Lawfare: Biden sends goons to arrest whistleblower Doctor who exposed children's transgender surgeries

Children are not safe around the Crazy Democrat Cult.
They want to abort them.
They want to groom them.
They want to molest them.
They want to mutilate them.
The right wants to hand them an AR-15 and watch them walk into an elementary school to shoot 1st graders.
Is that what you guys tell yourselves?

When reality is too uncomfortable, just make it up.
7 out of every 10 Mass Shooters of the last 35 years were seeing a Shrink & a Psychologist and either on or off their SSRIs and 2 of the other three were Gang / Drug / $$$ related
7 out of every 10 Mass Shooters of the last 35 years were seeing a Shrink & a Psychologist and either on or off their SSRIs and 2 of the other three were Gang / Drug / $$$ related
Mass shooters is the price we pay for the right wing obsession with guns.
Supports assault rifles for mass shooters.
Define "assault rifle", Moroner.

Then quote someone saying they want to give one to a mass shooter.

I'm guessing you can't do either cuz you are a lying sack of vermin shit.
The right wants to hand them an AR-15 and watch them walk into an elementary school to shoot 1st graders.

Please provide proof conservatives want this to happen and encourage it.

"Because I said so" doesn't mean anything.
Please provide proof conservatives want this to happen and encourage it.

"Because I said so" doesn't mean anything.
Every time this happens, we say let’s change the laws to stop this from happening.

Republicans say no.
The Migrant Crime Tsunami is the Price we pay for Electing Democommies
In the past few months, politicians and certain media outlets have latched on to a narrative that recent immigrants, especially undocumented ones, are causing spikes in crime. Instead of gathering data and examining the issue empirically, they are making this broad assertion based on highly publicized individual incidents of crime by undocumented immigrants. All acts of violence must be taken seriously. But policymakers should not attribute blame to entire classes of people when individuals commit crimes.

The research does not support the view that immigrants commit crime or are incarcerated at higher rates than native-born Americans. In fact, immigrants might have less law enforcement contact compared to nonimmigrants. Focusing on the facts is imperative, especially given that immigration has become a top issue for voters ahead of the election.

Substantial research has assessed the relationship between immigration and crime. Numerous studies show that immigration is not linked to higher levels of crime, but rather the opposite.

Every time this happens, we say let’s change the laws to stop this from happening.

Republicans say no.

If we treated criminals, dopeheads and crazy people like what they are and removed them from society then we wouldn't need gun control.

We didn't have all these shootings 20 years ago and we've had more gun control since then.

And you still didn't provide any proof to your claims that republicans want to give them an ar15 and want them to walk into a school and shoot it up.
If we treated criminals, dopeheads and crazy people like what they are and removed them from society then we wouldn't need gun control.

We didn't have all these shootings 20 years ago and we've had more gun control since then.

And you still didn't provide any proof to your claims that republicans want to give them an ar15 and want them to walk into a school and shoot it up.
Democrats passed around AR15s to the unvetted CHOP / CHAZ security Patrol
The doctor targeted by the Biden administration for blowing the whistle on transgender surgeries that were secretly being performed by Texas Children’s Hospital was formally indicted with federal charges this week.

Eithan Haim, who revealed himself as the whistleblower earlier this year in an interview with The Daily Wire, says three armed agents arrived at his door early Tuesday to inform him that he’s been charged with four felonies. The charges are related to alleged HIPAA violations from when Haim, as a resident of Texas Children’s Hospital, was performing so-called “gender-affirming” procedures on minors even as it publicly declared that all such activity had been halted.

Haim says there is still uncertainty about what exactly he’s being charged with — he’s been ordered to appear in court next Monday where his legal team expects to learn the extent of the charges. He has long maintained that he committed no crimes, and is being politically targeted.

The indictment was first reported by journalist Christopher Rufo, who was also the journalist who reported on Haim’s initial whistleblower claims. Rufo says nothing shared with him would have constituted a HIPAA violation. “For my own part, I can confirm that nothing in the information provided to me identified any individual; all the documents were, in fact, carefully redacted,” Rufo said.

A HIPAA violation regards patient confidentiality of the individual. The Doctor says he revealed none, and there would be no need to reveal this type of info.

I'm guessing this doctor is the latest to be politically targeted for wrong-speak. They're going to use a vague claim of HIPAA to try to punish him, even if this isn't how the law is used and there's precedent for it (like in the Trump lawsuit)

Legally, they seem to have him pretty dead to rights. They have Emails where he indicated he needed to regain remote access to patient files to review urgent adult cases. When his access was restored, he viewed no adult cases, nor anyone in his care. But instead accessed the health information of children not in his care.

That's a clear and blatant violation of Title 42. Just the act of accessing alone was criminal. For each person whose records he accessed, its a crime.

The he disclosed those records (with redactions) to the media. That's also a crime.

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