Lawfare: Biden sends goons to arrest whistleblower Doctor who exposed children's transgender surgeries

They're going to use a vague claim of HIPAA to try to punish him, even if this isn't how the law is used and there's precedent for it (like in the Trump lawsuit)
Not vague at all. He accessed the medical records of people he had no involvement with the intent to disseminate the information to people who had no need for it without permission.

Ask anyone in healthcare and they’ll tell you this is a huge no-no and they are educated on this topic all the time.
Not vague at all. He accessed the medical records of people he had no involvement with the intent to disseminate the information to people who had no need for it without permission.

Ask anyone in healthcare and they’ll tell you this is a huge no-no and they are educated on this topic all the time.
Did you have them reauthorized through fraud?

Nope. As the law in question didn't exist at the time in question. You're caught up in ex post facto problem.

I haven't seen anything on fraud, he was part of the team that was doing the surgeries. Is that no the case? And I still don't see a conviction in his future.

Not vague at all. He accessed the medical records of people he had no involvement with the intent to disseminate the information to people who had no need for it without permission.
He whistleblew on a corrupt, lying, radical hospital and needed proof to do it.

So nobody can access records to expose evil being done in the medical community? You think that?

He whistleblew on a corrupt, lying, radical hospital and needed proof to do it.

So nobody can access records to expose evil being done in the medical community? You think that?
WTF are you talking about? The hospital didn’t do anything illegal. You can’t violate patient confidentiality just because you don’t like something.
WTF are you talking about? The hospital didn’t do anything illegal. You can’t violate patient confidentiality just because you don’t like something.
The hospital was lying about what they were doing. Why would you support that?
The hospital was lying about what they were doing. Why would you support that?

The Texas Hospital was doing NOTHING illegal or improper. They were protecting their patients' right to treatment and care which was both legal, and the standard of care for such childfren.

This guy was no whistleblower. He didn't make a whistleblower's report with the appropriate authorities and ask for protection, he took patient records to the press, and said this is what they're doing.

"Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, the largest children’s hospital in the United States, announced in March 2022 that hormone-related prescription therapies for gender-affirming care would no longer be provided to minors due to potential legal and criminal liability, following Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s threat of legal action against the hospital.

The only surgeries being performed were implants for hormone therapy. But this asshole disagreed with children receiving any care at all.

Texas has since changed the law, banning this care, and the hospital is no longer providing it. Shame on Greg Abbott and his cabal of crooks and liars.
Not all late term abortion fetus would be stillborn

No, but they will die at birth. Nobody aborts a viable fetus late term. These abortions are always rare, but nobody carries a baby for 36 weeks and just "changes their mind", and no doctor would abort a health fetus at that point in any case.

When I had my amnio centisis, my doctor told me if the news wasn't good, they needed my decision immediately because I'd already be at least 22 weeks pregnant by the time we had results.

That where most "3rd trimester" abortions happen. Around the 24 week mark when they get the results of the amnio. They can't draw the fluid for the genetic testing until at least 19 weeks, and it takes 3 to 5 weeks for results.

There are other conditions which aren't detected until later in pregnancy - if the fetus is missing major organs or has no brain. One Florida couple knew realtively early that their baby would be missing crucial organs, and would die at birth. Florida law prevented them from aborting this fetus so she carried the baby to term, gave birth, they held her in their arms until she died - an hour later. And then they went home to explain to their toddler that his sister wasn't coming home - ever.

1/3 of all pregnancies end in failure, through miscarriage or still birth. Naturally. Republicans are trying to claim that every pregnancy can be saved and the default is always to favour the fetus over the mother. The default should always be the mother, who can have other children, if she receives proper care for her miscarriage.
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No, but they will die at birth. Nobody aborts a viable fetus late term. These abortions are always rare, but nobody carries a baby for 36 weeks and just "changes their mind", and no doctor would abort a health fetus at that point in any case.
There are dozens of Elective late Term Abortions Daily ( Throughout the United States )
I haven't seen anything on fraud, he was part of the team that was doing the surgeries. Is that no the case? And I still don't see a conviction in his future.


Sure you have if you've read the indictment. He wasn't conducting any of the surgeries in question with any of the patients in question and had completed his residency in 2021. He accessed the records in April of 2023. 2 years later. ANd he lied his ass off to regain access, per the indictment.

"In or around April 2023, HAIM requested to re-activate his login access at TCHin order to have access to pediatric patients not under his care. However, HAIM emailed TCHnumerous times claiming urgency for adult care services anticipated to be under his care.

HAIM’s login activity showed that HAIM did not treat or access any adult carepatients during this time period at TCH.

On or about April 24, 2023, HAIM’s login activity showed that HAIM accessedpediatric patient files at TCH that were not under his care."

Per the indictment he lied to gain access. He lied about the urgent issue with adult patients at TCH. He had none. And instead he accessed pediatric patient files that were not under his care.

That's a crime. Just accessing the files alone.

The access logs per each login are recorded. There's a record of every single confidential medical record that this doctor visited and when. Even when he tried to hid his access by using remote access that would be less obvious and easier to hide from other physicians.

"On or about April 26, 2023, HAIM requested remote access so he could discreetly and covertly access pediatric patient files for patients that were not under his care from BAYLOR and remotely rather than at TCH where his search would be more visible to other physicians."

Haim didn't report any of his 'whistleblowing' to Baylor or TCH. He didn't turn the files over to any government agency that might be overseeing whistleblower complaints. He didn't report his concerns to an anonymous hotline, or CPS.

He gave individually identifiable health HIPPA protected information on pediatric patients to a media contact, including AT LEAST dates of service, diagnoses, procedure codes and physician names.

Nothing that Baylor or TCH was doing was against the law in April of 2023. Laws preventing trans care for minors in Texas went into effect in September of 2023. So Haim wasn't 'whistleblowing' any violation of any law.

If the feds can prove this, Haim is in a lot of trouble. And will probably have his license pulled.
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Sure you have if you've read the indictment. He wasn't conducting any of the surgeries in question with any of the patients in question and had completed his residency in 2021. He accessed the records in April of 2023. 2 years later. ANd he lied his ass off to regain access, per the indictment.

"In or around April 2023, HAIM requested to re-activate his login access at TCHin order to have access to pediatric patients not under his care. However, HAIM emailed TCHnumerous times claiming urgency for adult care services anticipated to be under his care.

HAIM’s login activity showed that HAIM did not treat or access any adult carepatients during this time period at TCH.

On or about April 24, 2023, HAIM’s login activity showed that HAIM accessedpediatric patient files at TCH that were not under his care."

Per the indictment he lied to gain access. He lied about the urgent issue with adult patients at TCH. He had none. And instead he accessed pediatric patient files that were not under his care.

That's a crime. Just accessing the files alone.

The access logs per each login are recorded. There's a record of every single confidential medical record that this doctor visited and when. Even when he tried to hid his access by using remote access that would be less obvious and easier to hide from other physicians.

"On or about April 26, 2023, HAIM requested remote access so he could discreetly and covertly access pediatric patient files for patients that were not under his care from BAYLOR and remotely rather than at TCH where his search would be more visible to other physicians."

Haim didn't report any of his 'whistleblowing' to Baylor or TCH. He didn't turn the files over to any government agency that might be overseeing whistleblower complaints. He didn't report his concerns to an anonymous hotline, or CPS.

He gave individually identifiable health HIPPA protected information on pediatric patients to a media contact, including AT LEAST dates of service, diagnoses, procedure codes and physician names.

Nothing that Baylor or TCH was doing was against the law in April of 2023. Laws preventing trans care for minors in Texas went into effect in September of 2023. So Haim wasn't 'whistleblowing' any violation of any law.

If the feds can prove this, Haim is in a lot of trouble. And will probably have his license pulled.

He obviously still had privileges at TCH, why wouldn't he anticipate having patients there? And honestly I don't believe a damn thing this DOJ spews.

He obviously still had privileges at TCH, why wouldn't he anticipate having patients there?

Yet no such patient records were with TCH. Nor did he access them.

And instead, Haim accessed pediatric patient records. Not one of which was his patient.

He is alledged to have lied to regain his access credentials for adults. And accessed pediatric records instead, with NO adult patients at TCH.

And your 'belief' isn't really a factor. There are records of the calls. They are login records for which patients Haim accessed under those credentials.

And of course, there's no 'whistleblower' angle. As there was no violation of any law. With Haim's alleged breach of confidential records in April of 2023. And the law going into effect in September of 2023.
Yet no such patient records were with TCH. Nor did he access them.

And instead, Haim accessed pediatric patient records. Not one of which was his patient.

He is alledged to have lied to regain his access credentials for adults. And accessed pediatric records instead, with NO adult patients at TCH.

And your 'belief' isn't really a factor. There are records of the calls. They are login records for which patients Haim accessed under those credentials.

And of course, there's no 'whistleblower' angle. As there was no violation of any law. With Haim's alleged breach of confidential records in April of 2023. And the law going into effect in September of 2023.

They can allege anything they want, that doesn't alter the fact that he had privileges at TCH and had every right to have access to their systems. And didn't TCH deny doing those types of surgeries?

They can allege anything they want, that doesn't alter the fact that he had privileges at TCH and had every right to have access to their systems. And didn't TCH deny doing those types of surgeries?
You don’t have a right to access patients you are not directly involved in.

That is in and of itself a HIPAA violation and would be dealt with disciplinary actions by any institution.

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