Zelensky challenges Trump to release plan to end Ukraine war with Russia

Zelensky, the unelected dictator, is worried that when Trump becomes president. He will cut off the free money scam and Zelensky will have flee Ukraine as a fugitive criminal.
Why do you hate your own country?
Why do you cheer for the enemy of your country (Putin) and sabotage your own country's efforts to protect our allies from Russian aggression?
Are you related to Jane Fonda?
None of the leftist fags who post here have left to fight for Ukraine. Pussies.
Why do you hate your own country?
Why do you cheer for the enemy of your country (Putin) and sabotage your own country's efforts to protect our allies from Russian aggression?
Are you related to Jane Fonda?
The United States under democrat leadership is a failed state deserving of replacement. Presently, it's not Putin that's the enemy of Americans, it's democrat leadership. Instead of protecting our allies, our president is using those allies to launder aid money back into the presidential pocket. There's a reason Hunter Biden is at all white house meetings.
The United States under democrat leadership is a failed state deserving of replacement. Presently, it's not Putin that's the enemy of Americans, it's democrat leadership. Instead of protecting our allies, our president is using those allies to launder aid money back into the presidential pocket. There's a reason Hunter Biden is at all white house meetings.
Ending that war is rather simple. Sit the two parties down and say work it out or...

If Zelinsky refuses to negotiate in good fath all funds are withdrawn.

If Putin refuses to negotiate in good faith, Moscow gets carpet bombed. Easy.
Z knows Trump doesn't have a plan. He knows what Trump is.

He also knows that anything Trump came up with would involve Ukraine's capitulation. Z would be "negotiating" against two guys.
I'm thinking that its admitting Ukraine into NATO.
^^^ wants ww3

Democrats are fucking around and soon they'll find out.

Democrats here say Democrats in cities like NYC are ready to die for Ukraine

A vote for democrats is a vote for WW3
Funny that he hasn't asked Biden for his plan to end the war?

Offhand, I'd say that Trump's plan for ending the war is simple: stop funding it and let Zelenskyy fight his own battles himself. If his neighbors want to chip in, that is their business.

Then I'd guess Trump would either expect repayment of all we've loaned him or we take over the land for ourselves.

Zelensky doesn't want the war to end... the man is now a multi X multi-$millionaire
Zelensky doesn't want the war to end... the man is now a multi X multi-$millionaire

He could end the war tomorrow probably by just sitting down with Putin and conceding a settlement giving up the small plots of land that Putin originally asked for.
Biden is the only one that claimed to expect the war to go on forever.
And apparently it will with Biden. 200+ Billion dollars and years in and
right now, the Ukrainians are getting their clocks cleaned.
No Biden did not say that.

So what’s Trump’s “plan”?
Funny that he hasn't asked Biden for his plan to end the war?

Offhand, I'd say that Trump's plan for ending the war is simple: stop funding it and let Zelenskyy fight his own battles himself. If his neighbors want to chip in, that is their business.

Then I'd guess Trump would either expect repayment of all we've loaned him or we take over the land for ourselves.

Putin is taking Trump seriously -

He could end the war tomorrow probably by just sitting down with Putin and conceding a settlement giving up the small plots of land that Putin originally asked for.
If your neighbor demanded “small plots of land” from your property would you captitulate… ever?

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