Debunking Liberal Myths About the Rich and the Capital Gains Tax

Capital gains applies to everyone. The dirty little secret is that a poor person who won a car in a lottery wouldn't be able to drive it because he would have to pay the capital gains tax up front. If the owner of a family farm died without a will the family would most likely have to sell the property to pay the death tax that the government suddenly dumped on them. A small time investor would be hurt more by capital gains than the rich investor from selling stocks. Gambling casinos? The government probably gives them a break.
You are a clown, it is almost 100% owned by the ungodly wealthy all laws are written only because of that fact. The bottom 80% receive just about nothing for income from cap gains The top 1% just about all their total income is from investments and their businesses. The top 1% own 16 times more then the bottom half.
You are a clown, it is almost 100% owned by the ungodly wealthy all laws are written only because of that fact. The bottom 80% receive just about nothing for income from cap gains The top 1% just about all their total income is from investments and their businesses. The top 1% own 16 times more then the bottom half.
so you don't have IRA's or 401Ks or stock options? I do, I ain't no corporation.
As regular income.

Never as capital gains ( the much lower rate)

As regular income.

How much are you planning to withdraw per year?
Under what filing status?

Never as capital gains ( the much lower rate)

You're allowed to have capital gains and benefit from the capital gains rate too.
It will increase fiduciary responsibility liability in courts of law, for one, and it will channel more money into real business investments instead of stock speculation for two. Corporate governance and owners being held legally responsible for debts, losses, and crimes committed by their managers has an amazingly positive effect in keeping stock holders interested in what their companies do beyond dividends and today's stock price.

It will increase fiduciary responsibility liability in courts of law, for one, and it will channel more money into real business investments instead of stock speculation for two.

Every company will be like a sole proprietorship?
Do you believe we have a democracy here in the United States? No, we have a plutocratic oligarchy, ruled by big-money capitalists. Do you have democracy in the workplace under capitalism? NO!
Fuck NO!

This is where socialists go off the rails. Their worship of majority rule, for every god damned thing in society, is patently insane and I'll never consent to it.
Fuck NO!

This is where socialists go off the rails. Their worship of majority rule, for every god damned thing in society, is patently insane and I'll never consent to it.
Majority rule is only necessary when it's imperative that everyone agree to one course of action. And it should only be tolerated when it IS necessary. Otherwise, there's no reason why the majority should be allowed to force its will on everyone else.

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