Leaked French Report on Ukraine

NATO, there have been attempted missile attacks on strategic Russian nuclear early warning Radar sites that can detect incoming nuclear missiles from a great distance, don't tell me those Ukrainian retards are responsible, this is the total insanity the US are playing with a senile arsehole in charge of the US, it's just a question of when Russia decides they are out of patience and start taking NATO assets down.
Nice try

But you guys invaded unprovoked and are responsible for NATO expansion
Nice try

But you guys invaded unprovoked and are responsible for NATO expansion
What do you mean nice try, thats what happened, the Ukrainians admitted it, are you really that insane you would risk nuclear war to prop up a bunch of gangsters in Kiev? and i didn't invade anyone i am English.
What do you mean nice try, thats what happened, the Ukrainians admitted it, are you really that insane you would risk nuclear war to prop up a bunch of gangsters in Kiev? and i didn't invade anyone i am English.
Sure Comrade
It seems unlikely that Ukraine can drive out entrenched Russian forces.
It also seems unlikely that those Russian forces can launch a meaningful offensive.

So, what is the end game for Ukraine?

Continue to inflict major casualties on the Russian forces
There are no "major casualties" of the Russian forces.

Force Putin to expend endless money to support occupying troops
Russia have endless money from their profitable trade with China, India and more than half of the world. And, what is even more important, occupation itself brings us money, real resources and Russian workforce. It's profitable.

Break the morale of Russian troops who ask…..why are we here?
"Khohlosrach" (Discussions about Ukrainian question) are as common in Russia as, say, the discussion between American lovers of firearms and their haters or between pro-lifers and anti-lifers. And if American government will tomorrow send US Army to several pro-gun states to "disarm NRA-rebels", American people may be pro, or contra, or neutral about this decision, but literally everyone who is able to read or listen will understand "why".
Actually, Russian soldiers in Ukraine see Russian civilians around them and they see NATO vehicles against themselves. So, whatever you write in internet articles, for the Russian soldiers it's definitely a fighting against foreign aggression.

Wait for a military coup or public uprising against Putin
Or for a military coup or public uprising against Zelenskiy or Biden.
Sure Comrade


There are no "major casualties" of the Russian forces.

I would consider 500,000 dead "major" but I guess that's up for interpretation.


There are reasons for Ukraine's manpower shortage. Young Ukrainian men have become more adept at dodging the draft. Russia said that its forces have killed nearly 6,000 foreign volunteers fighting on the side of Ukraine, which deters fresh new recruits from coming to Ukraine.

Marianne reports that the manpower and equipment situation is favorable for the Russians. “Zelensky would need 35,000 men per month, he’s not recruiting half that,” the 2024 report said.

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There are reasons for Ukraine's manpower shortage. Young Ukrainian men have become more adept at dodging the draft. Russia said that its forces have killed nearly 6,000 foreign volunteers fighting on the side of Ukraine, which deters fresh new recruits from coming to Ukraine.

Marianne reports that the manpower and equipment situation is favorable for the Russians. “Zelensky would need 35,000 men per month, he’s not recruiting half that,” the 2024 report said.

If they were real men they would shoot the Nazi press gangers instead of dressing in drag.
I would consider 500,000 dead "major" but I guess that's up for interpretation.

500,000 dead in Russian Army is absolutely obvious lie. Total number of killed is at least ten times less. And it's more or less equal to the amount of people died in car accidents.
The amount of cripples in two years barely doubled (and this is with the new population).
And yes, it's all comparative. In previous war Russia lost at least 30 million people.
"Decolonisation of Russia", demanded by the EU, might cost Russia 100 million lives.
Looks like we are talking in the different paradigms. While our American friends use thalassacratian logic of profits and losses ("the losses are unacceptable, we should finish conflict"), Russia use tellurocratian logic of threats ("the threats are unacceptable, we should attack").

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