Democrats are Trained Monkeys, and I am Going to Prove It (GOP ONLY...No Democrats Allowed!!)

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Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

A noble and intellectual man or woman knows that one should subordinate their emotions to reason. Both are equally vital components of humanity. However, emotion must be guided by reason, not the other way around. This is a principle necessary to virtue. Most Democrats have absolutely ZERO concept of this principle, or what leading a virtuous life entails. Instead, they are conditioned to seek instant gratification guided by situational ethics. Such is truly a morality that enables narcissism and a life seemingly free from responsibility.

The run of the mill Democrat voter walking the street is a parrot. Certain words "trigger" certain knee-jerk responses. It's like training your dog to piss outside. I ask my dogs "Wanna go outside?" and they get all excited then go piss and shit in the back yard. I then give them both a treat. What happens is that they recognize the word "outside" and know that if they go out and do their business then they will be rewarded with a yummy treat. Honestly, I think my dogs are actually more intelligent that the generic human cesspool that are Democrats.

So these assholes may hear the word, say, "woke", and that will cause them to mindlessly start accusing you of being a bigot and a homophobe. They do not even know why they are doing it. They just do it because they have been programmed to. If they hear you say "I don't want books about masturbations in my son's elementary school", then they blast off and accuse you of being a fascist, like Hitler. Again, they don't even have a clue as to why they are saying this. Obviously, people with such an objection are not a fascist for it. They simply don't want their kids exposed to such materials. It is their prerogative as a parent to determine how their child is educated about sex.

So, why would a leftist say something so stupid? It's because they do not know any better. They are like trained dogs. When exposed to Stimulus "A", they institute Response "X", then they are rewarded by feeling morally superior to someone else. It truly is as simple as that. There is nothing else to it. These are not sophisticated people. In fact, please watch as I make my point.

What follows is a statement on relative morality couched in terms of political ideology. An intelligent person can read it and decide to just not reply, as it clearly is not worth replying to ... like at all. But, it will stoke the emotions of the left and compel mean and hateful responses anyway. Even with me stating upfront that this is a test to show how Democrats are merely a bunch of trained monkeys, some of them are just not going to be able to control themselves. They will reply anyway, telling me that I am a bad person and that they wish I would die. Here goes.


Not long after Trump took office in 2016 there was a civil demonstration that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, over whether some Confederate leaders statues should be removed. People showed up to protest the removal of these monuments. The proponents of removal argued that the statutes were racist, or tied to a racist and white supremacist time in American history; i.e., slavery. Therefore, based upon the morality of the day, they should be removed. These shit heads were opposed by essentially 2 groups. First, there were the people who are averse to the rewriting of history based upon contemporary morality. What is history is history, and it should never be changed, regardless of whether you like it or not. These people want to preserve American history and, therefore, oppose the removal of the Confederate statutes. In other words, they want people to remember slavery, the horrible institution it was, and how it shaped the lives of African Americans for generations to come. They are the "good people" to whom Trump referred. Finally, the were a small group of racist assholes who showed up with their tiki torches, swastika tattoos, and heil Hitler salutes. There were not many of these shit heads. But there were enough to cause a kerfuffle.

Some folks came to protest what they were told was a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. CNN went live!! In reality, it was a non-event. It was completely constructed by the left. If they had just let the irrelevant Klan fags protest, then they would have gone home and nobody would have gotten hurt. Even the KKK has a right to demonstrate. So once the leftist brigade got their dicks hard, the tension grew and grew. It finally reached the boiling point, resulting in some white trash punk getting into a car and plowing it into some people. We are told that this dick was sympathetic to the white supremacist cause. He killed a young lady named Heather Heyer, a halfway decent looking piece of ass who was there to protest the racist protesters. Clearly, she was one of those young, white, unmarried leftist chicks that the pits of hell have unleashed on our nation in recent years. She went downtown to protest racism, and she died for her beliefs.

Heather has no discernable skills. She was not hitched and had no children. She has worked as a bartender, and a paralegal at some point. She was 32 years old when she was terminated. This is truly a tragedy, as she had a mother who had to deal with this. Nobody should ever have to deal with the death of their child, even grown. And had Heather not been stupidly trying to virtue signal at a political demonstration, then her mother would not have had to suffer so horribly.

Like I said, this was a tragedy. But let's pop on our objectivity caps for a moment. This chick was 32 and had not really done much with her life. Her description is similar to AOC, but cut off at the point where AOC auditioned for a spot as a Justice Democrats candidate. What did Heather have yet to accomplish in her life? Blowing her boss enough times for him to pay for her to go to law school, where she could blow her profs for passing grades?!? As I am apt to say with mediocre people, it is not like humanity lost the cure for cancer when this poor girl passed away.

Now, let's turn to another young lady who was prematurely taken from us, to wit: Ashley Babbitt. I won't go into all the particulars here, as the facts surrounding her demise are well known. Obviously, she is more well thought of than Heather. Ashley went to D.C. on J6 to participate in a perfectly lawful political demonstration. At some point, things got out of hand at the demonstration. Whether the disturbances resulted from the actions of frustrated and well-intentioned patriots, or FBI/Antifa plants (note how it has become quite appropriate to lump the FBI and terror group Antifa together in certain contexts), it is unclear.

Ashley, along with many, many others, entered the People's House when doors were breached (or, in some instances, opened by Capital Police, who then ushered the protesters inside). Ashley breached a door at some point. Sensing the urgent and certain death from this diminutive woman charging at him, a black Capital Police officer, with pistol drawn, proceeds to mag dump into Ashley's body. She died from bullet injuries on site. The cop did not try any other method to subdue this unarmed woman before going John Wick. He just blew her to pieces, right there in the halls of Congress, the People's House. Her family was devastated, and remain so today.

Ashley was a military veteran. She volunteered to serve this nation, taking an oath to throw down her life to protect you and I and this republic. She did not have to do this. She could have gone to college. But she chose to give of herself for this nation. Later, she married. Then she had children. On J6, all she wanted to do was attend a political rally in order to exercise her constitutional rights and express her very mainstream and conservative political views. There was nothing radical about the message Ashley wanted to convey. She was simply an American citizen who was doing what she had a right to do. She she not have been in the Capital Building? That is a non-issue. Nowhere in the federal criminal code does it impose a death sentence for having the audacity to set foot inside the People's House to exercise your First Amendment rights.

How do these 2 women compare? Frankly, they do not. Ashley Babbitt was an amazing patriot was was cruelly victimized and betrayed by her nation on J6. So was her mother, husband, and mostly those little kids she left behind. The federal government stole her life from her without even a trial. To this day the government has made little to no concession to the Babbitt family for what they did to Ashley. Essentially, their silence is a ratification of the murder of an unarmed patriotic mother simply because her ideals and values do not necessarily comport with the radical ideology of today's administrative state (which is now holding the White House, in complete opposition to every American patriot). In my mind, Ashley is a hero. Her death must be remembered as a testament to the well-known quote, "The tree of freedom must be periodically nourished with the blood of patriots and tyrants".

And then there is Heather. Heather .... who? Fuck, I have already forgotten her name! LOL!! Essentially, she was some bimbo in Virginia who went out virtue signaling and ended up getting whacked when she and her likeminded leftist turds pushed the white supremacists to the point of violence. I am not one of those people who believes that all human life has some amount of intrinsic value that should be respected. I mean, I agree to an extent. But in my world it is what you do with the gift of life that determines your life's value. Ashley had done a lot. Heather? Not really. If you get to be 32 years old and you cannot point to some sort of accomplishment, then you are a loser in today's world. I will tell you EXACTLY what Heather was. She was an easy lay, smoked dope, watched CNN, and read Slate and WaPo so she could convince herself she is superior to everyone around her. She was at the rally SOLEY to virtue signal. She was SELFISHLY using the lawful rally of a few schmucks to stroke her narcissistic hard-on, and thereby filling a void in her life. Ashley did not have a void to fill. She was fighting against what the Democrats want to do to our republic so that her children can have a safe and prosperous future.

A noble and intellectual man or woman knows that one should subordinate their emotions to reason. Both are equally vital components of humanity. However, emotion must be guided by reason, not the other way around. This is a principle necessary to virtue. Most Democrats have absolutely ZERO concept of this principle, or what leading a virtuous life entails. Instead, they are conditioned to seek instant gratification guided by situational ethics. Such is truly a morality that enables narcissism and a life seemingly free from responsibility.

The run of the mill Democrat voter walking the street is a parrot. Certain words "trigger" certain knee-jerk responses. It's like training your dog to piss outside. I ask my dogs "Wanna go outside?" and they get all excited then go piss and shit in the back yard. I then give them both a treat. What happens is that they recognize the word "outside" and know that if they go out and do their business then they will be rewarded with a yummy treat. Honestly, I think my dogs are actually more intelligent that the generic human cesspool that are Democrats.

So these assholes may hear the word, say, "woke", and that will cause them to mindlessly start accusing you of being a bigot and a homophobe. They do not even know why they are doing it. They just do it because they have been programmed to. If they hear you say "I don't want books about masturbations in my son's elementary school", then they blast off and accuse you of being a fascist, like Hitler. Again, they don't even have a clue as to why they are saying this. Obviously, people with such an objection are not a fascist for it. They simply don't want their kids exposed to such materials. It is their prerogative as a parent to determine how their child is educated about sex.

So, why would a leftist say something so stupid? It's because they do not know any better. They are like trained dogs. When exposed to Stimulus "A", they institute Response "X", then they are rewarded by feeling morally superior to someone else. It truly is as simple as that. There is nothing else to it. These are not sophisticated people. In fact, please watch as I make my point.

What follows is a statement on relative morality couched in terms of political ideology. An intelligent person can read it and decide to just not reply, as it clearly is not worth replying to ... like at all. But, it will stoke the emotions of the left and compel mean and hateful responses anyway. Even with me stating upfront that this is a test to show how Democrats are merely a bunch of trained monkeys, some of them are just not going to be able to control themselves. They will reply anyway, telling me that I am a bad person and that they wish I would die. Here goes.


Not long after Trump took office in 2016 there was a civil demonstration that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, over whether some Confederate leaders statues should be removed. People showed up to protest the removal of these monuments. The proponents of removal argued that the statutes were racist, or tied to a racist and white supremacist time in American history; i.e., slavery. Therefore, based upon the morality of the day, they should be removed. These shit heads were opposed by essentially 2 groups. First, there were the people who are averse to the rewriting of history based upon contemporary morality. What is history is history, and it should never be changed, regardless of whether you like it or not. These people want to preserve American history and, therefore, oppose the removal of the Confederate statutes. In other words, they want people to remember slavery, the horrible institution it was, and how it shaped the lives of African Americans for generations to come. They are the "good people" to whom Trump referred. Finally, the were a small group of racist assholes who showed up with their tiki torches, swastika tattoos, and heil Hitler salutes. There were not many of these shit heads. But there were enough to cause a kerfuffle.

Some folks came to protest what they were told was a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. CNN went live!! In reality, it was a non-event. It was completely constructed by the left. If they had just let the irrelevant Klan fags protest, then they would have gone home and nobody would have gotten hurt. Even the KKK has a right to demonstrate. So once the leftist brigade got their dicks hard, the tension grew and grew. It finally reached the boiling point, resulting in some white trash punk getting into a car and plowing it into some people. We are told that this dick was sympathetic to the white supremacist cause. He killed a young lady named Heather Heyer, a halfway decent looking piece of ass who was there to protest the racist protesters. Clearly, she was one of those young, white, unmarried leftist chicks that the pits of hell have unleashed on our nation in recent years. She went downtown to protest racism, and she died for her beliefs.

Heather has no discernable skills. She was not hitched and had no children. She has worked as a bartender, and a paralegal at some point. She was 32 years old when she was terminated. This is truly a tragedy, as she had a mother who had to deal with this. Nobody should ever have to deal with the death of their child, even grown. And had Heather not been stupidly trying to virtue signal at a political demonstration, then her mother would not have had to suffer so horribly.

Like I said, this was a tragedy. But let's pop on our objectivity caps for a moment. This chick was 32 and had not really done much with her life. Her description is similar to AOC, but cut off at the point where AOC auditioned for a spot as a Justice Democrats candidate. What did Heather have yet to accomplish in her life? Blowing her boss enough times for him to pay for her to go to law school, where she could blow her profs for passing grades?!? As I am apt to say with mediocre people, it is not like humanity lost the cure for cancer when this poor girl passed away.

Now, let's turn to another young lady who was prematurely taken from us, to wit: Ashley Babbitt. I won't go into all the particulars here, as the facts surrounding her demise are well known. Obviously, she is more well thought of than Heather. Ashley went to D.C. on J6 to participate in a perfectly lawful political demonstration. At some point, things got out of hand at the demonstration. Whether the disturbances resulted from the actions of frustrated and well-intentioned patriots, or FBI/Antifa plants (note how it has become quite appropriate to lump the FBI and terror group Antifa together in certain contexts), it is unclear.

Ashley, along with many, many others, entered the People's House when doors were breached (or, in some instances, opened by Capital Police, who then ushered the protesters inside). Ashley breached a door at some point. Sensing the urgent and certain death from this diminutive woman charging at him, a black Capital Police officer, with pistol drawn, proceeds to mag dump into Ashley's body. She died from bullet injuries on site. The cop did not try any other method to subdue this unarmed woman before going John Wick. He just blew her to pieces, right there in the halls of Congress, the People's House. Her family was devastated, and remain so today.

Ashley was a military veteran. She volunteered to serve this nation, taking an oath to throw down her life to protect you and I and this republic. She did not have to do this. She could have gone to college. But she chose to give of herself for this nation. Later, she married. Then she had children. On J6, all she wanted to do was attend a political rally in order to exercise her constitutional rights and express her very mainstream and conservative political views. There was nothing radical about the message Ashley wanted to convey. She was simply an American citizen who was doing what she had a right to do. She she not have been in the Capital Building? That is a non-issue. Nowhere in the federal criminal code does it impose a death sentence for having the audacity to set foot inside the People's House to exercise your First Amendment rights.

How do these 2 women compare? Frankly, they do not. Ashley Babbitt was an amazing patriot was was cruelly victimized and betrayed by her nation on J6. So was her mother, husband, and mostly those little kids she left behind. The federal government stole her life from her without even a trial. To this day the government has made little to no concession to the Babbitt family for what they did to Ashley. Essentially, their silence is a ratification of the murder of an unarmed patriotic mother simply because her ideals and values do not necessarily comport with the radical ideology of today's administrative state (which is now holding the White House, in complete opposition to every American patriot). In my mind, Ashley is a hero. Her death must be remembered as a testament to the well-known quote, "The tree of freedom must be periodically nourished with the blood of patriots and tyrants".

And then there is Heather. Heather .... who? Fuck, I have already forgotten her name! LOL!! Essentially, she was some bimbo in Virginia who went out virtue signaling and ended up getting whacked when she and her likeminded leftist turds pushed the white supremacists to the point of violence. I am not one of those people who believes that all human life has some amount of intrinsic value that should be respected. I mean, I agree to an extent. But in my world it is what you do with the gift of life that determines your life's value. Ashley had done a lot. Heather? Not really. If you get to be 32 years old and you cannot point to some sort of accomplishment, then you are a loser in today's world. I will tell you EXACTLY what Heather was. She was an easy lay, smoked dope, watched CNN, and read Slate and WaPo so she could convince herself she is superior to everyone around her. She was at the rally SOLEY to virtue signal. She was SELFISHLY using the lawful rally of a few schmucks to stroke her narcissistic hard-on, and thereby filling a void in her life. Ashley did not have a void to fill. She was fighting against what the Democrats want to do to our republic so that her children can have a safe and prosperous future.

well, we could have done w/o all the sexual content here..

and I, as a Catholic, do not believe that... well..

#1 I don't think you know whther she was an easy lay or not... and Why say such things when her grieving mother could possibly read it? Any loss is sad.. to relatives, friends and whomever.

other than that, i agree more/less
Check it out. The fascist thinks he can control who responds to/mocks his thread.

Ashli (spell it right) the violent terrrorist is now freezing in hell, in the frigid ninth circle, where the traitors end up. That thought always cheers me up. She was a violent fascist loser, and her mother is the same way.

Speaking of woke, the only people I hear using that word are on the right. And none of them can define what it means. They only know that they hate it, good little trained monkeys that they are.

OP, can you define "woke", or are you just a trained monkey?

We do know the OP is a garbage human excusing white supremacist terrorist violence. I mean, that is what this thread is about. And he has some serious issues concerning women, as so many on the right do.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #4
well, we could have done w/o all the sexual content here..

and I, as a Catholic, do not believe that... well..

#1 I don't think you know whther she was an easy lay or not... and Why say such things when her grieving mother could possibly read it? Any loss is sad.. to relatives, friends and whomever.

other than that, i agree more/less
A resounding affirmation!!
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #5
Check it out. The fascist thinks he can control who responds to/mocks his thread.

Ashli (spell it right) the violent terrrorist is now freezing in hell, in the frigid ninth circle, where the traitors end up. That thought always cheers me up. She was a violent fascist loser, and her mother is the same way.

Speaking of woke, the only people I hear using that word are on the right. And none of them can define what it means. They only know that they hate it, good little trained monkeys that they are.

OP, can you define "woke", or are you just a trained monkey?

We do know the OP is a garbage human excusing white supremacist terrorist violence. I mean, that is what this thread is about. And he has some serious issues concerning women, as so many on the right do.
I present to you, gentle reader, Exhibit "A" - The Trained Monkey!
A resounding affirmation!!

I don't know about resounding

but the main point is definitely affirmed by yours truly..

Some moron tried to say that Ashli was burning in Hell... Of course the lib protester... not :rolleyes:

I guess the lib protester went directly to Heaven? sheez...

32 is not very old... but still she could be in Hell... or maybe God took her before she could become more thoroughly corrupted by liberalism than she was?
Some moron tried to say that Ashli was burning in Hell... Of course the lib protester... not :rolleyes:
Get it right. Traitors _freeze_ for all of eternity in the frigid ninth circle. That's what's happening to Ashli, and it also will be the eternal fate of many Trump cult traitors.

That's just one thing that's so awesome about being a liberal, not ending up in Hell.

A noble and intellectual man or woman knows that one should subordinate their emotions to reason. Both are equally vital components of humanity. However, emotion must be guided by reason, not the other way around. This is a principle necessary to virtue. Most Democrats have absolutely ZERO concept of this principle, or what leading a virtuous life entails. Instead, they are conditioned to seek instant gratification guided by situational ethics. Such is truly a morality that enables narcissism and a life seemingly free from responsibility.

The run of the mill Democrat voter walking the street is a parrot. Certain words "trigger" certain knee-jerk responses. It's like training your dog to piss outside. I ask my dogs "Wanna go outside?" and they get all excited then go piss and shit in the back yard. I then give them both a treat. What happens is that they recognize the word "outside" and know that if they go out and do their business then they will be rewarded with a yummy treat. Honestly, I think my dogs are actually more intelligent that the generic human cesspool that are Democrats.

So these assholes may hear the word, say, "woke", and that will cause them to mindlessly start accusing you of being a bigot and a homophobe. They do not even know why they are doing it. They just do it because they have been programmed to. If they hear you say "I don't want books about masturbations in my son's elementary school", then they blast off and accuse you of being a fascist, like Hitler. Again, they don't even have a clue as to why they are saying this. Obviously, people with such an objection are not a fascist for it. They simply don't want their kids exposed to such materials. It is their prerogative as a parent to determine how their child is educated about sex.

So, why would a leftist say something so stupid? It's because they do not know any better. They are like trained dogs. When exposed to Stimulus "A", they institute Response "X", then they are rewarded by feeling morally superior to someone else. It truly is as simple as that. There is nothing else to it. These are not sophisticated people. In fact, please watch as I make my point.

What follows is a statement on relative morality couched in terms of political ideology. An intelligent person can read it and decide to just not reply, as it clearly is not worth replying to ... like at all. But, it will stoke the emotions of the left and compel mean and hateful responses anyway. Even with me stating upfront that this is a test to show how Democrats are merely a bunch of trained monkeys, some of them are just not going to be able to control themselves. They will reply anyway, telling me that I am a bad person and that they wish I would die. Here goes.


Not long after Trump took office in 2016 there was a civil demonstration that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, over whether some Confederate leaders statues should be removed. People showed up to protest the removal of these monuments. The proponents of removal argued that the statutes were racist, or tied to a racist and white supremacist time in American history; i.e., slavery. Therefore, based upon the morality of the day, they should be removed. These shit heads were opposed by essentially 2 groups. First, there were the people who are averse to the rewriting of history based upon contemporary morality. What is history is history, and it should never be changed, regardless of whether you like it or not. These people want to preserve American history and, therefore, oppose the removal of the Confederate statutes. In other words, they want people to remember slavery, the horrible institution it was, and how it shaped the lives of African Americans for generations to come. They are the "good people" to whom Trump referred. Finally, the were a small group of racist assholes who showed up with their tiki torches, swastika tattoos, and heil Hitler salutes. There were not many of these shit heads. But there were enough to cause a kerfuffle.

Some folks came to protest what they were told was a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. CNN went live!! In reality, it was a non-event. It was completely constructed by the left. If they had just let the irrelevant Klan fags protest, then they would have gone home and nobody would have gotten hurt. Even the KKK has a right to demonstrate. So once the leftist brigade got their dicks hard, the tension grew and grew. It finally reached the boiling point, resulting in some white trash punk getting into a car and plowing it into some people. We are told that this dick was sympathetic to the white supremacist cause. He killed a young lady named Heather Heyer, a halfway decent looking piece of ass who was there to protest the racist protesters. Clearly, she was one of those young, white, unmarried leftist chicks that the pits of hell have unleashed on our nation in recent years. She went downtown to protest racism, and she died for her beliefs.

Heather has no discernable skills. She was not hitched and had no children. She has worked as a bartender, and a paralegal at some point. She was 32 years old when she was terminated. This is truly a tragedy, as she had a mother who had to deal with this. Nobody should ever have to deal with the death of their child, even grown. And had Heather not been stupidly trying to virtue signal at a political demonstration, then her mother would not have had to suffer so horribly.

Like I said, this was a tragedy. But let's pop on our objectivity caps for a moment. This chick was 32 and had not really done much with her life. Her description is similar to AOC, but cut off at the point where AOC auditioned for a spot as a Justice Democrats candidate. What did Heather have yet to accomplish in her life? Blowing her boss enough times for him to pay for her to go to law school, where she could blow her profs for passing grades?!? As I am apt to say with mediocre people, it is not like humanity lost the cure for cancer when this poor girl passed away.

Now, let's turn to another young lady who was prematurely taken from us, to wit: Ashley Babbitt. I won't go into all the particulars here, as the facts surrounding her demise are well known. Obviously, she is more well thought of than Heather. Ashley went to D.C. on J6 to participate in a perfectly lawful political demonstration. At some point, things got out of hand at the demonstration. Whether the disturbances resulted from the actions of frustrated and well-intentioned patriots, or FBI/Antifa plants (note how it has become quite appropriate to lump the FBI and terror group Antifa together in certain contexts), it is unclear.

Ashley, along with many, many others, entered the People's House when doors were breached (or, in some instances, opened by Capital Police, who then ushered the protesters inside). Ashley breached a door at some point. Sensing the urgent and certain death from this diminutive woman charging at him, a black Capital Police officer, with pistol drawn, proceeds to mag dump into Ashley's body. She died from bullet injuries on site. The cop did not try any other method to subdue this unarmed woman before going John Wick. He just blew her to pieces, right there in the halls of Congress, the People's House. Her family was devastated, and remain so today.

Ashley was a military veteran. She volunteered to serve this nation, taking an oath to throw down her life to protect you and I and this republic. She did not have to do this. She could have gone to college. But she chose to give of herself for this nation. Later, she married. Then she had children. On J6, all she wanted to do was attend a political rally in order to exercise her constitutional rights and express her very mainstream and conservative political views. There was nothing radical about the message Ashley wanted to convey. She was simply an American citizen who was doing what she had a right to do. She she not have been in the Capital Building? That is a non-issue. Nowhere in the federal criminal code does it impose a death sentence for having the audacity to set foot inside the People's House to exercise your First Amendment rights.

How do these 2 women compare? Frankly, they do not. Ashley Babbitt was an amazing patriot was was cruelly victimized and betrayed by her nation on J6. So was her mother, husband, and mostly those little kids she left behind. The federal government stole her life from her without even a trial. To this day the government has made little to no concession to the Babbitt family for what they did to Ashley. Essentially, their silence is a ratification of the murder of an unarmed patriotic mother simply because her ideals and values do not necessarily comport with the radical ideology of today's administrative state (which is now holding the White House, in complete opposition to every American patriot). In my mind, Ashley is a hero. Her death must be remembered as a testament to the well-known quote, "The tree of freedom must be periodically nourished with the blood of patriots and tyrants".

And then there is Heather. Heather .... who? Fuck, I have already forgotten her name! LOL!! Essentially, she was some bimbo in Virginia who went out virtue signaling and ended up getting whacked when she and her likeminded leftist turds pushed the white supremacists to the point of violence. I am not one of those people who believes that all human life has some amount of intrinsic value that should be respected. I mean, I agree to an extent. But in my world it is what you do with the gift of life that determines your life's value. Ashley had done a lot. Heather? Not really. If you get to be 32 years old and you cannot point to some sort of accomplishment, then you are a loser in today's world. I will tell you EXACTLY what Heather was. She was an easy lay, smoked dope, watched CNN, and read Slate and WaPo so she could convince herself she is superior to everyone around her. She was at the rally SOLEY to virtue signal. She was SELFISHLY using the lawful rally of a few schmucks to stroke her narcissistic hard-on, and thereby filling a void in her life. Ashley did not have a void to fill. She was fighting against what the Democrats want to do to our republic so that her children can have a safe and prosperous future.

A noble and intellectual man or woman knows that one should subordinate their emotions to reason. Both are equally vital components of humanity. However, emotion must be guided by reason, not the other way around. This is a principle necessary to virtue. Most Democrats have absolutely ZERO concept of this principle, or what leading a virtuous life entails. Instead, they are conditioned to seek instant gratification guided by situational ethics. Such is truly a morality that enables narcissism and a life seemingly free from responsibility.

The run of the mill Democrat voter walking the street is a parrot. Certain words "trigger" certain knee-jerk responses. It's like training your dog to piss outside. I ask my dogs "Wanna go outside?" and they get all excited then go piss and shit in the back yard. I then give them both a treat. What happens is that they recognize the word "outside" and know that if they go out and do their business then they will be rewarded with a yummy treat. Honestly, I think my dogs are actually more intelligent that the generic human cesspool that are Democrats.

So these assholes may hear the word, say, "woke", and that will cause them to mindlessly start accusing you of being a bigot and a homophobe. They do not even know why they are doing it. They just do it because they have been programmed to. If they hear you say "I don't want books about masturbations in my son's elementary school", then they blast off and accuse you of being a fascist, like Hitler. Again, they don't even have a clue as to why they are saying this. Obviously, people with such an objection are not a fascist for it. They simply don't want their kids exposed to such materials. It is their prerogative as a parent to determine how their child is educated about sex.

So, why would a leftist say something so stupid? It's because they do not know any better. They are like trained dogs. When exposed to Stimulus "A", they institute Response "X", then they are rewarded by feeling morally superior to someone else. It truly is as simple as that. There is nothing else to it. These are not sophisticated people. In fact, please watch as I make my point.

What follows is a statement on relative morality couched in terms of political ideology. An intelligent person can read it and decide to just not reply, as it clearly is not worth replying to ... like at all. But, it will stoke the emotions of the left and compel mean and hateful responses anyway. Even with me stating upfront that this is a test to show how Democrats are merely a bunch of trained monkeys, some of them are just not going to be able to control themselves. They will reply anyway, telling me that I am a bad person and that they wish I would die. Here goes.


Not long after Trump took office in 2016 there was a civil demonstration that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, over whether some Confederate leaders statues should be removed. People showed up to protest the removal of these monuments. The proponents of removal argued that the statutes were racist, or tied to a racist and white supremacist time in American history; i.e., slavery. Therefore, based upon the morality of the day, they should be removed. These shit heads were opposed by essentially 2 groups. First, there were the people who are averse to the rewriting of history based upon contemporary morality. What is history is history, and it should never be changed, regardless of whether you like it or not. These people want to preserve American history and, therefore, oppose the removal of the Confederate statutes. In other words, they want people to remember slavery, the horrible institution it was, and how it shaped the lives of African Americans for generations to come. They are the "good people" to whom Trump referred. Finally, the were a small group of racist assholes who showed up with their tiki torches, swastika tattoos, and heil Hitler salutes. There were not many of these shit heads. But there were enough to cause a kerfuffle.

Some folks came to protest what they were told was a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. CNN went live!! In reality, it was a non-event. It was completely constructed by the left. If they had just let the irrelevant Klan fags protest, then they would have gone home and nobody would have gotten hurt. Even the KKK has a right to demonstrate. So once the leftist brigade got their dicks hard, the tension grew and grew. It finally reached the boiling point, resulting in some white trash punk getting into a car and plowing it into some people. We are told that this dick was sympathetic to the white supremacist cause. He killed a young lady named Heather Heyer, a halfway decent looking piece of ass who was there to protest the racist protesters. Clearly, she was one of those young, white, unmarried leftist chicks that the pits of hell have unleashed on our nation in recent years. She went downtown to protest racism, and she died for her beliefs.

Heather has no discernable skills. She was not hitched and had no children. She has worked as a bartender, and a paralegal at some point. She was 32 years old when she was terminated. This is truly a tragedy, as she had a mother who had to deal with this. Nobody should ever have to deal with the death of their child, even grown. And had Heather not been stupidly trying to virtue signal at a political demonstration, then her mother would not have had to suffer so horribly.

Like I said, this was a tragedy. But let's pop on our objectivity caps for a moment. This chick was 32 and had not really done much with her life. Her description is similar to AOC, but cut off at the point where AOC auditioned for a spot as a Justice Democrats candidate. What did Heather have yet to accomplish in her life? Blowing her boss enough times for him to pay for her to go to law school, where she could blow her profs for passing grades?!? As I am apt to say with mediocre people, it is not like humanity lost the cure for cancer when this poor girl passed away.

Now, let's turn to another young lady who was prematurely taken from us, to wit: Ashley Babbitt. I won't go into all the particulars here, as the facts surrounding her demise are well known. Obviously, she is more well thought of than Heather. Ashley went to D.C. on J6 to participate in a perfectly lawful political demonstration. At some point, things got out of hand at the demonstration. Whether the disturbances resulted from the actions of frustrated and well-intentioned patriots, or FBI/Antifa plants (note how it has become quite appropriate to lump the FBI and terror group Antifa together in certain contexts), it is unclear.

Ashley, along with many, many others, entered the People's House when doors were breached (or, in some instances, opened by Capital Police, who then ushered the protesters inside). Ashley breached a door at some point. Sensing the urgent and certain death from this diminutive woman charging at him, a black Capital Police officer, with pistol drawn, proceeds to mag dump into Ashley's body. She died from bullet injuries on site. The cop did not try any other method to subdue this unarmed woman before going John Wick. He just blew her to pieces, right there in the halls of Congress, the People's House. Her family was devastated, and remain so today.

Ashley was a military veteran. She volunteered to serve this nation, taking an oath to throw down her life to protect you and I and this republic. She did not have to do this. She could have gone to college. But she chose to give of herself for this nation. Later, she married. Then she had children. On J6, all she wanted to do was attend a political rally in order to exercise her constitutional rights and express her very mainstream and conservative political views. There was nothing radical about the message Ashley wanted to convey. She was simply an American citizen who was doing what she had a right to do. She she not have been in the Capital Building? That is a non-issue. Nowhere in the federal criminal code does it impose a death sentence for having the audacity to set foot inside the People's House to exercise your First Amendment rights.

How do these 2 women compare? Frankly, they do not. Ashley Babbitt was an amazing patriot was was cruelly victimized and betrayed by her nation on J6. So was her mother, husband, and mostly those little kids she left behind. The federal government stole her life from her without even a trial. To this day the government has made little to no concession to the Babbitt family for what they did to Ashley. Essentially, their silence is a ratification of the murder of an unarmed patriotic mother simply because her ideals and values do not necessarily comport with the radical ideology of today's administrative state (which is now holding the White House, in complete opposition to every American patriot). In my mind, Ashley is a hero. Her death must be remembered as a testament to the well-known quote, "The tree of freedom must be periodically nourished with the blood of patriots and tyrants".

And then there is Heather. Heather .... who? Fuck, I have already forgotten her name! LOL!! Essentially, she was some bimbo in Virginia who went out virtue signaling and ended up getting whacked when she and her likeminded leftist turds pushed the white supremacists to the point of violence. I am not one of those people who believes that all human life has some amount of intrinsic value that should be respected. I mean, I agree to an extent. But in my world it is what you do with the gift of life that determines your life's value. Ashley had done a lot. Heather? Not really. If you get to be 32 years old and you cannot point to some sort of accomplishment, then you are a loser in today's world. I will tell you EXACTLY what Heather was. She was an easy lay, smoked dope, watched CNN, and read Slate and WaPo so she could convince herself she is superior to everyone around her. She was at the rally SOLEY to virtue signal. She was SELFISHLY using the lawful rally of a few schmucks to stroke her narcissistic hard-on, and thereby filling a void in her life. Ashley did not have a void to fill. She was fighting against what the Democrats want to do to our republic so that her children can have a safe and prosperous future.
Thank you so much for such a long and detailed OP. It's sometimes hard to completely recognize how stupid and childish you MAGAs are when you use a short and concise statement. You, however, were considerate enough to drone on, and on, and on with your childish rant, making sure that everybody can easily see that you are an idiot. Keep up the good work dumb ass.
Thank you so much for such a long and detailed OP. It's sometimes hard to completely recognize how stupid and childish you MAGAs are when you use a short and concise statement. You, however, were considerate enough to drone on, and on, and on with your childish rant, making sure that everybody can easily see that you are an idiot. Keep up the good work dumb ass.
My guess is you didn't bother to read the whole post.

A noble and intellectual man or woman knows that one should subordinate their emotions to reason. Both are equally vital components of humanity. However, emotion must be guided by reason, not the other way around. This is a principle necessary to virtue. Most Democrats have absolutely ZERO concept of this principle, or what leading a virtuous life entails. Instead, they are conditioned to seek instant gratification guided by situational ethics. Such is truly a morality that enables narcissism and a life seemingly free from responsibility.

The run of the mill Democrat voter walking the street is a parrot. Certain words "trigger" certain knee-jerk responses. It's like training your dog to piss outside. I ask my dogs "Wanna go outside?" and they get all excited then go piss and shit in the back yard. I then give them both a treat. What happens is that they recognize the word "outside" and know that if they go out and do their business then they will be rewarded with a yummy treat. Honestly, I think my dogs are actually more intelligent that the generic human cesspool that are Democrats.

So these assholes may hear the word, say, "woke", and that will cause them to mindlessly start accusing you of being a bigot and a homophobe. They do not even know why they are doing it. They just do it because they have been programmed to. If they hear you say "I don't want books about masturbations in my son's elementary school", then they blast off and accuse you of being a fascist, like Hitler. Again, they don't even have a clue as to why they are saying this. Obviously, people with such an objection are not a fascist for it. They simply don't want their kids exposed to such materials. It is their prerogative as a parent to determine how their child is educated about sex.

So, why would a leftist say something so stupid? It's because they do not know any better. They are like trained dogs. When exposed to Stimulus "A", they institute Response "X", then they are rewarded by feeling morally superior to someone else. It truly is as simple as that. There is nothing else to it. These are not sophisticated people. In fact, please watch as I make my point.

What follows is a statement on relative morality couched in terms of political ideology. An intelligent person can read it and decide to just not reply, as it clearly is not worth replying to ... like at all. But, it will stoke the emotions of the left and compel mean and hateful responses anyway. Even with me stating upfront that this is a test to show how Democrats are merely a bunch of trained monkeys, some of them are just not going to be able to control themselves. They will reply anyway, telling me that I am a bad person and that they wish I would die. Here goes.


Not long after Trump took office in 2016 there was a civil demonstration that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, over whether some Confederate leaders statues should be removed. People showed up to protest the removal of these monuments. The proponents of removal argued that the statutes were racist, or tied to a racist and white supremacist time in American history; i.e., slavery. Therefore, based upon the morality of the day, they should be removed. These shit heads were opposed by essentially 2 groups. First, there were the people who are averse to the rewriting of history based upon contemporary morality. What is history is history, and it should never be changed, regardless of whether you like it or not. These people want to preserve American history and, therefore, oppose the removal of the Confederate statutes. In other words, they want people to remember slavery, the horrible institution it was, and how it shaped the lives of African Americans for generations to come. They are the "good people" to whom Trump referred. Finally, the were a small group of racist assholes who showed up with their tiki torches, swastika tattoos, and heil Hitler salutes. There were not many of these shit heads. But there were enough to cause a kerfuffle.

Some folks came to protest what they were told was a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville. CNN went live!! In reality, it was a non-event. It was completely constructed by the left. If they had just let the irrelevant Klan fags protest, then they would have gone home and nobody would have gotten hurt. Even the KKK has a right to demonstrate. So once the leftist brigade got their dicks hard, the tension grew and grew. It finally reached the boiling point, resulting in some white trash punk getting into a car and plowing it into some people. We are told that this dick was sympathetic to the white supremacist cause. He killed a young lady named Heather Heyer, a halfway decent looking piece of ass who was there to protest the racist protesters. Clearly, she was one of those young, white, unmarried leftist chicks that the pits of hell have unleashed on our nation in recent years. She went downtown to protest racism, and she died for her beliefs.

Heather has no discernable skills. She was not hitched and had no children. She has worked as a bartender, and a paralegal at some point. She was 32 years old when she was terminated. This is truly a tragedy, as she had a mother who had to deal with this. Nobody should ever have to deal with the death of their child, even grown. And had Heather not been stupidly trying to virtue signal at a political demonstration, then her mother would not have had to suffer so horribly.

Like I said, this was a tragedy. But let's pop on our objectivity caps for a moment. This chick was 32 and had not really done much with her life. Her description is similar to AOC, but cut off at the point where AOC auditioned for a spot as a Justice Democrats candidate. What did Heather have yet to accomplish in her life? Blowing her boss enough times for him to pay for her to go to law school, where she could blow her profs for passing grades?!? As I am apt to say with mediocre people, it is not like humanity lost the cure for cancer when this poor girl passed away.

Now, let's turn to another young lady who was prematurely taken from us, to wit: Ashley Babbitt. I won't go into all the particulars here, as the facts surrounding her demise are well known. Obviously, she is more well thought of than Heather. Ashley went to D.C. on J6 to participate in a perfectly lawful political demonstration. At some point, things got out of hand at the demonstration. Whether the disturbances resulted from the actions of frustrated and well-intentioned patriots, or FBI/Antifa plants (note how it has become quite appropriate to lump the FBI and terror group Antifa together in certain contexts), it is unclear.

Ashley, along with many, many others, entered the People's House when doors were breached (or, in some instances, opened by Capital Police, who then ushered the protesters inside). Ashley breached a door at some point. Sensing the urgent and certain death from this diminutive woman charging at him, a black Capital Police officer, with pistol drawn, proceeds to mag dump into Ashley's body. She died from bullet injuries on site. The cop did not try any other method to subdue this unarmed woman before going John Wick. He just blew her to pieces, right there in the halls of Congress, the People's House. Her family was devastated, and remain so today.

Ashley was a military veteran. She volunteered to serve this nation, taking an oath to throw down her life to protect you and I and this republic. She did not have to do this. She could have gone to college. But she chose to give of herself for this nation. Later, she married. Then she had children. On J6, all she wanted to do was attend a political rally in order to exercise her constitutional rights and express her very mainstream and conservative political views. There was nothing radical about the message Ashley wanted to convey. She was simply an American citizen who was doing what she had a right to do. She she not have been in the Capital Building? That is a non-issue. Nowhere in the federal criminal code does it impose a death sentence for having the audacity to set foot inside the People's House to exercise your First Amendment rights.

How do these 2 women compare? Frankly, they do not. Ashley Babbitt was an amazing patriot was was cruelly victimized and betrayed by her nation on J6. So was her mother, husband, and mostly those little kids she left behind. The federal government stole her life from her without even a trial. To this day the government has made little to no concession to the Babbitt family for what they did to Ashley. Essentially, their silence is a ratification of the murder of an unarmed patriotic mother simply because her ideals and values do not necessarily comport with the radical ideology of today's administrative state (which is now holding the White House, in complete opposition to every American patriot). In my mind, Ashley is a hero. Her death must be remembered as a testament to the well-known quote, "The tree of freedom must be periodically nourished with the blood of patriots and tyrants".

And then there is Heather. Heather .... who? Fuck, I have already forgotten her name! LOL!! Essentially, she was some bimbo in Virginia who went out virtue signaling and ended up getting whacked when she and her likeminded leftist turds pushed the white supremacists to the point of violence. I am not one of those people who believes that all human life has some amount of intrinsic value that should be respected. I mean, I agree to an extent. But in my world it is what you do with the gift of life that determines your life's value. Ashley had done a lot. Heather? Not really. If you get to be 32 years old and you cannot point to some sort of accomplishment, then you are a loser in today's world. I will tell you EXACTLY what Heather was. She was an easy lay, smoked dope, watched CNN, and read Slate and WaPo so she could convince herself she is superior to everyone around her. She was at the rally SOLEY to virtue signal. She was SELFISHLY using the lawful rally of a few schmucks to stroke her narcissistic hard-on, and thereby filling a void in her life. Ashley did not have a void to fill. She was fighting against what the Democrats want to do to our republic so that her children can have a safe and prosperous future.
Ashli Babbitt was shot once (mag dump :)). She was warned multiple times to stand down. She didn't. If she had made over the door frame, she would have unlocked the door and the mob soon would have had their hostages. Babbitt believed in a lie. She participated in an insurrection. It was sedition. Treason. She is/was a traitor. As was anyone else on those Capitol grounds those days. Good riddance. Heather Heyer was none of those things. She was in Charlottesville protesting. And was run down by a racist. And that Unite the Right crowd..wasn't just a "few" people. Look, I get it, you'll keep repeating the term "woke" as long as your alt-right media masters tell you to. Again, conservatism is dead. There are no "conservatives" all Alt-Right.
Check it out. The fascist thinks he can control who responds to/mocks his thread.

Ashli (spell it right) the violent terrrorist is now freezing in hell, in the frigid ninth circle, where the traitors end up. That thought always cheers me up. She was a violent fascist loser, and her mother is the same way.

Speaking of woke, the only people I hear using that word are on the right. And none of them can define what it means. They only know that they hate it, good little trained monkeys that they are.

OP, can you define "woke", or are you just a trained monkey?

We do know the OP is a garbage human excusing white supremacist terrorist violence. I mean, that is what this thread is about. And he has some serious issues concerning women, as so many on the right do.
Woke? People who want to change our morals and ethics to allow for bad behavior and bad actions. The corporations who are virtue signaling with trying to measure down to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion knuckleheads are good examples of woke persons. Another word sounding similar would be a "weak" person unable to stand up to bad behavior from others.
Ashli Babbitt was shot once (mag dump :)).
Jack taking pleasure in a woman's death. Sign of a criminal mind much like Jeff Dahner; no feeling, no compassion. Cold like Adolf Hitler.

She was warned multiple times to stand down.
Flat out lie.

Babbitt believed in a lie. She participated in an insurrection. It was sedition. Treason.
Jack's version of psych-ops now. Keep repeating lies according to Cloward / Piven until they are just accepted as the truth.

She is/was a traitor.
Jack's version of drumhead justice as if he were actually there to make such a decision.

As was anyone else on those Capitol grounds those days.
Yep, those thousand outside who never went in just standing around watching, Mao Ze Jack would have their heads like a good little Marxist.
Get it right. Traitors _freeze_ for all of eternity in the frigid ninth circle. That's what's happening to Ashli, and it also will be the eternal fate of many Trump cult traitors.

That's just one thing that's so awesome about being a liberal, not ending up in Hell.
Shut up, monkey!!
Thank you so much for such a long and detailed OP. It's sometimes hard to completely recognize how stupid and childish you MAGAs are when you use a short and concise statement. You, however, were considerate enough to drone on, and on, and on with your childish rant, making sure that everybody can easily see that you are an idiot. Keep up the good work dumb ass.
Another trained monkey who could not control herself.😂😅🤪🤣
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