Why do lefties accuse people of misogyny and racism with no evidence?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This occurred with Harrison Butker … he made a speech praising women who grow up to have children get married. He criticized abortion and degeneracy in American culture. Nowhere did he say women must stay at home. Nowhere did he make a racist comment. There are strict definitions of racism and misogyny. And people have to prove it if they accuse others of it. It is a form of evil to call somebody misogynistic or racist because they might disagree with a political organization like BLM or because they might be against abortion. That’s not how real life works.

The great majority of Americans support Butker. Look what happened with the boycott of Budweiser, the boycott of target for their tuck outfits for children. I don’t understand why a tiny portion of Americans continue to believe that left-wing politics is popular. It’s clearly not. Right now traditional values are winning in America.

It looks like the future might be bright America.

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Butker is probably the greatest kicker in the NFL right now. He’s a huge part of the Kansas City Chiefs. They cannot afford to lose him. He has played a huge role in helping the team. But I’ve seen radical lefties try and say that this guy is gonna lose his job. Look at how insane they are. Almost as if they want him to be fired from the Chiefs. Actually, some of them have been open about wishing Butker to lose his job showing how low class they are and clearly how they are against free speech.

But it’s obvious from past developments of the last year the great majority of Americans standby a patriot and a good Catholic like Butker.

Stats don't lie: Why Harrison Butker is the NFL's best kicker​

This is a wonderful thing for America. This is the NFLs greatest kicker. And he is taking a leadership role.

Radical Lefties attempt to downplay things and even show their blood thirst saying butker should be fired. They want the guy to fail for taking a leadership role. The left will make things up and say that “he is just a kicker he better be careful wrt what he says.”

They’re totally wrong. He’s one of the most important players on the Chiefs.

Those types of people that accuse butker of being a racist or misogynist are under one percent of the American population. But they’re often the loudest people. They are the annoying Uncle at a family party. They are the annoying radical feminist or radical BLM supporter getting interviewed on TV and embarrassing the country in front of the world.

But beautiful things are starting to happen. We are having a return to normalcy in America. We are having a rejection of the far left. Perhaps it started with a rejection of Budweiser or the rejection of Target for their tuck outfits for children. Even of the roast of Tom Brady comedy is coming back. Did anybody see the roast of Tom Brady where white people, trans people and Black people were Made fun of …everyone was targeted
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It is an easy accusation to make. And being accused of misogyny or racism causes the problem. It does not have to be true.
it’s a tiny percentage of Americans who make these evil accusations with no evidence to back it up. … they are supported by Hollywood and the media. But most Americans understand that things like BLM , the radical pro trans/pro abortion or the me 2 movement constitutes left-wing fanaticism that is against decency and all that we hold to be civilized

there is a counter to the false accusations of misogyny and racism from the far left.. Alternative media and the positive aspects of social media have had a huge counterpunch against radical BLM and feminist agendas this past year.
This occurred with Harrison Butker … he made a speech praising women who grow up to have children get married. He criticized abortion and degeneracy in American culture. Nowhere did he say women must stay at home. Nowhere did he make a racist comment. There are strict definitions of racism and misogyny. And people have to prove it if they accuse others of it. It is a form of evil to call somebody misogynistic or racist because they might disagree with a political organization like BLM or because they might be against abortion. That’s not how real life works.

The great majority of Americans support Butker. Look what happened with the boycott of Budweiser, the boycott of target for their tuck outfits for children. I don’t understand why a tiny portion of Americans continue to believe that left-wing politics is popular. It’s clearly not. Right now traditional values are winning in America.

It looks like the future might be bright America.

Why do "righties" accuse people of stuff without evidence?

So reasons. Because people want power, and you can lie and people will believe, then you get power.

It's interesting that MONEY buys you seats in Congress and the White House.

Why? If you have a message that MAKES SENSE, people should vote for it. But they don't.

You need to pound them with nonsense crap for months on end, and then they go "yeah, vote for that crap".

The whole point is people are fucking stupid. So they're easy to manipulate. So people do.
it’s a tiny percentage of Americans who make these evil accusations with no evidence to back it up. … they are supported by Hollywood and the media. But most Americans understand that things like BLM , the radical pro trans/pro abortion or the me 2 movement constitutes left-wing fanaticism that is against decency and all that we hold to be civilized

there is a counter to the false accusations of misogyny and racism from the far left.. Alternative media and the positive aspects of social media have had a huge counterpunch against radical BLM and feminist agendas this past year.

I think the term "Pedo" is thrown around by the right as much as the left makes their baseless accusations.
This occurred with Harrison Butker … he made a speech praising women who grow up to have children get married. He criticized abortion and degeneracy in American culture. Nowhere did he say women must stay at home. Nowhere did he make a racist comment. There are strict definitions of racism and misogyny. And people have to prove it if they accuse others of it. It is a form of evil to call somebody misogynistic or racist because they might disagree with a political organization like BLM or because they might be against abortion. That’s not how real life works.

The great majority of Americans support Butker. Look what happened with the boycott of Budweiser, the boycott of target for their tuck outfits for children. I don’t understand why a tiny portion of Americans continue to believe that left-wing politics is popular. It’s clearly not. Right now traditional values are winning in America.

It looks like the future might be bright America.

1. He went overboard, saying that his wife's life didn't start until she was married and had kids, and how "homemaker" is the ultimate career--to a group of college grads. BUT

2. The Left went overboard in the criticism, as always.
I think the term "Pedo" is thrown around by the right as much as the left makes their baseless accusations.
Maybe in some cases but the major difference is that the power structures in America like Hollywood and the media are blatantly on the side of far left wing fanaticism. And for them their idea of racism or misogyny is when somebody criticizes BLM or supports a pro life position.

Also notice that I have criticized Republicans. Note that a lot of Trump supporters criticize what they call the uni party

Radical left policies since the 1980s and even in someways the hippie movement of the 1960s has made the USA all for the worse. With regards to the downfall of the middle class, the rise of drug addictions, abortions, divorces, children born out of wedlock and now today the highest number of young men being lonely and single than ever before. And growing numbers of women who are single.

The financial times saying that within 10 years many women in their 40s will be lonely, children, and having mental issues.

All of our current problems and possible future issues can be overcome though. With positive work.
This occurred with Harrison Butker … he made a speech praising women who grow up to have children get married. He criticized abortion and degeneracy in American culture. Nowhere did he say women must stay at home. Nowhere did he make a racist comment. There are strict definitions of racism and misogyny. And people have to prove it if they accuse others of it. It is a form of evil to call somebody misogynistic or racist because they might disagree with a political organization like BLM or because they might be against abortion. That’s not how real life works.

The great majority of Americans support Butker. Look what happened with the boycott of Budweiser, the boycott of target for their tuck outfits for children. I don’t understand why a tiny portion of Americans continue to believe that left-wing politics is popular. It’s clearly not. Right now traditional values are winning in America.

It looks like the future might be bright America.

I don't know if anyone has accused Butker of racism or misogny, but he is definitely a bigoted homophobe.
When somebody brings up a fact or a trend like the financial times did with regards to how soon many women in their 40s will be alone, without children and depressed. In response, people are called misogynistic. Not because they said that women should clean and cook all the time And never do anything. no simply because somebody brings up a statistic or a study and they get called the misogynistic. It’s the same thing when somebody brings up the fact that most violent crimes are committed by blacks in America. Somebody who says that gets called racist and that is evil. That’s not racist to bring up a fact.

people get called misogynistic and racist for bringing up fax.. But the far left won’t call people racist if they bring up the fact that historically speaking most mass school shooters have been young white men. So there you go the left are hypocrites. Most Americans see this.

It’s the same hypocrisy applied to Harrison butker… what the Guy did was praise his wife and women who choose to stay at home, he spoke out against abortion, he criticized Joe Biden for his radical pro LGBT stance, he criticized the filth and degeneracy Of America. He did not make a misogynistic comment. Nor did he make a homophobic comment he is clearly talking about the radical ideals of men being allowed to play on women’s sports teams. He is criticizing late term abortions.

Most Americans would agree with Butker… but it’s the powerful media and Hollywood, who are trying to convince Americans that Butkers views are not popular when they clearly are
Why do "righties" accuse people of stuff without evidence?

So reasons. Because people want power, and you can lie and people will believe, then you get power.

It's interesting that MONEY buys you seats in Congress and the White House.

Why? If you have a message that MAKES SENSE, people should vote for it. But they don't.

You need to pound them with nonsense crap for months on end, and then they go "yeah, vote for that crap".

The whole point is people are fucking stupid. So they're easy to manipulate. So people do.
Libs have been overplaying their hand about trump through half lies and complete lies ever since he walked down the escalator in 2016

We have tuned out the Deep State and its anti MAGA minions long ago
This occurred with Harrison Butker … he made a speech praising women who grow up to have children get married. He criticized abortion and degeneracy in American culture. Nowhere did he say women must stay at home. Nowhere did he make a racist comment. There are strict definitions of racism and misogyny. And people have to prove it if they accuse others of it. It is a form of evil to call somebody misogynistic or racist because they might disagree with a political organization like BLM or because they might be against abortion. That’s not how real life works.

The great majority of Americans support Butker. Look what happened with the boycott of Budweiser, the boycott of target for their tuck outfits for children. I don’t understand why a tiny portion of Americans continue to believe that left-wing politics is popular. It’s clearly not. Right now traditional values are winning in America.

It looks like the future might be bright America.

A person/group in a defensive rage needs a TARGET to fire back at!
Why do "righties" accuse people of stuff without evidence?

So reasons. Because people want power, and you can lie and people will believe, then you get power.

It's interesting that MONEY buys you seats in Congress and the White House.

Why? If you have a message that MAKES SENSE, people should vote for it. But they don't.

You need to pound them with nonsense crap for months on end, and then they go "yeah, vote for that crap".

The whole point is people are fucking stupid. So they're easy to manipulate. So people do.
If you understood how politics works in this country you would know that the money goes into filing fees, campaign signs-literature/hand-outs (printing costs), advertising, offices and phones, mailers, travel expenses for staff and candidate, etc.

As for "message that MAKES SENSE"; what "makes sense" to Left is non-sense to the Right. And vice-versa.
There lies the biggest rub and reason compromise is difficult, because both sides are literal poles apart, see things and situations and solutions totally opposite from each other.

"The whole point is people are fucking stupid." is a great way not to get elected, or advance your cause/agenda.
Suggest study and learn Dale Carnegie's - How to Win Friends and Influence People
Apparently, very few people listened to what he actually said. He said that he believes that most women, even college grads, are more stoked about their "careers" as mothers and husbands than they are about their secular careers.

It's just his opinion, and he's right.

I can't even imagine a "successful" woman who would miss a parent-teacher conference for a late-night business meeting.
But I’ve seen radical lefties try and say that this guy is gonna lose his job. Look at how insane they are. Almost as if they want him to be fired from the Chiefs. Actually, some of them have been open about wishing Butker to lose his job showing how low class they are and clearly how they are against free speech.
For the most part, just another of your lies.

No sports fan ever said he should lose his job, you are, once again, spreading fake news.

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