Young men are 4x as likely to kill themselves, 3x as likely to be addicted to drugs and 12x more likely to be in prison compared to young women

Aren’t you the one who goes on and on about how porn is neutering American men or something?

Tate ran a web camming ring involving Romanian women
He did …. And Malcolm X used to be a pimp and a drug dealer. People change their ways for the better.
This is another segment from a liberal left-wing leaning professor Scott Galloway. Galloway is not some macho man in your face kind of guy but quite a normal successful businessman. 23 min mark of the following video,

It’s a topic of mega importance. “Masculinity in crisis.” I found it to be most interesting how left-wingers react to this topic . Many of them will make fun of young men using childish like terms or juvenile insults. Or they will ignore the issue and claim “everything is fine.”

When one hears the stats ie

Young men are 4x as likely to kill themselves, 3x as likely to be addicted to drugs and 12x more likely to be in prison compared to young women

…It is imperative for older generations, especially older men to start offering up solutions or ideas to confront these issues that young men face. They can’t say that “well the times are changing, it’s a different world, etc” because those are very troubling statistics above. It’s a serious issue and I hope some of the leftists can offer up some solutions to these issues.

That's because American men take the full brunt of life from a young age till they are old, women do not.

Today's youth have it harder because young men today are weak willed, soft, timid, and pussy ass bitches. They can't handle anything or carry a burden.

When men are boys they are picked on by men and women, other boys push them around and women tease them. They are treated harder by their fathers and mothers than the girls. They are expected to be the workers when they get older.

Young men are treated poorly by the women emotionally a long with the other problems from being a boy. Society today's also tells young men they are toxic, women are equal to men in all ways, that young men need to stop being masculine and blue hair and feelings are all they should care about. In general they tell them being a man is a negative.

Middle aged men are expected to do all the hard work. Sure there are female construction workers but they are directing traffic or holding a sign. Women get to openly bitch at men for not being equal but also get to still dump what they don't want to do on men. Society says women are special and unique and deserve what they want and should be worshipped but no one thanks men for what they do. Society says "believe all women" meaning "believe anything a woman says about a man if it's bad". Women are praised for being fat and ugly and so on but no one praises fat ugly men. All women get to openly complain about how they want to be treated like a priceless princess with this fantasy idea of a man, but a man is chastised if he doesn't want to date a fat freak woman. When they get divorced the man is raised over the coals in court. Hell a man is forced to pay child support meanwhile a woman can simply kill the baby if she doesn't want it

And the trend continues through life till a man reaches a certain age where suddenly no one cares about him enough anymore to even notice he is alive.

And of course we have a society that gives all the praise and glory and attention to men pretending to be women while shitting on real men.
That's because American men take the full brunt of life from a young age till they are old, women do not.

Today's youth have it harder because young men today are weak willed, soft, timid, and pussy ass bitches. They can't handle anything or carry a burden.

When men are boys they are picked on by men and women, other boys push them around and women tease them. They are treated harder by their fathers and mothers than the girls. They are expected to be the workers when they get older.

Young men are treated poorly by the women emotionally a long with the other problems from being a boy. Society today's also tells young men they are toxic, women are equal to men in all ways, that young men need to stop being masculine and blue hair and feelings are all they should care about. In general they tell them being a man is a negative.

Middle aged men are expected to do all the hard work. Sure there are female construction workers but they are directing traffic or holding a sign. Women get to openly bitch at men for not being equal but also get to still dump what they don't want to do on men. Society says women are special and unique and deserve what they want and should be worshipped but no one thanks men for what they do. Society says "believe all women" meaning "believe anything a woman says about a man if it's bad". Women are praised for being fat and ugly and so on but no one praises fat ugly men. All women get to openly complain about how they want to be treated like a priceless princess with this fantasy idea of a man, but a man is chastised if he doesn't want to date a fat freak woman. When they get divorced the man is raised over the coals in court. Hell a man is forced to pay child support meanwhile a woman can simply kill the baby if she doesn't want it

And the trend continues through life till a man reaches a certain age where suddenly no one cares about him enough anymore to even notice he is alive.

And of course we have a society that gives all the praise and glory and attention to men pretending to be women while shitting on real men.
Now we know more than we wanted to about your childhood. :rolleyes:

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