‘What Do You Do When a Criminally Minded Person Is President?’

Criminally minded? What does that mean? Who in the world is qualified to judge "criminally minded"? What we do know is that it's relatively easy to diagnose Alzheimers and/or Parkinsons disease and both are a clear and present danger to national security but it seems that democrats and the criminally minded media are determined to keep Americans in the dark.
Criminally minded? Is this like having a convicted felon, unelected to any office advising on national security?

How exactly do you vett millions upon millions of illegals not to mention the millions more that were get a ways? Biden opened our border to anyone that wanted to come in and a torrent of drugs like Fentanyl. So now we've got more people dying of Fentanyl overdoses than we lost in the Vietnam War and we're experiencing a migrant crime wave from one end of the country to the other. Joe Biden OWNS that!

You employ enough people to process their cases, dummy.

I don't worry that we are losing our best drug addicts. if they weren't dying of Fentanyl, they'd be dying of something else.

Um, yeah, here's the thing about Migrant crime. Migrants are LESS likely to commit crimes than native born people because they don't want to pooch their immigration cases.
You employ enough people to process their cases, dummy.

I don't worry that we are losing our best drug addicts. if they weren't dying of Fentanyl, they'd be dying of something else.

Um, yeah, here's the thing about Migrant crime. Migrants are LESS likely to commit crimes than native born people because they don't want to pooch their immigration cases.
You've got teenage kids dying of Fentanyl. They're not "addicts". They thought they were getting a recreational drug like X. Instead they OD'd. Tell their grieving parents that their kid deserved to die because you progressives wanted to let ten million illegals in so you could win elections!
You've got teenage kids dying of Fentanyl. They're not "addicts". They thought they were getting a recreational drug like X. Instead they OD'd. Tell their grieving parents that their kid deserved to die because you progressives wanted to let ten million illegals in so you could win elections!
You employ enough people to process their cases, dummy.

I don't worry that we are losing our best drug addicts. if they weren't dying of Fentanyl, they'd be dying of something else.

Um, yeah, here's the thing about Migrant crime. Migrants are LESS likely to commit crimes than native born people because they don't want to pooch their immigration cases.
Our cities are overwhelmed with the migrants that you've let in...hospitals going broke...budgets blown up by the sheer volume of people...but your "solution" is to bring them in faster?
Godwin's. You lose.
It's going to be hilarious when you guys lose. Well, I learned something after the debate. I'm no different than you. I would vote for a braindead Biden over corrupt Trump.

But, I also can't wait to see what happens if Trump wins. But he won't. Don't forget abortion, and the system is rigged. But only if you lose, right?
Too bad he couldn't have known Democrats would turn an accounting misdemeanor that was past the statute of limitations into a felony.
What about the other 3 cases? Lying to the FBI and hourding all that top secret stuff. I'd love to know what he was doing with that stuff and why he refused to turn it over, BEFORE the election. But the corrupt Supreme's are there for King Don.
the dates are just the publishing date. Analyzing data takes alot of work and time, several months. Biden's data isnt yet available on those dates.
You can see the details here.

but on the other subject of Trump's promises, there is a list of forty broken ones. Like more than half of people paying more taxes.
Nonsense. This is 2024 and we all can see Biden’s monumental disastrous campaign promises in 2021 and their consequences.
Were there things Trump wanted to get done that he wasn’t able to complete or get to? Of course. He had the Democrats stopping him including the fake impeachments over fake dossiers and other bogus accusations. But, a main reason is that much of what you list was to be done in his 2nd term. The 343 that he did get done made the country much better and the world free from wars. And then, Parkinson Biden…

Worst recession since 1936
Worst pandemic since 1920
Worst race riots since 1968

Trump did an awesome job of record braking results.
Oh stop! No one But butt breath Democrats are claiming there was a recession caused by Trump. Everyone knows Democrat lead Covid19 was the catalyst cause followed by Biden’s extensions with shutdowns and school closers. Followed by disastrous economic decisions by the Biden communist team that caused the recession.
You've got teenage kids dying of Fentanyl. They're not "addicts". They thought they were getting a recreational drug like X. Instead they OD'd. Tell their grieving parents that their kid deserved to die because you progressives wanted to let ten million illegals in so you could win elections!

If they raised them right, they wouldn't be taking drugs... or be smart enough to tell the difference between X and Fentanyl.

Come on, stop pretending you care about this problem, which was just as bad under Trump.

Our cities are overwhelmed with the migrants that you've let in...hospitals going broke...budgets blown up by the sheer volume of people...but your "solution" is to bring them in faster?

Bring them in faster, put them to work, have them generating revenue. Problem solved.
It's going to be hilarious when you guys lose. Well, I learned something after the debate. I'm no different than you. I would vote for a braindead Biden over corrupt Trump.

But, I also can't wait to see what happens if Trump wins. But he won't. Don't forget abortion, and the system is rigged. But only if you lose, right?
If standing up for the unborn is the hill I die on, so be it, you ghoul baby murderer
They are affordable now. I don't have any problem buying them.

You mean after you guys took apart the apparatus for vetting them?
1. Groceries are not affordable.
US families are losing $1,000 a month in buying power thanks to "Biden's runaway inflation.

2. Trump had the border perfect. Everyone was vetted or remained in Mexico. Biden stopped the wall and then let in 12,000,000 unvetted migrants, including 100,000 Chinese, 50,000 Russian, and thousands of criminals and terrorists, including ISIS. Biden and the 51 traitors are a National Security disaster.
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If they raised them right, they wouldn't be taking drugs... or be smart enough to tell the difference between X and Fentanyl.

Come on, stop pretending you care about this problem, which was just as bad under Trump.

Bring them in faster, put them to work, have them generating revenue. Problem solved.
You think teenagers should be able to spot counterfeit drugs manufactured to look like the real thing? Think about this for a little bit, Joey! Why is it that we don't let teenagers drink alcohol or buy cigarettes? They're not adults yet...they're prone to doing rash things. We protect them because of that! Yes, I care about young people dying of drug overdoses. Why don't you?

It was not as bad under Trump. Another blatant lie from you.

The migrants coming in under Biden aren't coming here to work...they're coming here because they've been promised freebies. They're coming because we don't put criminals in jail here.
If they raised them right, they wouldn't be taking drugs... or be smart enough to tell the difference between X and Fentanyl.

Come on, stop pretending you care about this problem, which was just as bad under Trump.

Bring them in faster, put them to work, have them generating revenue. Problem solved.
Holyweird elites do tons of drugs who raised them? yet you excuse them because they can afford it
We are looking at the possibility of electing a criminal to be our president. So what do we do if or when that happens? We have been here before. And it has been the people who stopped the criminal.

‘What Do You Do When a Criminally Minded Person Is President?’

Corey Brettschneider’s new book couldn’t have landed at a more auspicious moment. The Presidents and the People: Five Leaders Who Threatened Democracy and the Citizens Who Fought to Defend It, went on sale last Tuesday — the day after the Supreme Court’s ruling in the election interference case against Donald Trump that gave presidents broad immunity for their “official acts.”

Brettschneider, a professor of politics and constitutional law at Brown University, writes about five past presidents who “posed great threats to democracy” by pushing the limits of legality — John Adams, James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Woodrow Wilson and Richard Nixon — and the citizens who responded by pushing back in an age-old American pattern of constitutional crisis and recovery.

Adams, after all, had prosecuted people who criticized him, Buchanan “colluded with the Supreme Court to deny constitutional personhood to African Americans,” as Brettschneider outlines. Johnson urged violence against his political opponents while heightening white supremacy in the wake of the Civil War, Wilson “nationalized Jim Crow” and Nixon, of course, committed criminal acts in the sprawling Watergate scandal. “When the president does it,” as the 37th president (in)famously said, “that means it is not illegal.”

In response to these executives’ attempts to weaken or outright eliminate the checks on their power, citizens fought back — from abolitionist Frederick Douglass to journalists Ida B. Wells and William Monroe Trotter to Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg and others — recommitting to the Constitution and stoking what Brettschneider calls “democratic recovery.”

Brettschneider reminds us that we were warned from the beginning this could happen.

“Revolutionary War heroes such as Patrick Henry predicted that the office was so powerful that a president with authoritarian ambitions could simply lay claim to the ‘American throne,’” Brettschneider writes, noting that “the power of the presidency has always been a loaded gun, one that threatens American democracy itself. Patrick Henry’s warning has always been relevant.” And it has arguably never been more relevant than it is right now.

You're going to have to terms with a second Trump term, butt hurt and all.
If standing up for the unborn is the hill I die on, so be it, you ghoul baby murderer
You're an idiot. The unborn. LOL. Fuck em! Who cares really? There are suffering abused and neglected children in this world. Now those people I care about. Once they've popped out of the pussy.

You should be ashamed of yourself. Vergogna! How many of you, if in the right situation, would get abortions yourselves? Suddenly you'd want the right and access to a doctor. You piece of shit.

But it makes you feel good about yourself to "stand up" for fetus'. Meanwhile, once they pop out, fuck em! They're on their own. Right?

Yes I love abortion. It's necessary. We'd be overpopulated with unwanted children without them. Or do you think people will stop fucking?

And if standing up for freedom is the hill I die on, so be it. You American Taliban. Thinking that the fetus in my womb is precious. So stupid. If you want to give me a million dollars I'll have the kid. How badly do you want me to have this kid? I don't want you to die on the hill. I just want you to pay to house, cloth, insure, feed my baby.
You're going to have to terms with a second Trump term, butt hurt and all.
Not really. It turns out this abortion issue is a really big deal.

And it turns out that 49% would vote for Biden, even if he shot someone on 5th ave.

Or, many people are voting for anyone but Trump. Like the Mike Pence's, Liz Chaney's, Chris Christie's or Mitt Romney's of the world. Not every Republican is spineless like Nikki and Ron D
Not really. It turns out this abortion issue is a really big deal.

And it turns out that 49% would vote for Biden, even if he shot someone on 5th ave.

Or, many people are voting for anyone but Trump. Like the Mike Pence's, Liz Chaney's, Chris Christie's or Mitt Romney's of the world. Not every Republican is spineless like Nikki and Ron D
Yeah, good luck with that pousti.

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