Lawfare: Biden sends goons to arrest whistleblower Doctor who exposed children's transgender surgeries

HIPPA violations are nothing to sneeze at.

And Joe Biden doesn't micromanage the DOJ.
HIPPA was a bad idea and is being used as an excuse for a lot of secrecy. It’s also being used to keep mentally ill people from being put into the BATF’s database of people not allowed to have firearms. Without it most of the mass shootings would never have happened. It either needs to be entirely junked, or reworked.
Whatever the truth, why the fuck are you retards blaming Biden? This happened in Texas. Do you think Biden is going to send "goons" to Texas to arrest some no-name doctor? :auiqs.jpg:
Happened in Texas because that's where he lives. It was Biden's DOJ, Stupid.

Haim provided the documents to conservative journalist Christopher Rufo—a clear violation of HIPAA.

He was charged, but it was hardly the Gestapo breaking down the door. According to his own account..

The following month, on the day he was scheduled to graduate from his residency at Texas Children’s Hospital, authorities knocked on his door and handed him a letter identifying him as a “potential target” in a federal probe, Haim claims.

Whatever the truth, why the fuck are you retards blaming Biden? This happened in Texas. Do you think Biden is going to send "goons" to Texas to arrest some no-name doctor? :auiqs.jpg:

You have a strong case of BDS, son. You may want to see a physician but quick. Thoughts & prayers.

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The DOJ is a federal agency under Bidumbs full control you fucking retard.
LOL “Reporter” is a pretty fancy term for a right wing nut job. But, hey, run with it. Let’s see if it stands up in court. :itsok:
You support chopping a child’s sick off and have the nerve to call someone else a nut job. You’re a vile piece of shit.
A doctor blew the whistle on surgeons cutting off little girl's breasts at Texas Children's Hospital.

How dare a medical professional inform anyone Dr Mengele’s grandson is doing his thing in your hospital.

And oh yeah, it a violation of law.
While I agree that he shouldn’t have allowed his reporting to occur without fully and completely and properly redacting any identifying information about any patients, the move to indict him is clearly more about the subject matter than the alleged sloppiness of his redactions.
HIPPA violations are nothing to sneeze at.

And Joe Biden doesn't micromanage the DOJ.
Does seem odd though that he's being charged when he is the one that outed them.

It's also notable that these doctors and medical organizations are usually narcissists and activists themselves. They have a lot of power. I'm sure they're vengeful. It's human nature.
The doctor targeted by the Biden administration for blowing the whistle on transgender surgeries that were secretly being performed by Texas Children’s Hospital was formally indicted with federal charges this week.

Eithan Haim, who revealed himself as the whistleblower earlier this year in an interview with The Daily Wire, says three armed agents arrived at his door early Tuesday to inform him that he’s been charged with four felonies. The charges are related to alleged HIPAA violations from when Haim, as a resident of Texas Children’s Hospital, was performing so-called “gender-affirming” procedures on minors even as it publicly declared that all such activity had been halted.

Haim says there is still uncertainty about what exactly he’s being charged with — he’s been ordered to appear in court next Monday where his legal team expects to learn the extent of the charges. He has long maintained that he committed no crimes, and is being politically targeted.

The indictment was first reported by journalist Christopher Rufo, who was also the journalist who reported on Haim’s initial whistleblower claims. Rufo says nothing shared with him would have constituted a HIPAA violation. “For my own part, I can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the documents were, in fact, carefully redacted,” Rufo said.

A HIPAA violation regards patient confidentiality of the individual. The Doctor says he revealed none, and there would be no need to reveal this type of info.

I'm guessing this doctor is the latest to be politically targeted for wrong-speak. They're going to use a vague claim of HIPAA to try to punish him, even if this isn't how the law is used and there's precedent for it (like in the Trump lawsuit)
If this is true and he never shared confidential information, his accusers are shameful.
The deep state is attacking a whistleblower. Funny how the left usually defend whistleblowers at all cost but if the whistleblower exposes them, the deep state gloves come off. Anyone attacking the democratic deep state must be destroyed.

The deep state is attacking a whistleblower. Funny how the left usually defend whistleblowers at all cost but if the whistleblower exposes them, the deep state gloves come off. Anyone attacking the democratic deep state must be destroyed.

Tough call on this one. I would be outraged if a doctor gave my personal medical information to a leftist reporter to push some kind of leftist doctrine. So to be intellectually honest, it is necessary to condemn somebody on the right doing that too.

The doctor should have reported the matter to appropriate law/regulation enforcement without revealing confidential medical information and let them go through proper channels to investigate, subpoena the necessary witnesses and information, etc.
Children are not safe around the Crazy Democrat Cult.
They want to abort them.
They want to groom them.
They want to molest them.
They want to mutilate them.
^^^ If you deny this, you're brainwashed and in a cult.

Democrats have sold out to the WEF and are implementing their depopulation agenda on Americans.

Soon these Democrats and Republicans who are WEF stooges might find themselves charged with treason.

Nuremberg 2.0 is near :19:

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