A few simple solutions to “Make America Great Again.”

**some great ideas. This guy gets it.

By Wayne Allyn Root

BIG Solution #1: Trump mentioned this idea yesterday in a private meeting with GOP Senators in D.C. Eliminate income taxes in America. The economy will explode. People will keep their own money. They will spend it. They will invest it. This will create millions of new jobs.

It works- Texas, Florida, Nevada and Tennessee are four of the fastest growing states and economies. They have no income tax. They rely on sales tax only- meaning they only tax spending. That’s why everyone is escaping from high-tax blue states like California, New York and Illinois to move to these states. On the federal level we can replace income taxes with either a national sales tax, or tariffs, or a combination of both. The bonus is…if we eliminate income tax, we eliminate the IRS. Forget firing 86,000 new IRS agents. Let’s fire every IRS agent. Your money belongs to you. It’s none of the government’s damn business what you make.

BIG Solution #2: Secure the border. Build the wall twice as high. Build three walls. Turn the border with Mexico into a “Demilitarized Zone.” No one gets in ever again, without us knowing who they are.

Big Solution #3: After we build the big wall, deport them all. America cannot survive if the 20 or 30 million foreign invaders that Biden (and his boss Obama) just let in, get to stay. Our economy can’t survive their cost for welfare, food stamps, education, free healthcare and prison/police. They all have to go. And no, it’s not 10 million illegal aliens. Biden let in 20 to 30 million, counting “got-aways.”

Big Solution #4: End welfare we know it. After we deport all the illegal aliens, offer the supposed “jobs no American wants to take” to welfare recipients. Either they take those jobs, or they lose their welfare. If you don’t want to work, you forfeit your welfare. A simple way to end the welfare state.

Big Solution #5: “End the Fed.” Besides the IRS, this is the most damaging and dysfunctional institution in America. Their only responsibility since founding was to keep inflation low and the value of the dollar high. They’ve failed miserably for over 100 years. Who needs them?

Big Solution #6: Institute TERM LIMITS for Congress. Everyone serves two terms and then goes home. No one gets to stay in DC forever and gets filthy rich on the taxpayer’s dime ever again.

Big Solution #7: Follow the lead of Argentinian President Javier Milei by dramatically cutting the size of government and firing at least one third of government bureaucrats. No modern-day U.S. president has ever cut spending. President Trump should be the first. This is the only way to start cutting the national debt. The bonus is by cutting government and firing bureaucrats, we are dismantling the Deep State.

Big Solution #8: Make American energy independent again by drilling, fracking and encouraging clean coal and nuclear. Declare the age of green energy officially over. This alone will kill inflation and save the great American middle class.

Big Solution #9: Get America out of the UN. The UN is a global version of The Fed. It has led to nothing but failure and wars. Every country in the UN hates America. It’s time to leave the UN, defund the UN and tell them to get off US soil.
Not sure I agree with every point, but am open to be persuaded. I would love to have a honest debate on each point minus the trolls who will do their damndest to prevent any honest discussion from happening.
Not sure I agree with every point, but am open to be persuaded. I would love to have a honest debate on each point minus the trolls who will do their damndest to prevent any honest discussion from happening.
Can you debate with somebody that disagrees with you? And do they have to be Americans? I don't think you can. You're just going to be a spammer and a whiner.
Can you debate with somebody that disagrees with you? And do they have to be Americans? I don't think you can. You're just going to be a spammer and a whiner.
Your opinion and 50 cents would buy a pretty good quality donut here. Take the hint.
Income inequality in America. You work it out.
No problem. You start at the bottom and work your way up. Anyone (not everyone) can get rich in America. Just do it. :) Hint: You may have to give up a few things for a while.
**some great ideas. This guy gets it.

By Wayne Allyn Root

BIG Solution #1: Trump mentioned this idea yesterday in a private meeting with GOP Senators in D.C. Eliminate income taxes in America. The economy will explode. People will keep their own money. They will spend it. They will invest it. This will create millions of new jobs.

It works- Texas, Florida, Nevada and Tennessee are four of the fastest growing states and economies. They have no income tax. They rely on sales tax only- meaning they only tax spending. That’s why everyone is escaping from high-tax blue states like California, New York and Illinois to move to these states. On the federal level we can replace income taxes with either a national sales tax, or tariffs, or a combination of both. The bonus is…if we eliminate income tax, we eliminate the IRS. Forget firing 86,000 new IRS agents. Let’s fire every IRS agent. Your money belongs to you. It’s none of the government’s damn business what you make.

BIG Solution #2: Secure the border. Build the wall twice as high. Build three walls. Turn the border with Mexico into a “Demilitarized Zone.” No one gets in ever again, without us knowing who they are.

Big Solution #3: After we build the big wall, deport them all. America cannot survive if the 20 or 30 million foreign invaders that Biden (and his boss Obama) just let in, get to stay. Our economy can’t survive their cost for welfare, food stamps, education, free healthcare and prison/police. They all have to go. And no, it’s not 10 million illegal aliens. Biden let in 20 to 30 million, counting “got-aways.”

Big Solution #4: End welfare we know it. After we deport all the illegal aliens, offer the supposed “jobs no American wants to take” to welfare recipients. Either they take those jobs, or they lose their welfare. If you don’t want to work, you forfeit your welfare. A simple way to end the welfare state.

Big Solution #5: “End the Fed.” Besides the IRS, this is the most damaging and dysfunctional institution in America. Their only responsibility since founding was to keep inflation low and the value of the dollar high. They’ve failed miserably for over 100 years. Who needs them?

Big Solution #6: Institute TERM LIMITS for Congress. Everyone serves two terms and then goes home. No one gets to stay in DC forever and gets filthy rich on the taxpayer’s dime ever again.

Big Solution #7: Follow the lead of Argentinian President Javier Milei by dramatically cutting the size of government and firing at least one third of government bureaucrats. No modern-day U.S. president has ever cut spending. President Trump should be the first. This is the only way to start cutting the national debt. The bonus is by cutting government and firing bureaucrats, we are dismantling the Deep State.

Big Solution #8: Make American energy independent again by drilling, fracking and encouraging clean coal and nuclear. Declare the age of green energy officially over. This alone will kill inflation and save the great American middle class.

Big Solution #9: Get America out of the UN. The UN is a global version of The Fed. It has led to nothing but failure and wars. Every country in the UN hates America. It’s time to leave the UN, defund the UN and tell them to get off US soil.
They rely on more than just sales taxes, there is sales taxes. the franchise tax (the state's primary business tax) motor vehicle-related taxes.
Our government often ignores the will of the people. We don’t want our money to go to foreign countries for their wars that don’t affect us. We don’t want tax dollars going toward DEI

That’s the problem. That’s why congress always has poor approval ratings. They don’t follow the will of the people.

We need big change. Root is on to something!
What makes you think you can run the government?

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