Alleged Whistleblower Threatens to Blow the Lid on Biden Family Corruption

I'm not precious
I'm just average
Don't sell yourself short. You're a unique mix of profoundly guillable (having swallowed the Big Lie) and useful to authoritarians (calling for people to be 'eliminated' to restore the rule of law).

How many hundreds of times does this make?

It doesn't matter. No matter how many times your cult's prophecies don't happen, you'll still pretend to believe the next prophecy. Cults are like that. If you weren't an imbecile, you wouldn't have joined the cult.

So you have nothing specific to offer about it thus you have nothing as usual.
Or its pretty stupid and oblivious to accept the word of a consultant to a chinese conglomerate aligned with the chinese government arrested for arms trafficking to China.....without evidence.

Of which we have none. Just this dude 'saying' it must be so after his arrest.

Prove that the 'bombshell evidence' even exists.

You are incredibly stupid fella since why the FBI would investigate/sit on a laptop for a long time if it wasn't going to hurt Biden and his son, they could have easily destroyed the republicans over it by showing the contents of it.

Meanwhile the existence of the laptop has been accepted by the NYT, WAPO and CBS over 3 months ago and actually a year ago with NYT.

New York Post

CBS ‘confirms’ Hunter Biden laptop is real 769 days after Post broke story​

By Steven Nelson

November 21, 2022


CBS News said Monday that it confirmed the authenticity of data from Hunter Biden’s former laptop — more than two years after The Post first revealed its contents — as the first son’s lawyer complained he didn’t “consent” to the release.

The laptop links President Biden to his son Hunter and brother Jim Biden’s foreign influence-peddling, but high-ranking former spy agency officials claimed before the 2020 election it was likely Russian disinformation and the story was censored by Twitter and Facebook.

Most news outlets ignored the laptop’s contents until recently. CBS’s report follows belated verification of the laptop in March by the Washington Post and New York Times.

And what is your proof that Gal Luft *ever* gave the DOJ any evidence against Biden in March of 2019?

Remember, this is a former consultant for a chinense conglomerate with close, close ties to the Chinese government who was himself indicated for arms trafficking to China.

And Luft had never mentioned this 'bombshell evidence' until after his arrest last week.
What is your proof that he didn't? Now answer the question loser. Why did Joe Biden lie to all of us about all of this? If you can't answer this question then you lose. Time to shut the fuck up loser
You conceded the moment you refused to discuss the topic of the thread. And fled with your tail between your legs.

When you finally muster the courage to leave your little echo chamber, and address the thread....I'll be here to give you another lesson.
Here's a good question, why did Biden lie about his business dealings in the first place to cause all this debate? Maybe you are an idiot and dishonest yourself? I think so
Then show us the proof that Luft gave the DOJ 'bombshell evidence against Biden' in 2019.

If its 'reality', it will be remarkably easy. If its merely an accusation by an indicted arms trafficker backed by nothing... might be a little more difficult.
Tell us why Biden lied about all of it. He continues to lie about it. Tell us
Gal Luft, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, was arrested in Cyprus and charged with illegally selling weapons to Libya and China. Luft’s lawyers assert that the charges are part of a scheme to protect the First Family, and they are now signaling a willingness to provide information to the US Congress.

So a weapons smuggler will testify before congress about what he knows?

Okay sounds like a credible guy who is making a deal to get out of jail .

My only question is did this deal ever go thru?

Who does business with giving Hunter who wants an additional 10 percent so that he could give it to his father. Did they trust each other that much. 2nd this email was in May 2017. Biden wasn't president. So they were going to just give Hunter 10 percent. Where is this contact and who signed it?

The email also has Hunter complaining that he needed more money. So they were just going to give him 10% more in hope that he gives it to the big guy.
None of it ever happened in the end.... No extra 10% for the Big Guy in the business deal arrangement contract, no Joe Biden as a partner, and on top of all of that, the business deal fell thru with the Chinese business ....from what I've read.
You are incredibly stupid fella since why the FBI would investigate/sit on a laptop for a long time if it wasn't going to hurt Biden and his son, they could have easily destroyed the republicans over it by showing the contents of it.

Meanwhile the existence of the laptop has been accepted by the NYT, WAPO and CBS over 3 months ago and actually a year ago with NYT.

New York Post

CBS ‘confirms’ Hunter Biden laptop is real 769 days after Post broke story​

By Steven Nelson

November 21, 2022


CBS News said Monday that it confirmed the authenticity of data from Hunter Biden’s former laptop — more than two years after The Post first revealed its contents — as the first son’s lawyer complained he didn’t “consent” to the release.

The laptop links President Biden to his son Hunter and brother Jim Biden’s foreign influence-peddling, but high-ranking former spy agency officials claimed before the 2020 election it was likely Russian disinformation and the story was censored by Twitter and Facebook.

Most news outlets ignored the laptop’s contents until recently. CBS’s report follows belated verification of the laptop in March by the Washington Post and New York Times.


You didn't read a thing you were replying to, did you? You never read the OP article, the twitter it linked to, anything, did you? You have no idea what we're actually talking about. The 'whistleblower' never said a thing about a laptop.

You're just vomiting on rote.

I'm gonna have to spoon feed all of this to you, aren't I? You refuse to educate yourself. Well, open your little maw, baby bird.

Gal Tuft was arrested last week for arms trafficking with China. He had worked as a consultant for a Chinese energy congolmerate that worked very, very closely with the Chinese government. After his arrest, Gal insisted that he gave bombshell evidence about the Bidens to the DOJ in March of 2019.

The only source on this 'bombshell evidence' the indicated arms trafficker. Literally nothing else.

That is the beginning and the end of this entire thread. Just some dude named Gal who quote himself. He has presented absolutely nothing to back anything he's said.

Nor can any of your provide the slightest evidence that there ever war a 'bombshell evidence about the Bidens' delivered by Gal in 2019, or any other time.
What is your proof that he didn't? Now answer the question loser. Why did Joe Biden lie to all of us about all of this? If you can't answer this question then you lose. Time to shut the fuck up loser

So you just admitted that you have absolutely nothing to back up any of Gal's claims. Just the word of a consultant to a Chinese conglomerate arrested for arms trafficking to China. Backed by jack shit.

Well that was easy.
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You didn't read a thing you were replying to, did you? You never read the OP article, the twitter it linked to, anything, did you? You have no idea what we're actually talking about. The 'whistleblower' never said a thing about a laptop.

You're just vomiting on rote.

I'm gonna have to spoon feed all of this to you, aren't I? You refuse to educate yourself. Well, open your little maw, baby bird.

Gal Tuft was arrested last week for arms trafficking with China. He had worked as a consultant for a Chinese energy congolmerate that worked very, very closely with the Chinese government. After his arrest, Gal insisted that he gave bombshell evidence about the Bidens to the DOJ in March of 2019.

The only source on this 'bombshell evidence' the indicated arms trafficker. Literally nothing else.

That is the beginning and the end of this entire thread. Just some dude named Gal who quote himself. He has presented absolutely nothing to back anything he's said.

Nor can any of your provide the slightest evidence that there ever war a 'bombshell evidence about the Bidens' delivered by Gal in 2019, or any other time.

You are really confused since I haven't made a claim that a whistleblower said anything about a laptop or about Gal Tuft at all.

Meanwhile you sure have poor reading skills since the post one article is specific enough to say this:

According to Luft’s legal team, information on Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Jim Biden was handed over to the FBI all the way back in 2019. That’s in the same timeframe that Timothy Thibault was heading up the investigation into the president’s son. Thibault was later fired for concealing evidence for partisan reasons.

bolding mine

Did you read about WHY Thibault was fired?


The FBI did sit on it after all while it is true that the whistleblower hasn't made the case, he will have his chance to back his claims:

Has that information resurfaced within the FBI or did Thibault bury it for good? That’s a question we don’t have an answer to. Regardless, if Luft has the evidence he claims to have, it would behoove him to get it to the House Oversight Committee immediately. The longer this stews, the less credible he is going to seem.

Do you really think Luft was dealing in arms sales.....

The FBI did sit on it for 3 years they should have done their duty to clear it long ago.
You are really confused since I haven't made a claim that a whistleblower said anything about a laptop or about Gal Tuft at all. you abandoned the entire topic of the thread?

Well that was easy.

The FBI did sit on it after all while it is true that the whistleblower hasn't made the case, he will have his chance to back his claims:

The FBI did sit on what? There's zero evidence that Gal presented the DOJ with anything. Just Luft saying it must be so. He's presented exactly jack shit to back anything he's said.

Do you really think Luft was dealing in arms sales.....

Dunno. He was just arrested last week. All I know is what's in the Jerusalem post.

But don't tell've got another conspiracy for us!

Do tell.
"Israeli professor arrested on suspicion of arms trafficking to China, Libya'

Israeli professor Gal Luft was arrested on Thursday at the Larnaca International Airport, in southern Cyprus, after Interpol issued an arrest warrant against him on suspicion of arms trafficking to Libya and China, according to Ynet.

This is your ONLY source on the 'bombshell report' to the DOJ. To which I ask....what bombshell report? And it gets even better:

"Luft served as an adviser to CEFC China Energy, a conglomerate that “aligned itself so closely with the Chinese government that it was often hard to distinguish between the two,” according to CNN. The group, which donated at least $350,000 to Luft’s think tank, paid Hunter Biden at least $6 million in 2017 to procure energy investment deals in the United States…"

So an advisor to CEFE energy that was aligned so closely with the chinese government that it was hard to distinguish between the two.

This is literally your ONLY source for the entire thread. A advisor to a Chinese energy congolmerate closely aligned with the Chinese government....who was arrested for arms trafficking to China.

Why are you so excited anyway, if this person has nothing incriminating then it is will end quickly but getting arrested over arms sales is suspicious since America who is the worlds leader in selling arms all over the world might have motive to have him arrested...... since they are the ones who have a vested interest in shutting him up.

Something is missing which is why I wait for more details. you abandoned the entire topic of the thread?

Well that was easy.

The FBI did sit on what? There's zero evidence that Gal presented the DOJ with anything. Just Luft saying it must be so. He's presented exactly jack shit to back anything he's said.

Dunno. He was just arrested last week. All I know is what's in the Jerusalem post.

But don't tell've got another conspiracy for us!

Do tell.

Your lie is growing since it was YOU who first claimed stuff, I never stated which was easy to expose.

First you said I wasn't on topic when I was on the Laptop stuff then when I bring up post one article you said the very opposite that I have abandoned the topic.

1) You didn't read a thing you were replying to, did you? You never read the OP article, the twitter it linked to, anything, did you?


2) you abandoned the entire topic of the thread?

while I actually addressed the topic with these next words,

Meanwhile you sure have poor reading skills since the post one article is specific enough to say this:


I haven't supported any "conspiracy" but it is a FACT that the FBI has the laptops nearly 4 years which they don't do much of anything about it while the NYT, CBS and WAPO have showed there are some concerning information that isn't being addressed which you ignored in my earlier links completely.

I want this whole shebang to be addressed out in the open and see what the full truth is, but that hasn't happened so far and YOU seem to be against it.
Why are you so excited anyway, if this person has nothing incriminating then it is will end quickly but getting arrested over arms sales is suspicious since America who is the worlds leader in selling arms all over the world might have motive to have him arrested...... since they are the ones who have a vested interest in shutting him up.

Something is missing which is why I wait for more details.

I find it fascinating how eager y'all are to swallow any accusation against Biden, no matter how unsupported with evidence.

There's literally nothing to back anything Gal has said.
Your lie is growing since it was YOU who first claimed stuff, I never stated which was easy to expose.

First you said I wasn't on topic when I was on the Laptop stuff then when I bring up post one article you said the very opposite that I have abandoned the topic.

1) You didn't read a thing you were replying to, did you? You never read the OP article, the twitter it linked to, anything, did you?


2) you abandoned the entire topic of the thread?

You were babbling about a laptop. Gal Luft never says a thing about a laptop.

You keep trying to change the topic to something Gal has never alleged, never even mentioned. You do it again later in this post:

I haven't supported any "conspiracy" but it is a FACT that the FBI has the laptops nearly 4 years which they don't do much of anything about it while the NYT, CBS and WAPO have showed there are some concerning information that isn't being addressed which you ignored in my earlier links completely.

Gal Luft doesn't say a thing about laptops. You're working off rote scripts, vomiting up claims that have nothing to do with the thread.

Meanwhile, Gal Luft hasn't back a thing he's said about Biden. Nor is there the slightest evidence that he turned over any 'bombshell' evidence to the DOJ in 2019....or any other time.
I find it fascinating how eager y'all are to swallow any accusation against Biden, no matter how unsupported with evidence.

There's literally nothing to back anything Gal has said.

Now you are in full run of lies since I made NO claims against the President at all or claimed that Gal has the evidence as I just made it clear I want the truth about be brought out into the open.

I want this whole shebang to be addressed out in the open and see what the full truth is, but that hasn't happened so far and YOU seem to be against it.

You are so worried about Gal while I want to see if he has the evidence he claims until he produces any there is nothing to determine what is true or not.
Now you are in full run of lies since I made NO claims against the President at all or claimed that Gal has the evidence as I just made it clear I want the truth about be brought out into the open.

You are so worried about Gal while I want to see if he has the evidence he claims until he produces any there is nothing to determine what is true or not.

Lies? Dude, you quoted me talking about an a post that wasn't directed at you. And the insist my fascination with your ilk's obsession with accusations of Biden is someone a direct accusation of YOU.

No thank you. Your need to be a victim is boring to me.

Gal Luft has never made the slightest mention of his 'bombshell evidence shared with the DOJ' in 2019......until he was arrested last week.

Luft has presented absolutely nothing to back anything he's said.

And yet we're on page 7 of a thread about how this could be the 'one' that blows the lid on the Biden family. Demonstrating my point elegantly
You were babbling about a laptop. Gal Luft never says a thing about a laptops.

You keep trying to change the topic to something Gal has never alleged, never even mentioned. You do it again later in this post:

Gal Luft doesn't say a thing about laptops. You're working off rote scripts, vomiting up claims that have nothing to do with the thread.

Meanwhile, Gal Luft hasn't back a thing he's said about Biden. Nor is there the slightest evidence that he turned over any 'bombshell' evidence to the DOJ in 2019....or any other time.

You are all over the place you dishonest asshole!

I NEVER claimed that Gal knows about laptops you shithead!

Quote me or stop lying.

My first post 125 says NOTHING about Laptops and Gal together heck I didn't even mention him at all in the post:

You very first reply here:

You didn't read a thing you were replying to, did you? You never read the OP article, the twitter it linked to, anything, did you? You have no idea what we're actually talking about. The 'whistleblower' never said a thing about a laptop.

Then I corrected you at POST 132:

You are really confused since I haven't made a claim that a whistleblower said anything about a laptop or about Gal Tuft at all.


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