President Biden To End Tax Havens For The Mega Rich

That's just not true. It is a myth pushed by the left.

Some years billionaires pay no federal income taxes: Jeff Bezos paid zero in 2007 and 2011, ElonMusk paid zero in 2018, Michael Bloomberg paid zero several times in “recent years”, and George Soros paid zero three years in a row.
● The 25 top billionaires covered in ProPublica’s analysis saw their wealth rise by $401 billion from2014 to 2018, yet they paid a federal income tax rate of just 3.4%. That’s far less than what mostmiddle-class workers like teachers, nurses and firefighters pay.
● ProPublica bases that tax rate on how much each billionaire paid in federal income taxes duringthat period compared with how much their wealth grew. Because the wealthy make most oftheir money from the rise in the value of their assets, ProPublica calls the share of that increasepaid in taxes the rich person’s “true tax rate”.
● In 2018, these 25 billionaires reported a combined $158 million to the IRS in wages, a mere 1.1%of their total reported incomes for that year.

JEFF BEZOS Topline facts:
● Wealth growth, 2014-2018: $99 billion
● Total income reported for tax purposes: $4.22 billion (4.26% of his wealth growth)
● Total federal income taxes paid: $973 million
● True tax rate: 0.98%
That's just not true. It is a myth pushed by the left.

  • The 342 companies included in this study paid an average effective income tax rate of just 14.1 percent during this five-year period, almost a third less than the statutory rate of 21 percent.
  • Nearly a quarter of the corporations in this study (87 companies) paid effective tax rates in the single digits or less during this five-year period.
  • Of these, 55 (16 percent of the total 342 companies) paid effective rates of less than 5 percent. This is particularly striking given that all these companies were profitable for at least five years consecutively. Companies paying less than 5 percent include T-Mobile, DISH Network, Netflix, General Motors, AT&T, Bank of America, Citigroup, FedEx, Molson Coors, Nike, and many others.
  • Twenty-three corporations paid zero federal tax over the five-year period despite being profitable in every single year. And 109 corporations paid zero federal tax in at least one of the five years.
Some years billionaires pay no federal income taxes: Jeff Bezos paid zero in 2007 and 2011, ElonMusk paid zero in 2018, Michael Bloomberg paid zero several times in “recent years”, and George Soros paid zero three years in a row.

OMG! That's horrible!!!
What was their income in those years?
The selling of the climate scam will be a piece of cake eventually and we all will end up taxed in the world government scheme.
You think that CO2 raising the average temp .5 deg C is a terrible thing, wait until those 5000 some odd nukes start landing. You will think these were the good old days.
ProPublica bases that tax rate on how much each billionaire paid in federal income taxes duringthat period compared with how much their wealth grew.

They didn't compare their income tax paid to their actual income?

Because the wealthy make most oftheir money from the rise in the value of their assets, ProPublica calls the share of that increase paid in taxes the rich person’s “true tax rate”.

ProPublica lied.
Twenty-three corporations paid zero federal tax over the five-year period despite being profitable in every single year. And 109 corporations paid zero federal tax in at least one of the five years.

If they had a profit, how did they pay zero?
I suspect they had zero net earnings.
Prove me wrong.

Some years billionaires pay no federal income taxes: Jeff Bezos paid zero in 2007 and 2011, ElonMusk paid zero in 2018, Michael Bloomberg paid zero several times in “recent years”, and George Soros paid zero three years in a row.
● The 25 top billionaires covered in ProPublica’s analysis saw their wealth rise by $401 billion from2014 to 2018, yet they paid a federal income tax rate of just 3.4%. That’s far less than what mostmiddle-class workers like teachers, nurses and firefighters pay.
● ProPublica bases that tax rate on how much each billionaire paid in federal income taxes duringthat period compared with how much their wealth grew. Because the wealthy make most oftheir money from the rise in the value of their assets, ProPublica calls the share of that increasepaid in taxes the rich person’s “true tax rate”.
● In 2018, these 25 billionaires reported a combined $158 million to the IRS in wages, a mere 1.1%of their total reported incomes for that year.

JEFF BEZOS Topline facts:
● Wealth growth, 2014-2018: $99 billion
● Total income reported for tax purposes: $4.22 billion (4.26% of his wealth growth)
● Total federal income taxes paid: $973 million
● True tax rate: 0.98%
So Bezos paid almost a billion in taxes over those years. How much did you pay? Until you can answer “more” you are not paying your FAIR SHARE, so sit down and STFU freeloader.
This from someone that supported Freedom Fries, and was for staying in Afghanistan after 20 years.

There are no rightards that have any credibilty on war.

Of course you can prove me wrong, and state your total opposition to the war in Gaza, and the occupation of Ukraine by Russia.

Anything other than what I just propsed proves my point.
The arguments are that not all people are living a good life with comforts. And that is impossible at this point in history.

President Biden To End Tax Havens For The Mega Rich​

Sure just like the last 5,000 times Dems promised that

This from someone that supported Freedom Fries, and was for staying in Afghanistan after 20 years.

There are no rightards that have any credibilty on war.

Of course you can prove me wrong, and state your total opposition to the war in Gaza, and the occupation of Ukraine by Russia.

Anything other than what I just propsed proves my point.

Bite me.

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