Lawfare: Biden sends goons to arrest whistleblower Doctor who exposed children's transgender surgeries

Legally, they seem to have him pretty dead to rights. They have Emails where he indicated he needed to regain remote access to patient files to review urgent adult cases. When his access was restored, he viewed no adult cases, nor anyone in his care. But instead accessed the health information of children not in his care.

That's a clear and blatant violation of Title 42. Just the act of accessing alone was criminal. For each person whose records he accessed, its a crime.

The he disclosed those records (with redactions) to the media. That's also a crime.
If true, it would have to be brought to whistleblower protections, as the hospital was lying about what they were doing to children.

Is it a crime to expose lying institutions that are harming the public? The left love their own whistleblowers, but will try to stomp and
Jail this one, who revealed bad truths about their trans religion
Proud liberal parents cutting their kids Peckers off.

Anyone thinks that is normal should be put in a padded cell.

No parent is “cutting their kid’s pecker off”.

What part of “transgender surgeries cannot be performed until the person is an adult” do you people not understand?

The person has to have fully gone through puberty before any surgeries can even be considered and then there’s a long pre-surgery period of hormonal transitioning and counselling BEFORE surgery is done.
If true, it would have to be brought to whistleblower protections, as the hospital was lying about what they were doing to children.

Is it a crime to expose lying institutions that are harming the public? The left love their own whistleblowers, but will try to stomp and
Jail this one, who revealed bad truths about their trans religion

What did he expose other than patient records? He didn’t expose the children were having surgery because they weren’t.

His claim was that the hospital was treating transgender children with hormone therapy, while denying doing so.
The doctor targeted by the Biden administration for blowing the whistle on transgender surgeries that were secretly being performed by Texas Children’s Hospital was formally indicted with federal charges this week.

Eithan Haim, who revealed himself as the whistleblower earlier this year in an interview with The Daily Wire, says three armed agents arrived at his door early Tuesday to inform him that he’s been charged with four felonies. The charges are related to alleged HIPAA violations from when Haim, as a resident of Texas Children’s Hospital, was performing so-called “gender-affirming” procedures on minors even as it publicly declared that all such activity had been halted.

Haim says there is still uncertainty about what exactly he’s being charged with — he’s been ordered to appear in court next Monday where his legal team expects to learn the extent of the charges. He has long maintained that he committed no crimes, and is being politically targeted.

The indictment was first reported by journalist Christopher Rufo, who was also the journalist who reported on Haim’s initial whistleblower claims. Rufo says nothing shared with him would have constituted a HIPAA violation. “For my own part, I can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the documents were, in fact, carefully redacted,” Rufo said.

A HIPAA violation regards patient confidentiality of the individual. The Doctor says he revealed none, and there would be no need to reveal this type of info.

I'm guessing this doctor is the latest to be politically targeted for wrong-speak. They're going to use a vague claim of HIPAA to try to punish him, even if this isn't how the law is used and there's precedent for it (like in the Trump lawsuit)

The Daily MAGA MAGGOT Wire. Pay by the word Reich Wing Conspiracy Site....
If true, it would have to be brought to whistleblower protections, as the hospital was lying about what they were doing to children.

Is it a crime to expose lying institutions that are harming the public? The left love their own whistleblowers, but will try to stomp and
Jail this one, who revealed bad truths about their trans religion

There's no whistleblower protections for illegally accessing patient files for which you're not a doctor. That's just a crime. Further, whistleblower protections prevent the employer from retaliating. The man wasn't arrested by his employer.

Further, Whistleblower protections don't protect against the passage of records to the press. Federal Whistleblower complaints must be made within the company, or directly to the appropriate federal agency.

This guy did none of those things. He is accused of accessing HIPPA patient records through fraud, taking those records, and giving them to someone who wasn't authorized to see them.
If you bothered to read the OP, you'd know no personal identifying information was provided to the reporter, it was all redacted. That's not a violation of law.

Oh yeah it's a violation of Hippa. And

And if the facts are as alleged, Haim illegally obtained the docs because his login credentials had expired. And redacting a name doesn't make a medically privileged record not privileged. It's PATIENTS' RECORDS that belong to the patient and not some wannabe doc with an agenda
No parent is “cutting their kid’s pecker off”.

What part of “transgender surgeries cannot be performed until the person is an adult” do you people not understand?

The person has to have fully gone through puberty before any surgeries can even be considered and then there’s a long pre-surgery period of hormonal transitioning and counselling BEFORE surgery is done.

Don't confuse the MAGA MAGGOT minds with the truth.
HIPPA appears to be broad enough to hang the doctor on some minor infraction of the rules

Minor infraction? He lied his ass off to restore access credentials through FRAUD. Then illegally accessed confidential records of patients that weren't his. Then made copies of those records. Then gave confidential records to a blogger.

Nor are there any 'but we redacted the names' exceptions for sharing confidential records with third parties.

These aren't minor infractions. They're serious crimes.
As s
Minor infraction? He lied his ass off to restore access credentials through FRAUD. Then illegally accessed confidential records of patients that weren't his. Then made copies of those records. Then gave confidential records to a blogger.

Nor are there any 'but we redacted the names' exceptions for sharing confidential records with third parties.

These aren't minor infractions. They're serious crimes.
As Serious as providing / Performing a late Third Trimester Abortion ???
As s

As Serious as providing / Performing a late Third Trimester Abortion ???

Is he charged with performing a late third trimester abortion? Or are you just desperately trying to change the topic from the very real crimes this doctor is accused of?
Oh yeah it's a violation of Hippa. And

And if the facts are as alleged, Haim illegally obtained the docs because his login credentials had expired. And redacting a name doesn't make a medically privileged record not privileged. It's PATIENTS' RECORDS that belong to the patient and not some wannabe doc with an agenda

That's amazing, not one of the system I access will allow me to access them with expired credentials. Does that really make sense to you. Also hospitals and doctors release redacted data on their patients to federal, state and university researchers routinely with out the patients knowledge or consent. And I don't see a TX jury finding this whistleblower guilty of anything. It was the hospital that was violating the law.

That's amazing, not one of the system I access will allow me to access them with expired credentials. Does that really make sense to you. Also hospitals and doctors release redacted data on their patients to federal, state and university researchers routinely with out the patients knowledge or consent. And I don't see a TX jury finding this whistleblower guilty of anything. It was the hospital that was violating the law.

Tex, I'll wait to see what the facts are. But if the govt can prove what's alleged, the guy doesn't need to be a doctor.
That's amazing, not one of the system I access will allow me to access them with expired credentials.
Did you have them reauthorized through fraud?

And I don't see a TX jury finding this whistleblower guilty of anything. It was the hospital that was violating the law.


Nope. As the law in question didn't exist at the time in question. You're caught up in ex post facto problem.
Minor infraction? He lied his ass off to restore access credentials through FRAUD. Then illegally accessed confidential records of patients that weren't his. Then made copies of those records. Then gave confidential records to a blogger.

Nor are there any 'but we redacted the names' exceptions for sharing confidential records with third parties.

These aren't minor infractions. They're serious crimes.
These aren't minor infractions. They're serious crimes.

I disagree

These arent even minor infractions
Legally, they seem to have him pretty dead to rights. They have Emails where he indicated he needed to regain remote access to patient files to review urgent adult cases. When his access was restored, he viewed no adult cases, nor anyone in his care. But instead accessed the health information of children not in his care.

That's a clear and blatant violation of Title 42. Just the act of accessing alone was criminal. For each person whose records he accessed, its a crime.

The he disclosed those records (with redactions) to the media. That's also a crime.
Why no link?

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