ignorant ones have NO contraception method.)
But all of the above goes way over your head! How sad you don't understand the value of human life!
Sure, you do, you repeat the same bullshit he spews.

No, you're a boot licking coon. Your eyes are covered up most of the time, so you don't see anything.

Tell me about Project 2025.
I don’t know anything about it other then it was something written by a non profit…yall demklan folks seem to know a lot more about it then me or anyone I know

Seems like a new talking point you got from MSDNC
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