Young blacks committing crimes in DC… the media, Hollywood and the government is letting these young black men down. We need to help them.

And those who say


“Your wrong”
Hiding behind it just validating the perp
Young white men and black men need to be taught proper history of how beautiful America was. Of how they should respect American history, respect their neighborhood, respect their parents. So we need to transform the way our media, and Hollywood is instilling ideals into the youth.
instead of the other way round....
It also means a return of making people be responsible for themselves and not coddling them along.
It means a return of American morals, values, standards and pride. That means rewarding those that have those qualities are able to take care of themselves and live a decent and free life.
It’s a culture problem.

I'm glad to see conservative values are not dead yet ......~S~
I am a pessimist

Because I dont think it will change for many generations

Liberal policies serve to sustain black failure
There are more academic and economic opportunities for urban Blacks today than ever before. It’s sad few are choosing paths towards education and professional development because somehow, getting hold of illegal guns and carjacking people or flash mobbing stores to loot has more appeal.

I just saw about a eight or 10 minute special on CNN international there was actually a breath of fresh air. It was very informative. You actually have to watch the video to understand what I’m saying. But the link above might help. The video I saw showed only young black juveniles committing violent crimes. robbing Uber drivers… attacking people.

Now, again, as I’ve said, countless times, the problem with young white men is the mass school shooting issue. So there has to be accountability for young white people and young Black people who do wrong. It Has to be called out.

And those who say


“Your wrong”

Not only are they wrong, but they are a problem. And they are getting in the way of the solutions. We have a bad economy just as the CNN special pointed out. Yes again we have a bad economy now and the super high inflation is contributing to the higher crime rates.

Young white men and black men need to be taught proper history of how beautiful America was. Of how they should respect American history, respect their neighborhood, respect their parents. So we need to transform the way our media, and Hollywood is instilling ideals into the youth.

We can certainly have a better future in America. Believe in our Lord, believe in a better future and helping each other out.

Liberal social policies of the 1960s-1980s caused all of it.
Did liberals learn? NO - they have only expanded on those policies and it is yet - still getting worse.

You take fathers out of raising children - and this is what happens.
It is about fathers. Has always been about fathers. But you will NEVER get the left media or Democrats to acknowledge this.
The campaign must never end until they're deported back to Africa. They're a threat to western society.
(1) They are never going to be "deported."

(2) In all fairness, they have an older claim to this nation than do most other Americans (except for the Native Americans, of course).

(3) Therefore, Americans have a stark choice: move to another country or do one's best to adjust to brutal reality.

(4) That is why parents need to impress on their children the necessity to get a good education, which will help them get a well-paying job.

a. Then they will be in a better position to insulate themselves as much as possible from certain unpleasant aspects of American life.
Last few responses have been spot on.

We definitely have a culture problem in America that did not exist in the 1950s. Even in the 1980s we did not have the mass school shootings.

Living in Cambodia, you see how we have been lied to by people in America. It’s “dangerous” in other countries in the world they say.

Well, it’s much more dangerous in the streets of America compared to Thailand, or Cambodia in America has more money less poverty. So it isn’t about the money wish the BLM argument is. The BLM propagandist claim young black commit crimes “because they’re poor”. That is an evil argument.

We have a culture problem among young whites and young blacks in America today.

I had to take a break from the USA. I was so fed up with the politics and division in the USA. Very happy here in Cambodia. We need to stay focused and change for the better in America.
The point is, we’re having crime surges in major cities today. That’s more crime today. And the mass shootings issue of today that did not exist in the past. It’s a culture problem. People can ignore if they want but that only exacerbates the problem.

It’s undeniable the inner cities of today are dilapidated and wrecked neighborhoods. Now if you go back to the 60s or 70s even the neighborhoods there looked better.

It's called 'black inner city rage'.
You mean the man who never really did anything but get rich from preaching racism, hate and chaos.

No. I mean the man who changed the democrats total control of the media forever.

Do you remember when he came up with Barack the magic negro?
It isn't hard for a common person to determine the race of gangs and individuals who smash and grab merchandise but the FBI with all their technical expertise seems to think the shoplifters are barbie doll white babes.
If you would have gotten of the dem plantation like Rush told you to you would be so angry and racist. Enjoy your life of bitterness.
Ok LAL the floor is yours, tell me anything the Republican Party has done in the last 70yrs that has benefitted black folks. Give me some specific bills or policies.
Ok LAL the floor is yours, tell me anything the Republican Party has done in the last 70yrs that has benefitted black folks. Give me some specific bills or policies.

Blacks supported Democrats for 70 years. Democrats told us black lives are better? Really? Would you like to look at the social issues among blacks and tell us how the lives are better?

Single mother numbers increased
Deadbeat dad numbers increased
Children without parental guidance increased
Crime among blacks increased
Poverty increased
Homeownership decreased
Unemployment increased
Welfare for life increased
Advanced education decreased
Wealth gap increased compare to other ethnic groups

The Republicans are the evil ones, right?
It’s all rooted in depletion of family structure. Boys without fathers.
Democrats deflect this into racism and promote fatherless families in order to secure the women vote. No need for fathers. Women are independent and strong and those who support fatherhood are draconian, sexist conservatives, according to democrat propaganda.
Democrats are America’s greatest threat.
Blacks supported Democrats for 70 years. Democrats told us black lives are better? Really? Would you like to look at the social issues among blacks and tell us how the lives are better?

Single mother numbers increased
Deadbeat dad numbers increased
Children without parental guidance increased
Crime among blacks increased
Poverty increased
Homeownership decreased
Unemployment increased
Welfare for life increased
Advanced education decreased
Wealth gap increased compare to other ethnic groups

The Republicans are the evil ones, right?
In those 70yrs tell us what Republicans have done to correct any of the above-mentioned problems. I'll tell you, not a damn thing.

Many of the above-mentioned problems effect poor whites as well and many of them vote republican, so tell us what that has done for them.

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