Why do left-wingers troll and use sarcasm in serious topics?

You can't tax your way to prosperity. God idiot asshole Democrats and their goddamn taxes. DUDE why is the Dems answer to every f'ing problem a goddamn tax increase? FFS! Do earth a favor and move to another planet. :eusa_hand:
Taxing appropriately is part of the solution
Hey buddy. I don't know what to tell you. Back in our day, a guy could go find a job and support a family working that blue collar job. Now uneducated blue collar Americans are struggling. The only happy ones are in unions and have job security.

So it's the lack of economic opportunities. By the time a guy finally pays off his debt and can buy a home it's too late to get married. After he pays off his student loans and everone else he doesn't want to pay for a wedding or have kids.

You boomers sure had it good. You could afford to have kids and retire fairly early. Well we want that. We want what you got.
Earn it, and smarten up.
The amount of sexless young men in this country is at an all-time high. It is coinciding with the rise of mass school shootings by young white men , record levels of loneliness and use of anti-depressions by young people.

They offer up no solution to the statistics brought forth. And so the cycle of viciousness and struggle continues in America.
What solution have you brought forth?

You can’t force women to find incels attractive. The only real advice I can offer is for these pathetic young men to stop being so pathetic. Women don’t like it and it’s not helping them get laid.
Wrt the fact that the number of single young people in America is at an all-time high. Especially among young men. The amount of sexless young men in this country is at an all-time high. It is coinciding with the rise of mass school shootings by young white men , record levels of loneliness and use of anti-depressions by young people.

When somebody says hey, we should do something to confront these issues. In response left these will say

“you’re a sexist. You’re a misogynist. You want women back in the kitchen”

They offer up no solution to the statistics brought forth. And so the cycle of viciousness and struggle continues in America.

But there is hope there have been many Americans who have rejected the far left ..people like Harrison Butker who praises traditional values. Many Americans are agreeing with people like Butker. Things like that provides hope for the future.
Many of us came from a generation or had parents who did, that had to fight to be able to open a checking account with out a husband’s signature, to be taken seriously as a top notch scientist, to not be asked to get tbe coffee for a conference…despite having the same PhD as the others. And when we finally made it, we were lambasted and blamed for every failure in our children, even schitzophrenia.

My hope is every woman will continue to have tbe freedom to make her own choice.
Wrt the fact that the number of single young people in America is at an all-time high. Especially among young men. The amount of sexless young men in this country is at an all-time high. It is coinciding with the rise of mass school shootings by young white men , record levels of loneliness and use of anti-depressions by young people.

But there is hope there have been many Americans who have rejected the far left ..people like Harrison Butker who praises traditional values. Many Americans are agreeing with people like Butker. Things like that provides hope for the future.
The demographics are what makes this a big problem. If the government does nothing, we will become 49% white.

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