Alleged Whistleblower Threatens to Blow the Lid on Biden Family Corruption

Lies? Dude, you quoted me talking about an a post that wasn't directed at you. And the insist my fascination with your ilk's obsession with accusations of Biden is someone a direct accusation of YOU.

No thank you. Your need to be a victim is boring to me.

Gal Luft has never made the slightest mention of his 'bombshell evidence shared with the DOJ' in 2019......until he was arrested last week.

Luft has presented absolutely nothing to back anything he's said.

And yet we're on page 7 of a thread about how this could be the 'one' that blows the lid on the Biden family. Demonstrating my point elegantly

Still no direct quote here is what I actually stated:

I haven't supported any "conspiracy" but it is a FACT that the FBI has the laptops nearly 4 years which they don't do much of anything about it while the NYT, CBS and WAPO have showed there are some concerning information that isn't being addressed which you ignored in my earlier links completely.

I want this whole shebang to be addressed out in the open and see what the full truth is, but that hasn't happened so far and YOU seem to be against it.

Also I wrote this you missed or ignored:

The FBI did sit on it after all while it is true that the whistleblower hasn't made the case, he will have his chance to back his claims:

and this:

You are so worried about Gal while I want to see if he has the evidence he claims until he produces any there is nothing to determine what is true or not.

How about you stop LYING!!!
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Your lie is growing since it was YOU who first claimed stuff, I never stated which was easy to expose.

First you said I wasn't on topic when I was on the Laptop stuff then when I bring up post one article you said the very opposite that I have abandoned the topic.

1) You didn't read a thing you were replying to, did you? You never read the OP article, the twitter it linked to, anything, did you?


2) you abandoned the entire topic of the thread?

while I actually addressed the topic with these next words,

Meanwhile you sure have poor reading skills since the post one article is specific enough to say this:


I haven't supported any "conspiracy" but it is a FACT that the FBI has the laptops nearly 4 years which they don't do much of anything about it while the NYT, CBS and WAPO have showed there are some concerning information that isn't being addressed which you ignored in my earlier links completely.

I want this whole shebang to be addressed out in the open and see what the full truth is, but that hasn't happened so far and YOU seem to be against it.
The FBI can not scour through the laptop.... They can only search it, for what they had the subpoena for when they seized it.

Whether they have had the laptop 4 years or not.

They would need an additional approved subpoena for another search for something else, and they would need probable cause of a crime, before a judge could approve it. (unless another crime showed up while doing the limited subpoena search)

People seem to believe the FBI has free reigns on the laptop, but they DO NOT, under the law and under the constitution.
You are all over the place you dishonest asshole!

Nope. My posts are about Gal Luft and the claims made in the OP.

Its you that keeps desperately trying to abandon the topic of the thread and start babbling about 'laptops'.

Something Gal never mentions. Something the OP never mentions. Just you.....trying to avoid the topic of the thread.

You're just vomiting with automated arguments that have jack shit to do with what we're discussing: Alleged 'whistleblower' Gal Luft and his claims to have given 'bombshell evidence' to the DOJ in March of 2019. Claims he has provided absolutely nothing to back up.

Do try and keep up.
So you just admitted that you have absolutely nothing to back up any of Gal's claims. Just the word of a consultant to a Chinese conglomerate arrested for arms trafficking to China. Backed by jack shit.

Well that was easy.
What is easy is making you look like a total piece of shit LOL. So why was it that Biden lied about all this?
Gal Luft, will either commit suicide in an Epsteinist fashion or be squirrelled away some where and drugged to the point of no return and branded a lunatic. Get with the program Big Brother will never let this happen.

Laughing......or, you'll just make up another conspiracy around him.

As your ilk does.
I'd like to offer you a thought provoking reply, but I fear the aspect of thought is alien to you. Polly want a cracker ?

There wasn't much thought into your 'suicided like Epstein' bath in batshit, was there?

Just generic conspiracy nonsense.
There wasn't much thought into your 'suicided like Epstein' bath in batshit, was there?

Just generic conspiracy nonsense.
Yes - true, just a theory such as the Clinton Body Count. So when something is conceived as a threat to your ideology do you always brand it as a 'conspiracy theory'. Is that one of your escape plans from damning evidence, be it circumstantial or otherwise ? I suppose Clintons hard drive bleach pitted itself along with all her other devices - lol. I bet you still beleive the Steele dossier was factually based and continue to cling to your assinine Trump Russia collusion nonsense.

Anyone heard much from or about Ghislaine Maxwell lately ? How about wikileaks founder Julian Assange, drugged to the point of insanity and squirrelled away. How about Reality Winner [Yes thats a name] bet you don't even know who that is .... how about Bradley Manning or Winston Smith
It won't. We need day of, in person voting with paper ballots. Most democrat voters don't know they voted.

Do you look at Joe or the Hoe and think that's the guy/gal calling the shots?
If Joe and Hoe were actually calling the shots, how do you think it would be different than what is happening? Are you you saying they are really closet Republicans but are being controlled by others? They're calling the same shots as the very same people you say are controlling them.
If Joe and Hoe were actually calling the shots, how do you think it would be different than what is happening? Are you you saying they are really closet Republicans but are being controlled by others? They're calling the same shots as the very same people you say are controlling them.
I'm saying they are more like loyal employees.
There's nothing there but the accusation of something there? That's SOP for the Old-GOP and the Novel-GOP. Look at all the failed phony investigations into everything Obama and all they got were few sound bytes to use again the Hill. Like the Trumpybears failed plan to get the Ukraine to announce investigations into anything Democrat, the DNC Server, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden. It didn't matter for the fascists' flock, the accusation is just as good as a criminal indictment and conviction in the Faux Kangaroo court.
trump had all of the authority to remove the classified documents and yet the fbi raided his mansion. hmmm, there is a pattern.

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