Black Americans demand to know what ‘Black jobs’ are after Trump debate comment

Cut the crap white boy. We vote based on the policies. So if Republicans want more black votes, earn them by crafting policies that help us. All this childish bullshit you guys keep tryiong is not goingto get it done. The mindless are black republicans right now. I'm not voting for Project 2025 and the end of civill rights. I'm not voting to end imaginary anti white raxism that doesn't exist by ending policies that have given us a small chance at eqaulity.
Of course you'll remain dependent, and do so forever, well of course. What a sucker you are or rather is it that you are a easily manipulated moocher that is bribable for your blind vote every election cycle regardless of how bad your party candidate is ? Lying hurts nobody but you.
Cut the crap white boy. We vote based on the policies. So if Republicans want more black votes, earn them by crafting policies that help us. All this childish bullshit you guys keep tryiong is not goingto get it done. The mindless are black republicans right now. I'm not voting for Project 2025 and the end of civill rights. I'm not voting to end imaginary anti white raxism that doesn't exist by ending policies that have given us a small chance at eqaulity.
What is "eqaulity"? Do you pay attention to details?
Like the little red dotted line. It is the details that make the difference in how things work OR don't work. And obviously you don't pay attention to even when helping you i.e. the little red dotted line, and your lack of attention to details is what the Democrats know are a deficiency. That's why they appeal to your emotions and not the realities.
A very simple easy example:
Who do you think said this:"the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” The founder of Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger.

Now guess what race has the highest % of abortions by Harris' organization?
The Issues4Life Foundation, for example, is a faith-based organization that targets and works with African-American leaders toward achieving the goal of "zero African-American lives lost to abortion or biotechnology."
37% largest percentage are blacks! And what is the number one supporter of abortions by blacks? The organization is the nation's largest single provider of abortions, yet it gets millions of dollars in federal funding .

Sanger Harris' Planned Parenthood !

Now what party does Planned Parenthood support? In 2022: Democrats $676,765 VS GOP..$0. Zero!
So you support a party that is supported 100% by an organization that was founded to do this:
"that we want to exterminate the Negro population"


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